3, 2016
Vista Drive-In, 11:30 a.m. (lunch), 12:00-1:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Nancy Bolsen, Barbara Gatewood, Claudia Jones, Connie Noble, Joan Strickler, and Karen Tinkler.

MINUTES:  The minutes from the September 6, 2016 board meeting were approved with minor corrections.

 TREASURER’S REPORT:  Claudia Jones presented the Treasurer’s Report for September 2016.  The beginning balance was $2,810.81, total income was $352.50, total expenses were $611.10, and the ending cash balance was $2,552.21.

Claudia Jones recommended that her two extra sets of notecards be give to speakers.  Barbara Gatewood suggested that the sets be subdivided into smaller packets and will bring the plastic sleeves to the upcoming branch meeting.

The board unanimously approved Barbara Gatewood’s reimbursement request of $119.61 for the software program Pages for preparing the branch newsletter.

VICE PRESIDENT FOR PROGRAMS REPORT:  Connie Noble reported that 19 people have made reservations for the October 10 branch meeting.  Mary Stamey will introduce the speakers.

Work is still being done on the International Women’s Day event on March 8, 2016.  A panel forum is being considered.  She is reviewing the International Speakers Bureau List from K-State’s International Student Center for possible international panelists.  Possible discussion topics are what is it like to be a woman in their countries and cultural insights.  Also being considered are a group coffee for the morning, box luncheon for a University leadership group, and/or a branch dinner at the Holiday Inn.

The November 14 meeting will be held in the Flint Hills Room, K-state Union.  Kelly C. Sartorius will present a program on Lessons in Leading: Midwestern AAUW and Its Influence on Women’s Higher Education.  The event is co-sponsored with Women of K-State.  The Women of K-State will pick up the cost of the refreshments.

INTEREST GROUPS:  Joan Strickler reported that some of the new members have signed up for the Book Talk and Great Decisions interest groups.  She noted that participation in the interest groups is a great way to get to know members in a smaller group.  Joan will announce the meeting dates/times and circulate a sign up sheet at Monday’s branch meeting.  She also is looking for a DVD player and will check with Meadowlark.

BYLAWS:  Nancy Bolsen reported that additional revisions need to be made in bylaws by January 31, 2017.   The first seven articles in the branch bylaws must be identical to those in national’s.  Marilyn Bunyan and Nancy Bolsen will make the needed revisions.  Karen should have received an email about the needed changes and a separate sheet on how to use the model bylaws.

 PUBLIC POLICY:  Karen shared Maurine Pruitt’s updates on the voter registration opportunities in Manhattan conducted by the Riley County League of Women Voters.  On National Voter Registration Day, 101 new people registered to vote and 214 registered at Leadership Studies.

Joan Strickler and Barbara Gatewood attended the Women for Kansas meeting on October 1.  Joan provided and overview and reported that sample ballots are available online at, but are district specific.  Rep. Sydney Carlin discussed on the importance of keeping the current judge election system.  Barbara has asked Mayor Usha Reddi to write a special article on the election for the November/ December branch newsletter.

The members attending the Candidates Forum on Sunday, October 9 are Nancy Bolsen, Barbara Gatewood, Jean Lee, Debbie Nuss, Maurine Pruitt, Joan Strickler, and Karen Tinkler.

MEMBERSHIP:  Barbara Gatewood distributed the following AAUW Dues Schedule for review.  All board members were in agreement that the schedule reflected accurately what had been discussed and approved at previous state and branch meetings.

 AAUW Dues

Type National State Branch Total
Regular Membership

Full year (July 1-June 30)

½ year













Shape the Future $24.50 $6.00 $15.00 $45.50
Give a Grad a Gift (college grads only ) 0 0 0 0
Graduate Students















K-State Undergraduate Students 0 0 0 0

 COMMUNICATIONS TEAM:  Barbara Gatewood distributed and reviewed the list of items for the November/December 2016 branch newsletter.  The list has been sent electronically to the contributors with a reminder of the October 15 due date.

ARCHIVES TEAM:  Joan Stickler reported that the committee will meet in November to continue their work.

 STATE LIAISON:  Nancy Bolsen presented the following an AAUW State Liaison Report.

  1. The State Board is unable to fill Public Policy, VP Membership, and C/U Partnership positions. It also will be looking for President-Elect, Treasurer, and VP Program positions for 2017-2019.
  2. Bylaws (national) now changed; information (revisions in branch bylaws) due January 31, 2017. Available online are a new bylaws model and how to use it.
  3. The State Bulletin will be coming out later in October.
  4. Goals of State Board:
    1. Host State Conference April 8 or 22, 2017 – working on Kansas City location, theme, exciting speakers, etc.
    2. Obtain and share state legislative healthcare issues that could affect the state membership.
    3. Direct focus on helping branch leadership with membership and programs.
  5. NCCWSL application is coming out in late October. The State Board will probably provide $600-650; branches, individual donors, and students will need to provide the rest.  Must apply early for NCCWSL Scholarship.
  6. Registration for the National Convention opened October 1. It will be June 14-17 in Washington, D.C.
  7. Add copies of Barriers and Bias: The Status of Women in Leadership to tabling displays.
  8. National Conference of State Legislatures report complied by the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University has this information about women in government in states in our area:
    1. Kansas has fewer female state lawmakers in 2016 than in 2005.
    2. Oklahoma has the fewest female state lawmakers and has never elected a female to the House of Representatives.
    3. Missouri and Arkansas have never elected or appointed a female governor.
  9. The National Violence Policy Center has released statistics on domestic homicide rate per 100,000 females for states in our area: Kansas 1:17, Oklahoma 1:94, Missouri 1:26, and Arkansas 1:39.
  10. A new monthly state e-bulletin is being published by AAUW. Keep up to date on what is happening in your state and subscribe to this great resource.
  11. October 30 deadline for filing group exemption IRS Tax Filing.

Nancy also provided a National Update – Fall 2016, which is included as an attachment.

OLD BUSINESS:  Karen Tinkler reported that Annelise Nguyen will be giving another talk on here breast cancer research on October 21.

NEW BUSINESS:  There was some discussion regarding the need for a fund raising project to raise funds for our “general operating” costs.  Also discussed was whether or not to have another wine and cheese event for recruiting new members and having a breakfast in honor of Katie before she leaves for Italy.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Gatewood, Acting Secretary