Usha Reddi, city commissioner, hosted the October branch meeting at City Hall and presented the evening’s program, “An Inside Perspective of Local Government.” Reddi shared her career and life path as a parent, teacher, and elected official. Reddi called for more women in government to represent our local, state, and national demographics. As she put it, women have a wealth of information and life experiences to contribute to political leadership.
Branch president Nancy Gatewood called the business meeting to order. Gatewood gave an overview of AAUW mission, noting that AAUW is a major funder of fellowships and grants for women pursuing educational goals.
Joan Strickler gave an update on public policy and noted that locally, the League of Women Voters helped register more than 190 voters in the month of September. Barbara Gatewood encouraged all to go to the Riley County website to view a sample ballot prior to the November 4th elections.
State liaison Nancy Bolsen reported on the state AAUW board retreat.
Gatewood and Janet Skochdopole publicized grants and fellowships available through AAUW. Claudia Jones, treasurer, presented the proposed annual budget. With a small amendment, the budget passed unanimously.
Pat Hudgins reported that on October 21st, 6-8pm at Leadership Studies Town Hall, K-State campus, trained facilitators will host a $tart $mart salary negotiation workshop for students. No sign up is needed, the event is open attendance; AAUW will provide refreshments.
The next Manhattan AAUW branch meeting will be held at the Congregational Church on November 10th at 6pm. The program speaker is Tom Page, Kansas chapter president of the National Federation of the Blind.
Persons interested in learning more about AAUW in Manhattan may go to or email