club NEWS – AAUW
The Manhattan Branch of the American Association of University Women met Monday, December 9, at the Manhattan Arts Center. President Nancy Bolsen reported Barbara Gatewood is leading an effort to bring the national organization’s “Elect Her – Campus Women Win” program to K-State.
The workshop trains college women to run for student government. As the result of trainings held at 38 sites around the country, 88% of the attendees who went on to run for student government offices won their races.
Connie Noble has agreed to handle meeting reservations for the branch and Jean Lee will serve as public policy chair. Lee encouraged members to let our Kansas legislators know they support equal pay legislation. Women in Kansas earn only $0.77 cents compared to each $1.00 for men.
The Manhattan High School POPS Choir, led by Chad Pape, impressed members with high quality, holiday themed vocal and dance routines.
The next meeting will be held Saturday, January 11, 2014 for a 9:30 a.m. brunch in the Cottonwood Room of the K-State Student Union. Dr. Sonya Britt, director of personal financial planning at KSU, will speak on “Women’s Income Contribution: The Correlation with Money Arguments and Relationship Satisfaction.
Persons interested in learning more about AAUW in Manhattan should go to, email, or contact Kathy Borck at 785-776-6297.