BOARD MEETING MINUTES – February 6, 2017


February 6, 2017
Vista Drive-In, 11:30 a.m. (lunch), 12:00–1:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Karen Tinkler, Maurine Pruitt, Marilyn Bunyan, Connie Noble, Nancy Bolson, Claudia Jones, Barbara Gatewood, and Joan Strickler

MINUTES: The minutes from the January board meeting were read and approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Claudia Jones reported on the January 2017 Treasurer’s Report.

Beginning Balance, January 1, 2017                   $2,233.58
Total Income                                                                423.67
Total Expenses:                                                            335.00
Ending Cash Balance, January 31, 2017:            $2,322.25

STATE LIAISON:  Nancy Bolson reported that he 2017 AAUW State Meeting will be held on April 22 at Johnson County Community College in Overland Park. Speakers for the meeting and other activities are in the planning stages. The National AAUW Convention will be held June 14th – 17th in Washington DC. K-State has a student applicant for the NCCWSL event to be held at the University of Maryland in June.  The State AAUW organization will pay the initial $750 for the enrollment.  There will be additional funds needed to be raised to pay for expenses.  If you care to make a donation for these expenses, Claudia will be glad to collect them.  You can also make donations at the April branch meeting or “earmark” your checks and send them to Claudia.

BYLAWS REPORT: Marilyn Bunyan reported that the bylaws have been completed and submitted to National.  They are now “in line” with the new wording, which was required by National.  There will be no more reports on this matter unless there is a change.

PUBLIC POLICY:  Maurine Pruitt reported that on February 16th at 11:30 a.m. the League of Women Voters will meet at the Little Apple Brewing Co.  The guest speaker will be Erin Easterbrook.  He will speak on school financing.  Reservations are not necessary.

VICE PRESIDENTS REPORT:  Connie Noble reported that at the February 13th meeting at the First Congregational Church, the program will be on Unconscious Bias.  It will be presented by Pat Hudgins and Mary Stamey.  There will be group participation.

In March we will be celebrating International Women’s Day.  Connie Noble, Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey , and Usha Redding are working on the events.  On March 1st. there will be a Proclamation presented at the City Commission meeting.  It will also be presented to the School Board.  On March 8th there will at a breakfast for the women leaders of our community, followed by an assembly in the Manhattan High School auditorium.  The culinary students will prepare the breakfast, and the assembly will highlight an international panel of area women.  In the evening, there will be a dinner at the Holiday Inn at the Campus open to the public at the cost of $20.  Following the dinner, the panel will be introduced.

INTEREST GROUPS:  Joan Strickler reported that Barbara (Barb) Rees is a new member who and has joined in with the Great Decisions group.

NEWSLETTER:  Barbara Gatewood passed out sheets containing the information that is needed for the next letter.  Please have information submitted to Barbara by February 15th.

OLD BUSINESS:  Claudia Jones reported that the STEM project for middle school students has gone up in price.  It was increased by $25. Present cost is $125 per student. The branch budgeted $300 for the STEM project.  Discussion followed.  Nancy Bolson moved and Joan Strickler seconded that the branch sponsor four students to attend the event this summer at a cost of $500.  The motion carried.  Members will be asked at the February and April branch meetings to donate to this project.  An additional $200 is needed.

There was discussion regarding the nomination of officers.  Maurine Pruitt graciously volunteered to run for branch secretary. T here are still positions to fill: director-at-large, president, and membership vice-president.  Discussion followed regarding how to make the membership vice-president’s job less challenging.

NEW BUSINESS:  There was a report on the Community Fair held February 4th at the Town Center Mall.  There were about twelve women who signed up to receive more information about AAUW.  Maurine will be sending them each a packet of information.  Board members plan to follow up with these prospective members as well as the ones who signed up at our November branch meeting.  Maurine will be donating a suitcase that the branch can put their “table information and handouts” in so that they can be moved around more easily.  Barbara Gatewood suggested that the branch purchase some “standup brochure holders” to place on our table. Nancy Bolsen moved and Maurine Pruitt seconded the motion that the branch obtain two brochure stands. The motion carried.  Barbara said that she would shop for and purchase such stands.


Respectfully submitted,
Karen Tinkler, Acting Secretary