VISTA DRIVE IN, 11:00 (LUNCH). 12:00-1:30 PM

PRESENT: Nancy Bolsen, Marilyn Bunyan, Barbara Gatewood, Claudia Jones, Jean Lee, Maurine Pruitt, Shauntia Ripee, Joan Strickler, and Karen Tinkler
MINUTES: The minutes were approved as printed with minor corrections.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Claudia Jones presented the October 2016 treasure’s report. The beginning balance was $2,552.21; total income was $256.12; total expenses were $503.99 and the ending cash balance was $2.30434. Quarterly amount received from Dillions was $52.12. Claudia also reported that AAUW Manhattan had received $53,000+ for the Scholarship Fund from the Mavis Fletcher estate. She understood that more would be coming after the estate is settled. Discussion was held as to the need of fund raisers. The discussion was tabled until more was known about future expenses.
STATE LIAISON REPORT: The NCCWL applications are now available on line and will be submitted electronically. The State meeting April 8 will be held at Johnson County Community College and hosted by the student organization there. The State board members will co-host.
PU BLIC POLICY: Any activity will depend on what happens November 8, election day. 719 including KSU were registered to vote prior to election day. League of Women Voters do not have a regular meeting place, date or time. Considering Little Apple Brewery.
MEMBERSHIP: There is no membership chair. Barbara had names that had shown an interest in our branch. Maurine volunteered to send out a letter to any who show interest in AAUW. This would contain information about AAUW, the Manhattan branch and membership forms. It was suggested to invite individuals to Interest groups. Do we need 2 officers per year? Further discussion tabled until January board meeting.
COMMUNICATIONS: Barbara was congratulated on an excellent November/December newsletter. She then passed a listing of items and who was to do the write-ups. Some board members volunteered to do some of the write-ups. Deadline is December 15. Barbara and Nancy have up-dated our web site. The hat for AAUW Funds will be passed in December.
INTEREST GROUPS: No change. Need to invite new people to the meetings. We have lots of new young members who are still working. The times for the interest groups meeting may be a problem.
VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Kelly Sartorius, Adjunct Lecturer, College of Liberal Arts & Science. University of Kansas will be the program for Nov.14. Her topic will how AAUW has influenced Women’s rolls in Higher Education. 13 have made reservations for the November 14 meeting at KSU. Marilyn has 6 more names to submit. Will we need $5.00 per attendee at the December meeting?
OLD BUSINESS: A short discussion was held concerning the need for two coffees to meet those interested in AAUW. Tabled for further discussion at a future board meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Marilyn Bunyan (11-28-2016)