BOARD MEETING MINUTES – December 5, 2016


December 5, 2016
Vista Drive-In, 11:30 a.m. (lunch), 12:00-1:45 p.m.

PRESENT: Nancy Bolsen, Marily Bunyan, Barbara Gatewood, Claudia Jones, Jean Lee, ConnieNoble, Maurine Pruitt, Shauntia Rippee, Joan Strickler, and Karen Tinkler

MINUTES: The minutes were approved as printed with the following additions or changes:

  • AAUW had representatives at an information table during the October 9 League of Women Voter’s Candidate Forum. Interested parties were able to pick up brochures about AAUW and visit with local AAUW members.   Anyone that expressed an interest in our local branch was asked to sign a form and they will receive more info about our local branch along with a membership form.
  • MEMBERSHIP correction – change the word letter to membership packet in the 3rd

Nancy moved and the board approved the minutes with the above correction and additions. Marilyn will make the changes and re-send out the minutes.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Claudia Jones presented the November 2016 treasurer’s report. The beginning balance was $2,304.34; total income was $12.00; total expenses were $25.92 and the ending cash balance was $2,290.42.

SCHOLARSHIP:   Barbara Gatewood asked if one of the KSU Non-Traditional Scholarships could be used for a traditional student at KSU. This discussion was tabled for research in the spring as it involves locating documentation as to how the scholarships were set up and what all would be involved to make that change if the branch so desired.

STATE LIAISON REPORT: Nancy Bolsen shared the following information:

  • The Kansas AAUW State Board wishes to send one Kansas College/University woman to the NCCWSL Conference at the University of Maryland, College Park, May 31-June 3, 2017. The state board has a Kansas NCCWSL scholarship application process but the scholarship is not fully funded. The Kansas AAUW State Board voted to assist the NCCWSL Scholarship winner with conference expenses up to $750.00 to attend the nation’s premier leadership conference for college women.   Anyone wanting to help with funding this scholarship should mail their donation to Carolyn Dwire, AAUW Treasurer, 700 North Washington, El Dorado, KS 67042. Put NCCWSL in the memo line.
  • The 2017 Kansas AAUW State Conference will be held at Johnson County Community College (JCCC), in Overland Park, KS at College Boulevard and Quivira on April 22, 2017. The event will be co-hosted by the AAUW@JCCC student organization and the Kansas

AAUW State Board. Conference information and registration forms will be available at and in the February 2017 AAUW Kansas Bulletin.

  • AAUW’s National Convention will be held in Washington, D.C. on June 14-17, 2017. Registration rates: Best Value = $549.00, Early Bird = $625.00, and Regular = $675.00. The best Value registration rate ends January 14, 2017. Thousands of AAUW members attend this convention every other year to network, learn new skills, and gain insight and inspiration. Pre and Post-convention tours are also available.

Nancy hopes that Jessica van Rankin, the KSU Student Body President, could attend NCCWSL.

VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Connie Noble reported that the December meeting will be at the Trinity Presbyterian church. The music trio, “the Church Ladies” will be first on the schedule for the evening as they have two other programs to present that evening. There will be a $5.00 cover charge for the refreshments of hot beverages and cookies.   Members are to bring a small gift for a gift exchange.  The January branch meeting will also be at the Trinity Presbyterian church with the dinner being prepared by the church ladies organization.   The February branch dinner moves back to the First Congregational Church with Mary Stamey and Pat Hudgins presenting the program “Unconscious Bias”.

INTEREST GROUPS:  Joan Strickler reported that Serendipity will not meet in December. Book Club and Great Decisions will both meet in December at their usual times and locations.

ARCHIVES:  Joan Strickler reported that the committee will eventually be asking the general membership for assistance in locating items missing in the museum AAUW archives.

MEMBERSHIP: Maurine Pruitt sent out packets to people that signed up on the interest sheet at the LWV Forum in October as well as women that attended the summer coffee and that had not joined our branch. The packets included the bulletin “Empowering Women” as well as a cover letter, membership form and a program list of our branch meetings.   Karen has set up a tentative date at the Blue Stem Bistro for a membership recruitment “coffee” at Blue Stem Bistro on Sunday afternoon, January 15, from 3-5 p.m. Candy White has volunteered to do another Wine and Cheese get-together for our new members in the spring.   Maurine submitted expenses for reimbursement for the membership packets that were sent out. Nancy moved and Joan seconded that Maurine be paid.   Motion passed and a check was written to Maurine for the amount of $61.34 to cover printing, envelopes, and postage.

PUBLIC POLICY: Maurine reported that the League of Women Voters will be hosting John Carlin at the November meeting. She reported that Debbie Nuss had done a great job coordinating everything for the Candidate’s Forum in October. The League may not meet in December.   The January 19th Lunch with the League will be at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30. The topic will be Electoral College Info.

FUNDRAISING IDEAS: Various fundraising ideas were discussed. A raffle for raising money for general operating expenses included prize ideas such as a steak dinner for two, a day at the spa, and/or massage certificates. It was suggested that members check with the salons they use to find out what options are available. Shauntia will talk to Body First to what they could do to help out.

STEM CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS:   We are making inquiries to find out if K-State or the school district is having Stem Camp this coming summer. Claudia will contact Chris Herald at Eisenhower Middle School. Marilyn volunteered to help Rebecca Bahlmann to help facilitate stem scholarships if the camps are held this year.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT:  Karen reminded us to bring business clothing to the January meeting to donate to the Career Closet at K-State.

Karen thought maybe we could have a female police officer attend a K-State AAUW meeting to inform the students on tips to best protect themselves from an attack. This could also be used as a joint meeting program for our branch and the K-State branch or as a fundraiser open to the community.

COMMUNICATIONS: Barbara reported that the branch website has been totally updated with new pictures, updated minutes and treasurer’s reports, current contact info, and membership dues.

AAUW@ K-STATE:  Barbara informed us that the Elect Her program has changed from national AAUW to an organization called Running Start. The AAUW at K-State had submitted an application for the Elect Her program to AAUW national and when Annelise Nguyen had e-mailed to check the status of their application, she was told that they would have to re-apply to Running Start. Annelise contacted Running Start and the student organization is in the process of re-applying for the program.

Annelise reported to Barbara that the student organization would like permission to help subsidize new graduate students that want to join AAUW for the first time. The initial dues for a first time grad student are $18.81. This covers the National AAUW dues. The state and local dues are waived for a first time grad student. The board agreed that it was up to the student organization if they wanted to do this.

MISC:  Barbara complemented Maurine on her excellent articles for the Manhattan Mercury and the website.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Claudia Jones, Acting Secretary