April 3, 2017
Vista Drive-In, 11:30 a.m. (lunch), 12:00-1:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Joan Strickler, Maurine Pruitt, Connie Noble, Claudia Jones, Barbara Gatewood, and Karen Tinkler.

MINUTES: The minutes from the March 6 meeting were approved with minor corrections for clarification.

TREASURER’S REPORT:   Claudia Jones gave the Treasurer’s Report for March 2017.

Beginning Cash Balance       $2,709.75
Total Income                                813.50
Total Expenses                         1,519.58
Cash balance March 31           2,003.67

The branch awarded two STEM scholarships; one presented to a 7th grade girl and the other presented to an 8th grade girl, at a cost of $125 per student.  The STEM program will be held this June at KSU.  GROW GREEN will be held on April 21.  Claudia will make the announcement at the April 10th meeting.  The membership will be asked to vote on how these monies are to be used.   Barbara Gatewood discussed the cost of traveling expenses for Carley Wright, our NCCWSL award winner who will be traveling to Maryland to attend the event in June.  Following discussion, Barbara moved and Joan Strickler seconded the motion for the board to present to the membership at the branch meeting the question of the branch donating $200 toward Carley’s traveling expenses.  The motion passed. Claudia reported that Leena Chakrabarti joined our branch the evening of the International Women’s Day event.

PROGRAM VICE PRESIDENT: Connie Noble reported that the program for the April branch meeting will be Social-Emotional Health and Challenges.  There will be two guest speakers: Katrina Porter from Katies’s Way and Christiana Schadegg from No Stone Unturned.   Discussion followed regarding a gift for the speakers.  Karen had visited with them by phone to see if they needed any items; she has not heard back.  After further discussion Maurine Pruitt moved that they present them with a gift of $25.  Joan Strickler seconded the motion; the motion carried.  Karen will check to see if there is any items that they could use.  Connie then reported on the progress of the May Wrap-It Up meeting.  She plans to check to see if the room at Meadowlark has been reserved and the cost of the meal.  There will be a silent auction; Jane Mullen and Dede Brokesh offered to set it up, etc.

STATE LIAISON: Following a discussion it was decided that the branch did not officially need a state liaison as a permanent member of the board.  News from the state will continue to be passed on via email.

INTEREST GROUPS: Joan Strickler reported that there has been a lack of interest in Book Talk. There will be no planned meetings for the rest of this year. The branch will wait to see if there is any interest in the future to start it up again.

PUBLIC POLICY:  Maureen Pruitt reported that the League of Women Voters will meet the second Thursday of April at 11:30 at The Little Apple Brewery, lunch is optional.  She did not know who the speaker would be at this time. She will report further at the April 10th meeting.

STUDENT GROUP: Barbara Gatewood reported that the Program and Meeting of the student group scheduled for April 13 may have to be cancelled.  Time is running short and there are still many things to plan and do. The meeting place has been changed to the Union.  Tara and Carley are both planning to attend the state AAUW meeting on the 22nd of April.  Tara will be one of the speakers. Barbara will update the branch in regard to their April meeting.

NEWSLETTER: Barbara reported that perhaps we need to “downsize” our newsletter.  It requires a lot of time to do; plus members have not seemed to be that interested in reading it. It will be downsized next year to two pages which may also include introductions of new members.

OLD BUSINESS: The branch is still in need of a president and a direct-at-large. There will be questionnaires available at our branch meeting; returning of the questionnaires has been slow.

NEW BUSINESS: Karen will ask that Branch officers and the committees to prepare an end of the year report to present at our Wrap-Up meeting in May.

Respectfully submitted,
Karen Tinkler, Acting Secretary.