October 2, 2017
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Maurine Pruitt, Marilyn Bunyn, Tresa Landis, Connie Noble, Joan Strickler, Barbara Gatewood, Jean Lee, Karen Tinkler, and Shanutia Rippee

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Past President – Karen Tinkler

Past President: Karen Tinkler – no report.

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs: Connie Noble and Tresa Landis Karen Hawes will be with us on October 9, 2017 covering Title X Family Planning Program: What You Need to Know. This will be at the First Congregational Church, 700 Poyntz Avenue at 6:00 pm with dinner.

Membership Vice-President: no report.

Secretary: Maurine Pruitt.  The minutes of last board meeting were approved as corrected

Treasurer: Shauntia Rippee presented the current Treasurer’s Report with an Ending Cash Balance on September 30, 2017 of $2,454.5.  Barbara had a bill for the Website Package from National for their website help for the year which is $ 119.88.  Connie moved and Jean seconded that we pay the bill.   Motion carried.

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan took member’s reservations; 17 members have made reservations for next Monday’s meeting.  A hard copy is sent to those who need this.  An announcement should be given at Monday’s meeting that you must respond to emails sent out for making reservations for the next Monday’s meeting.  Concern is about those who usually come but know they cannot – please let Marilyn know.  Marilyn will make up a list for reserva-tions to pass around on October 9. They will be signing up for the November 13 meeting.

Marilyn and Claudia looked up dates when people signed up for AAUW – they were looking up people for Honorary Life Member.  Two members were found and they will be on hold until they are accepted by National AAUW.

AUW Funds: Joan Strickler will give a notice to Connie Noble to be sent to all members that asks for funds for AAUW. A “hat” will be passed at the meeting October 9, 2017 for this fundraising project. These funds will be used in fellowships, and grants for our members. It can also be used in developing public policy and legal advocacy for affecting women’s lives.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen and Marilyn Bunyan – no changes needed at this time

Public Policy: Jean Lee – no report.

League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee – reported the League of Women Voters’ Candidate Forum with board of education and city commission candidates will be Sunday, October 8, 2017 from 2:00 to 5:00pm at the Fire Station Headquarters at Kimball Ave. and Denison. This will be advertised mainly on Facebook. It will be on Facebook Live.  The League of Women Voters are also sponsoring a Legislative Outlook Public Meeting at Meadowlark Community Room at 2121 Meadowlark Road. This is on Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 9:00-11:00am with coffee and donuts being available. Those invited to speak are Senator Tom Hawk, District 22, Representatives Ron Highland, District 57, Susie Swanson, District 64, Sydney Carlin, District 66, and Tom Phillips, District 67.

State Board Liaison: Nancy Bolsen not here – Nancy sent National Information about Title IX to our emails.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood announced that the website is updated on most sections. Barbara thanked the National for all their help with the Website. She will show the next program speaker whenever you start using the Facebook page. The Facebook page – is converted from public group to a Facebook Page.  Branch is off of the address. The new address is AAUW Manhattan after the window is open, click on “Like.”

We have four members on Administration Status and four members on the Editor Status for the Facebook Page. The four administrators are Barbara Gatewood, Mary Stamey, Tresa Landis and Katie Kingery-Page. The editors are Connie Noble, Nancy Bolsen, Rachel Miles, and Annelise Nguyen. You will have to contact one of these persons if you want changes or additions on the Facebook Page.

Yearbook: Tresa Landis – 15 Yearbooks still need to be given out.   Connie will email a notice to all members.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW at Kansas State University:   a faculty advisor is no longer possible for an Independent Student Organization at K State. Read the following.

Rachel Miles had agreed to be the Faculty Advisor to the Student AAUW organization but because of a ruling on the K State Campus that Independent Student Organizations will no longer be covered with University’s insurance. These organizations cannot have faculty advisors because they are not covered with their activities with the Independent Student Organizations. As of October 2, 2017 this rule is effective.

It is pointed out that we will need to appoint a new advisor to the Student AAUW organization.  Carly Wright will serve as president of the Student AAUW organization.

Archives: Joan Strickler – thanks to Barbara and Marilyn for many items for the archives.

Branch Scholarship:  Claudia Jones – not present. The scholarships will go into effect in the spring.

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – Mary and Barbara Gatewood will set up a meeting with Rebecca

University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce

Interest Groups: Joan Strickler reported that Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. (note time change) to discuss a chapter from their book.

Meeting for our new members –Karen suggested that we check about Little Apple Brewery. New members would not have to pay. Our Branch will pay for them. 4-6 pm is a possibility.  Karen will check with Little Apple Brewery. It is better if we can get this done by 1st part of November.   We still need someone to take charge of this gathering.

Meeting for New Members
– person needs to volunteer to take charge of this meeting.We need to appoint a new advisor to the Student AAUW Organization.

Our next Branch meeting is November 13, 2017 at the Kansas State University Student Union, in the Flint Hills Room, 7:00 pm.   Traci Scott will present Take Off Your Hoop Earrings Before You Put On Your Gas Mask: A Civilian Chick’s Survival Guide to a War Zone. This is also sponsored by the Women of K- State and the AAUW at K – State Student Organization. Refreshments and networking will happen after the program.

Our Next Board Meeting is Monday, November 6, 2017 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.
Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt, Secretary