Welcome to AAUW – Manhattan, Kansas!



AAUW Manhattan Branch

The AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch is one of the five active branches in Kansas and was established in 1920. Our members are knowledgeable, interesting women of various ages and backgrounds joined together to promote the interests and provide support to women and girls in our growing, vibrant community.  We also thoroughly enjoy just being together!  As a university partner, K-State undergraduate and graduate students can further take advantage of AAUW’s programs and resources by taking advantages of the free e-affiliate membership by joining online.

Important goals for our local branch are:

    • Passionately uniting to promote the advancement and equity for women in education, career paths, pay, leadership, and economic and political opportunities.
    • Networking locally and nationally with women who support equal opportunities and advancement for women and girls.
    • Sustaining AAUW-Manhattan Branch heritage to the community by providing branch scholarships to K-State non-traditional female students.
    • Promoting AAUW National fellowships and grants to women scholars and community projects that benefit women and girls.

A Manhattan (KS) Branch membership form is available in the Join section.

Interested in obtaining more information about upcoming meetings or membership?  Please contact: