AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Retreat
July 13, 2019
KSU Research Center, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The AAUW 2019 Retreat began with a welcome from Marlene verBurgge, co-president. Mary Stamey co- president presented the Public Policy bulletins, the Small Pay Equity bookmarks and showed us the AAUW T shirt that we may order. She encouraged us to take the bulletins and bookmarks and to order T shirts for promoting our AAUW Branch and the National Public Policies. 14 members were present.
After an activity where we split into groups and found our commonalities and our unique points of interest, new board members were recognized by Marlene verBurgee. They are Amanda Gaulke, treasurer, Chris Herald, STEM Teacher Ambassador, Karen Hummel, coordinator with League of Women Voters, Kathy Lanksbury, Member Connect Coordinator, Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins who are the College/University Partnership Representatives and Gail Chalman who is on the Sponsorship Committee.
For the 2019-2020 AAUW board, various vacant board positions were changed as designated. The following Board Committee positions were changed. The Branch Historian/Scrapbook committee is deleted and tasks will be covered by a History/Archives Committee with Joan Stickler-Chair and members Nancy Bolsen and Claudia Jones. Nancy will assist with the 100th Anniversary committee who will want a multitude of information from the Archives. The Grocery Rewards (Dillions) Program does need a chair. People need to sign up through the application. Instructions are in the yearbook p 11. Connie will check if this is still working. The Grow Green Day committee members Marie Bovee and Anice Robel were deleted leaving Claudia Jones as Chair and Tresa Landis as a member. The Yearbook and the Sponsorship subcommittees were changed to Committees. Various names were submitted as possible committee members to fill vacancies but no decisions were made at this time. The Member Connect Coordinator Kathy Lanksbury will send courtesy notes to people. Mary Stamey and Julee Thomas will be directors of the Work Smart program.
2019-2020 Tasks of the various committees were discussed with the following results.
Celebrations: Mary N’gang’a is moving to Washington State. We will miss all of the tasks she completed while on the program committee. She was given a farewell gift from AAUW. We will get an update of the programs from Usha, and Julee later. It was agreed that Little Apple Brewery was a great place to have meetings and we will continue having meetings there. LaFestia will be our backup place for our monthly meetings. From the program committee we will need someone there at each monthly meeting, someone to set up electronics, someone to greet people and someone to work with potential members and someone to contact and introduce the speakers. We will seek a separate person to be a greeter at each monthly meeting. Emails need to be sent monthly by the replacement of Mary N’gang’a to cover location of the meeting and dinner reservations. Julee will set up Event Bright for reservations. She will check on the price of Meet Up for 9 months. Barbara Gatewood moved that we reimburse Julee $60 for the Meet UP registration this past year. We can invite someone from National to come speak at a monthly Branch Meeting. We can also Face Time persons from the National to speak at the meetings. Items were discussed such as emailing the entire membership. Is this the same person who takes reservations?
We need to announce our Branch meetings on K State Today, the University Calendar and the Student Life Calendar each month. Barbara Gatewood will do this each month. Tresa Landis will announce the International Women’s Day Celebration on K State Today.
Our Board Meetings will be at Vista on Monday at 5:30 Our Branch Meetings will be on Monday at 6:00
September 3, 2019 (Tuesday) September 9, 2019
October 7, 2019 October 14, 2019
November 4, 2019 November 11, 2019
December 2, 2019 December 9, 2019
January 6, 2020 January 13, 2020
February 3, 2020 February 10, 2020
March 2, 2020 March 9, 2020
April 6, 2020 April 13, 2020
May 4 2020 May 11, 2020
Celebrations: Mary Stamey announced that we had 9 new members this past year!!!!!
We will use the bulletin with this year’s programs on the back to hand to people to improve the awareness of AAUW in Manhattan, Kansas.
Many ideas were given on how AAUW can be reaching out to K State and the community to promote our mission and to recruit more members for AAUW. We can highlight women’s happenings, reach out to Women in Kansas, and reach out to under-graduate women at K State letting them know they have free membership to AAUW. This is due to K State administration distributing approximately $325 yearly to AAUW. Does K State have an a civic group recruitment day like the Community Fair that AAUW could participate in? Can we reach out to Leadership Studies students? We can promote the Work Smart program and help teach women in the work force to negotiate for higher salaries. We can wear AAUW T shirt at various meetings. At Everybody Counts Karen Hummel and Maurine Pruitt will hand out AAUW bookmarks on August 3rd as they recruit people to register to vote. There will be a League of Women Voters meeting concerning the 19th amendment on October 6th. Can we become involved? We can take AAUW bookmarks. We can reach out to the Chamber of Commerce and take AAUW bookmarks. Coordinator for STEM will connect more on campus and inform them of our AAUW involvement in the STEM program. Scholarships will be announced on K State Today. We can expand our Special Interest Groups. We can invite non-members to the special interest groups Serendipity and Great Decisions. Serendipity discusses local issues with Nancy Bolsen as the coordinator. Great Decisions with Mary Stamey as the coordinator ordered and sold 10 books this year. Their chapters are read and discussed and are on International topics such as climate change, Russia, etc.
Celebrations: $1068 was collected and sent to the AAUW National Fund. Good job!!
- For the Manhattan Branch 100th anniversary celebration in 2020 these ideas were presented. We can at each monthly board and/or branch meeting state or challenge members about facts concerning the foundation or history of our AAUW branch. We should find out from other branches what they have done for their 100th anniversary celebration. We could have a trivia question at each meeting and give away an AAUW T shirt for the person who first gives the correct answer. AAUW could celebrate our 100th anniversary by participating in a parade perhaps the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Possible is a celebration at the May meeting by inviting past members and presidents to celebrate them being past members in AAUW. To get Monthly Trivia, Nancy Bolsen will coordinate with the people at the History Museum. Karen McCullon and Leena Chakrabarti are on the committee. Dee Brokesh was suggested as a committee person.
- 19th amendment which allows Women to Vote will have been ratified to the US Constitution 100 years ago in 2020. The celebrations will be from May to November of 2020. Tresa Landis and Mary Stamey are presently working with the League of Women Voters to get Landon Lecturers to Manhattan, and Flags on the K State campus for awareness of the 19th Amendment. We want sashes for the children to wear celebrating the 19th Amendment and we want books in Manhattan Public Library and Schools Libraries about the passing of the 19th Amendment allowing women to vote. We also want a huge banner celebrating the passing of the 19th Amendment. A note about the passing of the 19th Amendment will be given at each monthly meeting this year. We did see the Power Point slides about the Her Flag that is being made with a strip of fabric designed by an artist from each state and all strips sewn together in the order that the 19th Amendment was ratified by that state. Jennifer Hudson, an artist from K State designed the Kansas strip to be sewn into the flag. Kansas was the 4th state to ratify the 19th Amendment!!! Loretta Allison would be good worker on this committee.
- Work Smart Training 2019 and beyond. Mary Stamey and Julee Thomas are co-directors of this committee. This is a computer program that trains women to negotiate for better salaries. For the Work Smart Program in Manhattan Mary Stamey is working with a K State intern. Any person can work the program. Any woman in the workforce can take the program. K State Leadership Studies will be the first that we will work with. Mary will take some laptops and will facilitate a training session on the K State campus. The goal is to train 10 million women in salary negotiations by 2022 with the Work Smart program. Can we get a list of Businesses that will support Work Smart graduates as they search for careers?
Anticipate your expenses
Budget: STEM Camp
Brochures $75
Yearbook approx. $225 Can we afford to print more to hand to new members? Can we print 10 to 15 more than what is needed
for the membership?
Website $125-$150
Special Committees
19th Amendment nothing needed
$150 to League of Women Voters
Guest speakers – small gifts
New members gift bags
Thank you cards
STEM -scholarship money approximately $600
Memorial to the families of those who have passed away – $25 per person
Postage, notecards
International Women’s Day Celebration $700 – 1000
Scholarships: Money comes from donations to the Grow Green with the Community organization which matches ½ of what is donated to AAUW.
Fellowships and Grants – no report
National Funds – $1068 was collected and sent to the National Fund. Due date for this to be turned in is December 15th.
Fundraisers: We need a fundraiser committee.
Sponsorships Ideas –
Similar to Little Apple Brewery that gives us a discount.
Market AAUW – create things we do to attract people that would help financially with our activities.
T-shirt sales – set up funding mechanism
Develop a marketing organization
Have available Items like the T-shirts
How do they submit money to the Bank?
Have Categories for Sponsorships
Be clear on what they get back – give them a purpose such as the following:
STEM assistance
Put books in School Libraries and the City Library
Mighty Girl – Newsletter and books
Have videos about women in History
Literacy Fund
Empowering Women and Girls
AAUW is a 501 c4 organization. Sponsors cannot get individual tax deductions.
Ideas for Encouraging and supporting members to take on Leadership and Committee roles for the branch.
We didn’t have time to discuss the ideas given by one of the small groups but they are important. To others we need to stress they can co-lead, reach out, ask, have a former officer or leader have coffee and talk to another member about the position, then mentor through year and define the position. Ask a person about her talents and interests and stress that we use the team approach. Dispel the idea that the position is daunting and let the person know there are different ways to lead and you may tailor the role to your style. Stress the benefits, relationships, friends, etc. Have coffee for a smaller group and talk about vacant positions. Tell the persons they can call upon a current leader. We can learn from each other. Engaging people is a good way to keep people interested in AAUW. Learn more about the significance of the AAUW organization.
State Board Openings – Tresa Landis reported
President Elect
Public Policy – Newsletter article
Newsletter Editor
Program Vice Chair
Membership Chair
Our Website: AAUW Manhattan Branch – www.manhattan-ks.aauw.net(password for
members is: manhattanbranch
AAUW Website: www.aauw.org
Facebook: AAUW Manhattan
Email: manhattanksaauw@gmail.com
Time for board’s 1st meeting on Tuesday September 3rd – 5:30pm (change of time was voted on)
May 6, 2019
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Eleven board members were present. They included Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Mary Ng’an’g, Usha Reddi, , Karen McCulloh, Claudia Jones, Marlene verBrugge, Amanda Gaulke, Barbara Gatewood, Connie Noble, Nancy Bolsen.
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Mary Stamey president welcomed newly elected Marlene verBrugge co-president and Amanda Gaulke treasurer for the 2019-2021 years.
Past President: Karen Tinkler absent
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Mary N’gang’a reported that 27 people were present at our last branch meeting. Fourteen reservations have been made for the next branch meeting. Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be May 13, 2019. It will be at the Community Room at Meadowlark Hills Retirement Village at 6:00 pm. The cost will be $13.00. We will have the Annual Wrap-up, a Silent Auction and Celebration.
Remember to bring items for the Silent Auction.
Vice- President of Membership- open position – Mary stated that dues for 2019-2020 are due. Dues are $80.00.
Secretary – Maurine Pruitt present. Minutes of the April 1, 2019 Board meeting were passed to all board members present. One correction was noted. Shauntia Rippee spelling of last name was corrected. Usha Reddi made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, Nancy Bolsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer: Shauntia Rippee was absent no treasurer’s report.
Director-at-Large: Karen McCulloh present. Karen will help with the Silent Auction at our next Branch meeting.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler-absent.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – reported that 2020 is when by-laws will be approved by National AAUW.
Public Policy: Jean Lee present – No report
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee present. Jean Lee will be membership chairman for LWV next year. It was noted that the last meeting of the League of Women Voters was the Annual Meeting and the Good Government Award Celebration. All went very well. On Saturday April 27, 2019 the League of Women Voters Kansas Convention at the Bluemont Hotel, Manhattan, Kansas was well attended. The League of Women Voters is working with AAUW in creating activities for the 19th Amendment Centennial Celebration.
State Board Liaison: To see the complete report from the AAUW State meeting see the attached 3 pages. Summary of what Nancy Bolsen reported from the state meeting follows.
The Kansas State Annual AAUW Meeting “Mission Possible” was held on April 27th 2019, at the Messiah Lutheran Church, 402 N First Street, Lindsborg, Kansas.
National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) scholarship of $750 winner was Ms. Karol Hernandez Pineda. The money will be used to assist with travel expenses for the NCCWSL conference on May 29th – June 1st. It is held each year at the University of Maryland in College Park.
Manhattan/Riley County Branch Awards Our branch received the following awards at the 2018-2019 State Meeting.
- The Kansas Star Branch for the Branch’s Outstanding Achievements and Continued Support of AAUW and its Missions.
- Highest Overall Giving to AAUW Funds for Calendar Year 2018.
- 4th Highest Per Capita giving to AAUW Funds for Calendar Year 2018
The Vice President of Academic Affairs at Bethany College (Lindsborg,KS) , Dr, Elizabeth Mauche was the main speaker. Her topic was “How Far We (women) Have Come.” She stressed that it does not cost much money to talk to young women and be encouraging. Encourage young girls to go into the STEM programs, go to college and beyond. Help them in finding applications for scholarships.
19th Amendment Centennial Celebration
Martha Pint of the Kansas League of Women Voters gave a historical summary of the adoption of the 19th Amendment including the interruption of the women’s right to vote efforts that the Civil War and World War I caused. In connection with the Centennial Celebration of the 19th Amendment being passed in the United States the “Inaugural Luncheon” in Wichita is on August 24, 2019. An Exhibit will be on display and Marches from election offices to the polls will be made in Kansas on August 22-23rd.
Donna Becker, Newton Area Branch President presented “Motive and Method-The 72 Year March to the Ballot Box”. She included that on August 18, 1920, during the last vote on the Amendment, a mother wrote to her son a note and it was given to him on the legislature floor. It said vote for the 19th Amendment or don’t come home. The 19th Amendment was approved by one vote and went to the Secretary of State in Washington DC. The rest is history.
Shirley Breeze, AAUW Reginal Assistant Reginal Assistant, shared the AAUW National Video of what AAUW does and why that work is important. She encourages all members to vote in the national election.
The exhibit will be in the 36 state capitols that ratified the 19th amendment. Topeka is stop #4 on June 17, 2019. The Kansas artist is Jennifer Hudson, artist and K-State Masters of Fine Arts student. Visit http://www.herflag.com/ AAUW is working with the League of Women Voters to get a Landon Lecture and to get notices on Facebook and our Websites. There will be a Picture of the Flag to post and Items for a Go Fund Me campaign. The campaign is set up to pay for the making of the flag. $100,000 is the goal.
Work Smart Session at State Meeting
Shirley Breeze and Kristina Haar, Co-State President presented information on the AAUW Work Smart National campaign. The immediate goal is to train 100,000 women with the Work Smart program by August 1, 2019 and the long term goal is to train 10 million women in salary negotiations by 2022. Everyone is encouraged to take the online course at http://salary.aauw.org and get 20 others to take it too. Send the link to your email contacts and post it on social media. They want University towns to train women in the goal to negotiate salary. Church, youth and civic groups are encouraged to take the Work Smart Program. Neat Bookmarks were handed out stating Negotiating your salary or benefits, Preparing for a promotion, Don’t leave money on the table and the Email website used for the Work Smart program online.
The Legacy Circle was explained as the group you are in when you make a planned gift to AAUW National. You will receive a beautiful circle pin for your commitment to current issues affecting women’s lives.
The State Nominating Committee is Tresa Landis, Carolyn Dwire, and Louise Ehmke. They are presently seeking persons for Program Vice President, Membership Vice President, Public Policy Representative and Bulletin Editor.
19th Amendment Centennial Committee: Tresa Landis and Mary Stamey have met with Louise Ehmke, Bonnie Lynn Sherow, Susan Rensing, and Marisa Larson. They will meet again on May 22nd. New ideas given today were for members to have a Proclamation Day, Speakers on Campus, Banners on Campus and Register People to Vote.
The AAUW State Board is considering having the State Meeting every other year.
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood stated that present minutes are on the website under Members Only and the password is ManhattanBranch. She also reported that our Yearbook is too big to post so she will split it in two sections to get it posted.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – present – she brought many supplies for our Silent Auction at our next Branch meeting.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: We will need a new Faculty Advisor.
Archives: Joan Strickler – absent. Nancy Bolsen reported that Joan Strickler, Nancy Bolsen and Claudia jones will accept items for the archives.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones reported that the the committee had 7 nominations for the four Branch Scholarships. The committee has picked the winners and their names and information will be given after the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation confirms their choices. This information will be printed at a later date. These scholarships are given to students who have had a 3 year gap in their progress of getting a college degree. These years do not have to be consecutive. These students can be attending any of the K State campuses.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent, no report.
University Representatives: Tara Fronce – absent, no report. We need one more University Representative.
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
- 19th Amendment Initiative. See notes in State Board Liaison Section.
- Work Smart Initiative. See notes in State Board Liaison Section.
- Written nominations for Outstanding Branch Member 2018-2019 was given by members, Mary Stamey will make the final decision.
- The date for Annual Retreat was chosen. We will meet on July 13th at Tresa Landis’ work place from 10-2.
- Ideas or ways to celebrate 100 years of AAUW’s Manhattan Branch (2020) were given. They include putting up a display of photos taken of some items in the archives, bring in performers and put on the musical play about Nelly Don. The Kansas City group put on a great show about Nelly Don. Can we get them? Can we get the MAC for the performance? There is a book and a video titled “A Stich in Time”. She was a Kansas girl from Parsons. Another idea is having the Historical Society get information of AAUW in 1920 and making booklets about what AAUW has done in different decades. Show that AAUW was influential in getting child care for working women. We could find what buildings at K State are named after women and make reports about these women.
- T-shirts – Mary showed us an AAUW T-shirt that Shauntia had made. It was really neat with the AAUW title on the front and slogans on the back. It was shared that it would be good to wear those T-shirts as we work the Community Fair and at other Branch activities.
The members attending the April 8, 2019 Branch Meeting voted on the following for Officers for 2019-2020. Officers will be installed in May.
Co-Presidents: Marlene verBrugge and Mary Stamey for one year.
President Elect: open
Vice-President for Membership: open
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke
Leena Chakrabarti and Karen McCulloh will remain as Directors at Large for next year.
May wrap-up meeting details: at Meadowlark
A Silent Auction will be held. Karen McCulloh and Jean Lee will collect the money for the auction. Karen McCulloh will get change that is needed.
Awards this year:
- President’s Award – is given every year. It is someone who is actively engaged in branch leadership and contributes to vital and significant success of the branch.
- Outstanding Branch Member – given every year. Members will nominate other members for this award. Mary Stamey will make the final decision.
The Named Gift Honoree Award is given every other year. Not given this year.
Our next Board meeting will be September 2, 2019 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be May 13, 2019. It will be at the Community Room at Meadowlark Hills Retirement Village at 6:00 pm. The cost will be $13.00. We will have the Annual Wrap-up, a Silent Auction and Celebration of the 2018-2019 year’s activities. Remember to bring item for the Silent Auction!!!!!
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt,
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
April 1, 2019
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Mary Ng’an’g, Usha Reddi, Jean Lee, Connie Noble, and Karen McCulloh
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Mary Stamey president
Past President: Karen Tinkler absent
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Mary N’gang’a reported that 30 people were present at our last branch meeting and we had 5 extra that were there just to hear the panel. The panel was one of International Women speakers. The entire program was a HUGE SUCCESS!!! For next year we will discuss the Breakfast for the Speakers that was difficult for many speakers to get to. Perhaps a Brunch would be better. A decision will be made later about time and day of the Breakfast or Brunch for our International Women speakers.
Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be April 8, 2019 at Little Apple Brewery at 6:00 pm. The cost will be $13.00. Our speaker will be Alissa Turner, Brigadier General’s Spouse talking about “The War at Home: Being a Military Spouse”.
Mary Ng’an’g reported that 13 reservations have been made for the April 8th Branch meeting.
Vice- President of Membership- Chris Herald is a new member for next year. She is our new STEM coordinator. She was the STEM coordinator for the school district.
Secretary – Maurine Pruitt present. Minutes of the March 4, 2019 Board meeting was passed to all board members present. No corrections were noted. Connie made a motion to accept the minutes as typed, Usha seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer: Shauntia Rippee was absent no treasurer’s report.
Director-at-Large: Karen McCulloh present. She will help with the silent auction at our May Branch meeting.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler present
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – reported that 2020 is when by-laws will be approved by National AAUW.
Public Policy: Jean Lee present – She will help with our silent auction at our May Branch meeting.
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee present. Jean reported that the next meeting of the League of Women Voters will be the Annual Meeting and the Good Government Award Celebration. It will be on Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 10:00-12:00 in the Community Room at Meadowlark HIlls. Cost of the Brunch is $15.00. Dues of $50.00 can be paid at that time also. Saturday April 27, 2019 is the League of Women Voters Kansas Convention at the Bluemont Hotel, Manhattan, Kansas.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis absent but reported last month the following:
The Kansas State Annual Meeting “Mission Possible” will be on April 27th 2019, at the Messiah Lutheran Church, 402 N First Street, Lindsborg, Kansas. The cost is $35.00 per person which includes lunch and reservation is to be sent in by April 20, 2019. The Vice President of Academic Affairs at Bethany College may be the main speaker. Topics covered at the meeting will be Educational Opportunities at Bethany College, the 19th Amendment Centennial celebration activities, the WorkSmart program, and an AAUW update.
The State Nominating Committee is Tresa Landis, Carolyn Dwire, and Louise Ehmke. They are seeking persons for Program Vice President, Membership Vice President and Bulletin Editor (2-3 bulletins a year).
19th Amendment Centennial Committee: Tersa Landis and Mary Stamey met Thursday, March 14 at 1:00 with Louise Ehmke, Bonnie Lynn Sherow, Susan Rensing, and Marisa Larson. The exhibit will be in the 36 state capitols that ratified the amendment. Topeka is stop #4 on June 17, 2019. The Kansas artist is Jennifer Hudson, artist and K-State Masters of Fine Arts student. Visit http://www.herflag.com/ AAUW is working with the League of Women Voters to get a Landon Lecture and to get notices on Facebook and our Websites. There will be a Picture of the Flag to post and Items for a Go Fund Me campaign. The campaign is set up to pay for the making of the flag. $100,000 is the goal.
Work Smart Session at State Meeting
Immediate goal is to train 100,000 women with the WorkSmart program by August 1, 2019 and the long term goal is to train 10 million women in salary negotiations by 2022. Everyone is encouraged to take the online course at http://salary.aauw.org and get 20 others to take it too. Send the link to your email contacts and post it on social media. They want University towns to train women in the goal to negotiate salary. Church, youth and civic groups are encouraged to take the WorkSmart Program.
Tresa reported last month that the Starbranch applications needs to be sent to the State officer (Tresa Landis) by April 15, 2019. Mary Stamey is working on that application.
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood absent- for Twitter use the Twitter ID# is AAUWmatthantan and the Twitter password is starbranch2018.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – present – reported that she needs material for the new member Chris Herald who is our new STEM coordinator.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: We will need a new Faculty Advisor.
Archives: Joan Strickler – more items are needed. 1920’s material and beyond are present.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent, no report.
University Representatives: Tara Fronce – absent, no report. We need one more University Representative.
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
AAUW’s WorkSmart Initiative with Kansas & Missouri branches, and the Women’s Foundations-see report above given by Tresa last month.
AAUW’s 19th Amendment Celebration see notes above.
Officer Nominations: Nominations will be done before the program at our April 8th Branch meeting. The members attending the April 8, 2019 Branch Meeting will vote on the following officers AFTER nominations from the floor are included in this list. Officers will be installed in May.
Co-Presidents: Marlene verBrugge and Mary Stamey for one year.
President Elect: open
Vice-President for Membership: 2 people to call
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke OR Shauntia Ripee
Leena Chakrabarti and Karen McCulloh will remain as Directors at Large for next year.
May wrap-up meeting details: at Meadowlark
After discussion it remained that we want to put on a silent auction for our Annual Wrap-up and Celebration on May 13, 2019 at the Community Room at Meadowlark Hills. We usually get about $200 at the silent auction. Jane Mullen helped last year. Karen McCulloh and Jean Lee will collect the money for the auction. Connie Noble has Bid Sheets and pencils. Karen McCulloh will get change that is needed. Items can be dropped off at Karen’s house for the auction. (1516 Leavenworth Avenue, Manhattan, KS)
Awards this year:
- President’s Award – is given every year. Mary Stamey will select this winner who will be an exceptional member who is actively engaged in branch leadership and contributes to vital and significant success of the branch.
- Outstanding Branch Member – given every year. It is given to a member who has made outstanding contributions to the branch and our community. A notice will be given to members in an email to nominate a person and they will send it to Mary Stamey our President. She will present it to the board and she, with the board, will make the final decision.
Honorary Award given every other year. Not given this year.
Our next Board meeting will be May 6, 2019 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be April 8, 2019 at Little Apple Brewery at 6:00 pm. The cost will be $13.00. Our speaker will be Allisa Turner, Brigadier General’s Spouse talking about “The War at Home: Being a Military Spouse”
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt,
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
March 4, 2019
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Mary Ng’an’g, Nancy Bolsen, Barbara Gatewood, Tresa Landis, Connie Noble, and Joan Strickler
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Mary Stamey president
Past President: Karen Tinkler absent
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Mary N’gang’a reported that 27 people were present at our last branch meeting and of those 5 were guests.
International Women’s Celebration: Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be Thursday, March 7, 2019 at the Landon Room at the Holiday Inn at 1641 Anderson Avenue at 6:00 p.m. We will have a panel of 4 Local International Women who will answer various questions. The cost will be $22.00. 30 reservations have been made for dinner on March 7, 2019. 5 of those reservation are guests. Mary Stamey and Mary N’gang’a were on KMAN radio with an interview concerning the International Women’s Day Celebration. On March 5 at 7:00 pm the City will make a proclamations for our celebration and on March 6th the School Board, at 6:30 pm, will make their proclamation for the celebration. On Thursday March 7th we will have a Community Women Leaders Breakfast at 8:00 am with the International Women at JP’s Sport’s Grill at Jardine Apartments at the K State Campus. Last Saturday Mary Ng’ang’a met with Martha Caldas from Brazil and Lilit Khachatryan from Armenia to give them our questions we will ask. Saidi Kisangani of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Negar Orangi-Fard from Iran were to meet with Mary Ng’ang’a on Sunday but the weather made them cancel the meeting so Mary sent them the questions we are going to ask them Thursday evening.
The panel of International Women speakers will consist of the following:
Martha Caldas from Brazil
Lilit Khachatryan from Armenia
Saidi Kisangani of the Democratic Republic of Congo and
Negar Orangi-Fard from Iran.
Vice- President of Membership – Mary Stamey reported that we have 8 new members. Details of names, addresses, etc. were handed to members.
Secretary – Maurine Pruitt present. Minutes of the February 4, 2019 Board meeting was passed to all members. No corrections were noted. Nancy Bolsen made a motion to accept the minutes, Connie Noble seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer: Shauntia Rippee was absent no treasurer’s report.
Director-at-Large: Leena Chakrabarti and Karen McCulloh absent.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler present
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – reported that 2020 is when by-laws will be approved by National AAUW.
Public Policy: Jean Lee absent
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee absent. It was reported that the next Lunch with League will be on March 21, 2019 at 11:30 am at Little Apple Brewery. Cost of the lunch is $10.00. The speaker, Rita Burns of the League of Women Voters will report on Transparency in Kansas Government.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis present – reported the following: Much work has been done with conference calls.
The Kansas State Annual Meeting “Mission Possible” will be on April 27, 2019, at the Messiah Lutheran Church, 402 N First Street, Lindsborg, Kansas. The cost is $35.00 per person which includes lunch and is to be sent in by April 20,, 2019. The Vice President of Academic Affairs at Bethany College may be the main speaker. Tresa passed out forms for attendance at the Annual Meeting. Topics covered at the meeting will be Educational Opportunities at Bethany College, the 19th Amendment Centennial celebration activities, the WorkSmart program, and an AAUW update.
The State Nominating Committee is Tresa Landis, Carolyn Dwire, and Louise Ehmke. They are seeking persons for Program Vice President, Membership Vice President and Bulletin Editor (2-3 bulletins a year).
19th Amendment Centennial Celebration Traveling artist collaboration exhibit will be in the 36 state capitols that ratified the amendment. Topeka is stop #4 on June 17, 2019. The Kansas artist is Jennifer Hudson, artist and K-State Masters of Fine Arts student. Visit http://www.herflag.com/
Work Smart Session at State Meeting
Immediate goal is to train 100,000 women with the WorkSmart program by August 1, 2019 and the long term goal is to train 10 million women in salary negotiations by 2022. Everyone is encouraged to take the online course at http://salary.aauw.org and get 20 others to take it too. Send the link to your email contacts and post it on social media. They want University towns to train women in the goal to negotiate salary. Church, youth and civic groups are encouraged to take the WorkSmart Program.
Tresa reported that on March 25, 2019 Scholarship applications are due. Also the Starbranch applications need to be sent to the State officer (Tresa Landis) by April 15, 2019.
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood present- Barbara reported the update for all postings has been made. Barbara will put state news on our website. The yearbook will be posted online. Twitter ID# is AAUWmatthantan and the Twitter password is starbranch2018.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – present – information for new members is being sent digitally to Connie by Mary Stamey.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: We will need a new Faculty Advisor.
Archives: Joan Strickler – more items are needed. 1920’s material and beyond are present.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent, no report.
University Representatives: Tara Fronce – absent, no report. We need one more University Representative.
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
AAUW’s WorkSmart Initiative with Kansas & Missouri branches, and the Women’s Foundations-see report above given by Tresa.
AAUW’s 19th Amendment Celebration in 2019 – see state report given above. We are coordinating with Kansas AAUW. Mary Stamey will meet on March 14th at 1:00 pm with Tresa Landis, Louise Ehmke, Bonnie Lynn Sherow, Susan Rensing, and Marisa Larson concerning the celebration of the 19th Amendment.
Mary Stamey had members present write names of those who would work well in the following positions:
President Elect:
Vice-President for Membership,
One-year position of Director-At-Large: Karen Mculloh
A slate of officers will be presented to the Branch membership this month. In April the membership will vote and officers will be installed in May.
Our next Board meeting will be April 1, 2019 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be on Thursday March 7, 2019 at the Holiday Inn at 1641 Anderson Avenue at 6:00 p.m. Cost will be $22.00. We will have a panel of 4 Local International Women who will answer various questions.
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt,
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
February 4, 2019
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Mary Ng’an’g, Nancy Bolsen, Barbara Gatewood, Karen Tinkler, Shauntia Rippee, and Jean Lee were present.
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Mary Stamey president- remarks – Nancy Bolsen, Mary Ng’ang’a Barbara Gatewood, Jane Mullen, Loretta Johnson, Allison Wheatley and Maurine Pruitt need to be thanked for their help in spreading the news about AAUW at the annual Community FaIr. Mary passed around a list of those who had shown interest in AAUW by talking to those who represented AAUW and by signing up for more information. A Thank You note for the donation to the 4-H Club given by AAUW in Karen Streeter’s name, who passed away recently, was passed around.
Past President: Karen Tinkler present –
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Mary N’gang’a reported that 23 people were present at our last branch meeting and of those 5 were guests and one joined our Branch membership. Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be February 11, 2019 at Little Apple Brewery Co., 1110 Westloop Place at 6:00 p.m. Our speaker is Linda Cook, Chief of Staff, Kansas State University, speaking on “Women in Leadership”. Presently 12 people have made reservations. We have dropped Event Bright and Meet Up for reservations. Reservations will all be done by Gmail now. International Women’s Day Celebration is on Thursday, March 7. We have two committed speakers so far. KMAN radio will have an interview with AAUW concerning the International Women’s Day Celebration. The School Board and City will make proclamations for our celebration and the Holiday Inn Express on Campus has been reserved for the evening meal and the discussion by the International Women. The cost will be approximately $22.00. The High School students will also hear from our International Women speakers. A breakfast for the speakers will be planned at J P’s restaurant on the K State Campus.
Vice- President of Membership-
Secretary – Maurine Pruitt present. Minutes of the January 7, 2019 Board meeting was passed to all members. No corrections were noted. Nancy Bolsen made a motion to accept the minutes, Barbara Gatewood seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer: Shauntia Rippee was present. Treasurer’s report was emailed to all board members. Balance as of January 31, 2019 is $2755.33.
Director-at-Large: Leena Chakrabarti and Karen McCulloh not present.
Mary Stamey and Barbara Gatewood both recommended that we share our AAUW news and our Branch scholarship information on Facebook. The information travels much faster in this manner. Presently 1049 people have accessed the information concerning our Branch scholarships.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler not present
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – reported that 2020 is when by-laws will be approved by National AAUW. Bylaws have been sent in now.
Public Policy: Jean Lee present – reported that several items are of concern to the National AAUW.
Those items are the following: Women’s Economic Security, The Fair Pay Act, Raising the Minimum Wage, Paid Family Leave, Equal Access to Education and Strengthening Title IX. Mary noted the 2 minute Activist is a great way to notify your congressman with our concerns.
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee present– It was reported that the next Lunch with League will be on February 21, 2019 at 11:30 am at Little Apple Brewery. Cost of the lunch will be $10.00 including gratuity. Members will discuss the State’s report on Basic Human Needs and Children at Risk. Consensus will be reached concerning action items for the local LWV Branch to work on during 2019 concerning these two topics.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis absent – Nancy Bolsen gave a report concerning NCCWSL scholarships. Applications were sent to 5 Branch Presidents, to Ft. Hays College, K State University, Kansas City Community College and to Johnson County Community College. 3 applications from Kansas City Community College were received and one of those applicants will be awarded $750 on February 8th.. We want to next year, get the applications posted on our website.
Nancy also reported that the State meeting is on April 27, 2019 in Lindsborg, Kansas. We will get an email about this showing details of the meeting.
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood present- Barbara reported the update for all postings has been made. She sent in Kristen Brighton’s (owner of New Boston Creative) picture and a summary of her presentation to the Mercury. Also posted is the application for the Branch Scholarships of which 4 scholarships winners will be decided by the Greater Community Foundation. Barbara also asked for us to send her any other AAUW items that we want posted.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – absent
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles has moved to Virginia Tech as of September last year. She also recently became a new mother!!!! She also sent pictures of her baby girl. We will need a new faculty advisor. We will ask if Annelise Nguyen will work again with the K State group that would have to be revitalized.
Archives: Joan Strickler – more items are needed. 1920’s material and beyond are present.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent – it was noted that as the Non-Traditional and Veteran Student offices are notified of our Scholarships. The K State Today office should also be notified. March 25th is the deadline.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent, no report.
University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce – absent, no report. Rachael Miles has moved out of state so a replacement will be needed. Tara Fronce remains a University Representative.
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote.
AAUW’s WorkSmart Initiative with Kansas & Missouri branches, and the Women’s Foundations update will be given later.
AAUW’s 19th Amendment Celebration in 2019 – we are coordinating with Kansas AAUW.
Officer nominations for next year are needed soon: open positions are President, President Elect, Vice-President for Membership, Treasurer, and the one-year position of Director-At-Large. All of the appointed offices are open for renewal of the person currently serving or for someone to take over. Mary Stamey, President will appoint a Nomination Committee of three members to make a slate of officers to be voted on. It was suggested that Usha could be a Director-At-Large and Chris Harold would be good as a STEM coordinator. The committee will meet in February and in March a slate of officers will be presented to the Branch membership. In April the membership will vote and they will be installed in May.
Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be on February 11, 2019 at Little Apple Brewery Co., 1110 Westloop Place at 6:00 p.m. Our speaker is Linda Cook, Chief of Staff, Kansas State University, speaking on “Women in Leadership”.
Our next Board meeting will be March 4, 2019 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
January 7, 2019
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Mary Ng’an’g, Joan Strickler, Nancy Bolsen, Barbara Gatewood, Karen Tinkler, Claudia Jones, Usha Reddi, Shauntia Rippee, and Connie Noble were present.
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Mary Stamey president- remarks – AAUW has an 80% off coupon at Office Depot or Office Max for copying. You can take the coupon to a store in Topeka or order copies on line.
Past President: Karen Tinkler present –
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Usha Reddi and Mary N’gang’a present, reported that 12 members and 2 speakers and 1 guest attended the last branch meeting. Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be January 14, 2019 at Little Apple Brewery Co., 1110 Westloop Place at 6:00 p.m. Our Speaker will be Kristin Brighton, Principal/Owner, New Boston Creative who will speak on Millennials in the Workforce. 16 reservations have been made as of January 7th. We have dropped Event Bright and Meet Up for reservations. Reservations will all be done by Gmail now. We will need a lot of planning for International Women’s Day on Thursday, March 7. Four members on a committee would be good for planning. We have one committed speaker so far. Current scholarship winner will be asked to speak by Claudia Jones.
Vice- President of Membership- Mary Stamey discussed the following:
- Do the National members from the Manhattan, Kansas area get invited to our monthly meetings? Yes, they are among members at large and they do get contacted about meetings.
- Does anyone follow up on the guests they bring to a meeting? Some have been followed up with information about upcoming meetings. We need to encourage members to do this.
- Should we invite people who like our Facebook pages posted after a speaker’s talk? Good idea.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt- Minutes of the December 3, 2018 AAUW Board meeting was handed to all members present. Motion to accept minutes was made by Nancy Bolsen and seconded by Connie Noble. Motion carried by all members as minutes were to be corrected. Corrections were the following: November minutes need to be sent in again – should be need to be posted and Shauntia’s last name Ripee needs to be changed to Rippee.
Treasurer: Shauntia Rippee was present. Treasurer’s report was handed out to members. Balance as of December 31, 2018 is $2683.41. Nancy moved, Connie seconded that treasurer report be accepted. Motion carried. Shauntia did revamp the membership application. Shauntia’s home address not PO box is used now. Now areas of listing all of their degrees and the professional information is optional. The potential member’s highest degree is listed. Mary Stamey reported that dues can be sent in to National electronically. Within in 2 or 3 weeks an Email is sent to Mary showing the amount posted and the member’s name.
Director-at-Large: Leena Chakrabarti and Karen McCulloh not present.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler reported that $450 was sent into AAUW National from the donations given. Some additional money was sent directly into AAUW National rather than giving it to the branch to be sent in to AAUW National. We do not have an amount for those funds.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – reported that 2020 is when by-laws will be approved by National AAUW. Bylaws have been sent in now.
Public Policy: Jean Lee absent. Mary Stamey reported the League of Women Voters has contacted her concerning the Landon Lecture for the celebration of the 19th amendment next year.
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee absent– It was reported that the next Lunch with League will be on January 17, 2019 at 11:30 am at Little Apple Brewery. Cost of the lunch will be $10.00 including gratuity. Members will be updated on the new state study “Meeting Basic Human Needs and Children at Risk”. Members will also break into pairs and discuss the National Leagues positions and what we can do at the local level because of these National positions.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis absent- no report
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood present- Board and Branch Minutes and the Mercury News Release have been posted. Yearbook – more information will be sent in by Connie then the Yearbook will be posted.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – present – Will get additional information into Barbara then the Yearbook can be posted.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles not present, no report.
Archives: Joan Strickler – more items are needed. 1920’s material and beyond are present.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones present. Tresa and Claudia have met and updated the application. The three year time lapse does not need to be consecutive three years. The revised application will be sent to the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation, our Website, and K State’s Non-Traditional website. The collecting date for applications is bumped up, to March 25th. Three $1000 scholarships will be awarded and a $1500 Mavis Fletchers scholarship will be awarded. Nothing has been received concerning the NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) scholarship at this time.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent, no report.
University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce – absent, no report.
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
For the AAUW WorkSmart initiative with Kansas & Missouri branches and the Women’s Foundation, Mary Stamey has been in contact with these groups.
AAUW 19th Amendment Celebration in 2019-we are coordinating with Kansas AAUW and League of Women Voters.
Elected officers’ needs – president elect and membership vice-president.
Community Fair Volunteers needed for February 2, 2019 from 10am – 3pm at the Mall.
- Someone to organize the volunteers. Jane Mullin will organize volunteers. Mary, Nancy, and Maurine have volunteered.
- Someone to organize the materials. Mary Stamey will do this.
- Someone to set-up and take-down. Mary and Nancy will set up. Take down – we will need someone for this.
- Does our branch want to donate a prize through the drawing at the Community Fair? Ideas were given and Karen moved that we do have three prizes for the Community Fair. Connie seconded the motion. Motion passed. Barbara will get a Password Log Book and Usha will get Two Portable Chargers for electronics to be donated for the Community Fair drawing. Mary will allot $40.00 for these purchases.
Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be January 14, 2019 at Little Apple Brewery Co., 1110 Westloop Place at 6:00 p.m. Our Speaker will be Kristin Brighton, Principal/Owner, New Boston Creative who will speak on Millennials in the Workforce.
Our next Board meeting will be February 4, 2019 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
December 3, 2018
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Mary Ng’an’g, Joan Strickler, Nancy Bolsen, Connie Noble, Barbara Gatewood, Karen Tinkler, and Shauntia Ripee were present.
MEETING CALLED TO ODER: Mary Stamey president- reported on the following: Jan Freeby who was a long time AAUW member is in recovery after severe health problems. Also Karen Streeter who is not a member, but is a partner in ownership of Vista Drive-In, where we have our Board meetings, has been at the KU Med Center.
Past President: Karen Tinkler present – also reported on Jan Freeby’s illness.
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Mary N’gang’a present, reported that 33 members and 3 guests attended the last branch meeting. Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be December 10, 2018 at First Presbyterian Church, 801 Leavenworth, at 6:00 pm. Dessert will be brought by all members for the December Branch meeting. A list will be sent to everyone through email so they can donate to The Cat’s Food Pantry and/or the Fit Closet & Clothing Exchange. The program will be Erin Bishop, Food Pantry Coordinator, Cat’s Cupboard/Kansas State Food Pantry and Tracy Emery, Coordinator, The USD 383 FIT Closet & Clothing Exchange. 12 members have made reservations to date.
Membership Vice-President: no one in this position. Mary Stamey reported that we have 6 new members and that 9 members’ dues for 2018-2019 are not paid. Mary sent email to each of these ladies. 22 women residents of Manhattan are registered only as National Life Members of AAUW.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt- Minutes of the November 5, 2018 AAUW Board meeting was handed to all members present. A corrections was noted. Absnet was corrected to absent. Motion to accept minutes as corrected was made by Nancy Bolsen and seconded by Joan Strickler. Motion carried by all members.
Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee was present. She reported that $450 was sent to the National AAUW fund. Some additional donations were sent on line.
Director-at-Large: Leena Chakrabarti and Karen McCulloh not present.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler reported that the total donations collected were $450. Shauntia has sent the donations to the National AAUW fund. Thanks again to Joan Strickler for her collections at our Branch meetings.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – reported that 2020 is when by-laws will be approved by National AAUW. Bylaws have been sent in now. In three years there could be more updates asked for. Two year degrees from colleges have been accepted for membership to AAUW. There is always the question, “Do you want to extend membership to those who do not have college degrees?” To date the answer has been “No”. This same question will come up again at the National Meeting in 2020.
Public Policy: Jean Lee absent. Mary Stamey reported the League of Women Voters has contacted her concerning the Landon Lecture for the celebration of the 19th amendment next year.
AAUW is so grateful for the number of women who got elected to national, state and local offices during the past elections.
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee absent– It was reported that there is no Lunch with League in December.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis absent-Nancy Bolsen reported that $750 dollars will be kept for NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) scholarship. The NCCWSL applications will be sent to branch Presidents. President will send it out to their branch membership. K State will have it available and the community colleges will also have the applications available. The State meeting is in Lindsborg, April 27, 2019. Additional information will be given later.
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood present – November minutes will need to be sent in again for placing on the website. The 2018-2019 Yearbook will also be posted as will the NCCWSL rules.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – present – one member’s information needs to be updated. The Yearbook will then be sent to Barbara for posting to the website.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles not present, no report.
Archives: Joan Strickler – more items are needed. 1920’s material and beyond are present.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones not present.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent, no report.
University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce – absent, no report.
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
For the AAUW WorkSmart initiative with Kansas & Missouri branches and the Women’s Foundation there is no additional update at this time.
AAUW 19th Amendment Celebration in 2019-we are coordinating with Kansas AAUW and League of Women Voters.
Elected officers’ needs – president elect and membership vice-president.
Shauntia reported that Betty Book will audit our books. She works at the Cancer Center. This will be an 8 year update on our financial books. Nancy moved that we invite Betty Book to review the books for a limit of $500 and if an additional amount is needed it will be considered at a later date. Connie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Barbara got information about the Community Fair that we normally participate in during the spring. Mary Stamey will get the information to the two members who will be leaders at the next spring Community Fair Event.
For the December program, the committee contacted our speakers, Erin Bishop, Coordinator of the Cat’s Cupboard/Kansas State Food Pantry and Tracy Emery, Coordinator of the USD383 Fit Closet & Clothing Exchange and got their wish list for members to donate items. These lists are included in our email asking for reservations for the next program. See above for location and time of our branch meeting. Dessert will be brought by all members for the December Branch meeting and donations should be brought for the Fit Closet and the Clothing Exchange and/or the Cat’s Cupboard/K State Food Pantry.
Our next Board meeting will be January 7, 2019 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
November 5, 2018
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Mary Ng’an’g, Joan Strickler, Nancy Bolsen, Tresa Landis, Jean Lee, Karen McCulloh, and Claudia Jones were present.
MEETING CALLED TO ODER: Mary Stamey president
- The Candidate Forum where we partnered with the League of Women Voters on October 14, 2018, from 2-5 pm at the Manhattan Public Library went very well. Mary Stamey set up a table for AAUW to share information with those attending. We received great information from the candidates that are running for office.
- For update on The Work Smart training programs see the State Board Liaison report below.
- 19th amendment celebration in 2019 – see the State Board Liaison report below.
- For a report on the Manhattan Community Foundation see below the Branch Scholarship Chair report.
Past President: Karen Tinkler absent
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Mary N’gang’a present, reported the next program of 2018-2019 features Dr. Marty Vanier, Director of Operations, Kansas State University National Agricultural Biosecurity Center giving us an update on the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. Dinner will be at Little Apple Brewery, Monday, November 12, 2018 at 6:00 pm with the Program and Business Meeting at 6:45 pm. Cost is $13.00. 25 people have reservations. We still need a Transportation Chairman. Connie and Mary Stamey will take care of those who need rides for the present.
Membership Vice-President: no one in this position. Mary N’gang’a reported that at the last meeting Carol Kelley joined through the Shape the Future Campaign. Alice Wheatley, and Loretta Johnson had joined earlier. Mary Stamey reported that nine members have not paid their dues.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt- Due to error minutes of the September 6, 2018 Board meeting and the October 1, Board meeting were handed to those present. For the September 6, 2018 minutes no corrections were noted. Nancy Bolsen moved that the minutes be approved. Joan Strickler seconded the motion. Motion carried. For the minutes of the October 1, 2018 Board meeting no corrections were noted. Nancy Bolsen moved minutes be approved. Joan Strickler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Treasurer: Shauntia Rippee not present, no report.
Director-at-Large: Karen McCulloh present. Karen asked that the League of Women Voters, the Manhattan Chamber, and the Manager of Little Apple Brewery be added to the Collaboration Suggestions for Work Smart Initiative.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler said that donations will be collected again at the November branch meeting. Amount received will be given to Shauntia Rippee to be sent to the National AAUW fund. National uses the funds where needed. She did not receive very much money with the collection at our last meeting. She hopes that donations will improve at our next meeting.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – 2020 is when by-laws will be approved by National AAUW.
Public Policy: Jean Lee reported
Reminder to all members-Vote in the General Election tomorrow November 6, 2018!!!!!!
Karen reported that money has been appropriated for new voting machines.
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee reported– The next Lunch with League is November 15, 2018 at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30 am with lunch costing $10.00. The speaker will be Dr. Brianne Heidbreder, Graduate Program Director and Associate Professor of Political Science at Kansas State University. She will speak on “The Election is Over, Now What?” This is a non-partisan event however we will discuss the implications based on long-standing League principles.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis reported that an October meeting was held and on Tuesday the State Board will have a conference call. The State Board will be working with us on 2 workshops for the Work Smart Initiative. Kansas times for the 2 workshops are January and June. There is not a fee to attend these workshops. The Kansas City area has had 2 workshops and the 3rd workshop is coming up in their area. We will add to the Compiled list of Suggestions for the Work Smart Initiative (see attached) the Chamber of Manhattan, KS, the League of Women Voters, Steve’s Floral, Manager of Little Apple Brewery, New Boston Creative, and Amanda Pardon. To mentor women from these groups, Nancy suggested that we make a postcard with information about the Work Smart Initiative and send it to those on the complied list asking for their involvement.
The Kansas AAUW also wants us to work with them on getting a National Conference for College Women Student Leaders scholarship winner.
The Kansas AAUW will work with us on the Landon Lecture for the 19th Amendment Celebration in 2019. We will also work with the League of Women Voters to get a Landon Lecture.
The State meeting is in Lindsborg, April 27, 2019.
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood absent, no report.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – absent, no report.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles not present, no report.
Archives: Joan Strickler – more items are needed. 1920’s material and beyond are present.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones present. More members needed on the Scholarship committee. Jean Lee did volunteer to work on the committee. In January they have a meeting or a phone call. In April applications are due. In early May the applications are read by committee members. The applications are sent to the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation for approval and choice of winners. Some people take classes at random. Now they are not qualified for our Scholarships. We use what K State uses as a non-traditional student definition. The matching amount that the foundation gives is 50%. That is a great amount. Along with a great Quarterly Fund Statement report of the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation (see attached) given by Claudia, she also reported who our three 2018 Grant Winners were. Rial Carver received $1500, Jessie Piper (married now) received $1000, and Negar Orangi-Fard received $1000. We may in the future give four Grants.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent, no report.
University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce – absent, no report.
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
Elected officer needs: President-elect and Membership chairman.
Marilyn Bunyan was in the hospital.
We need to do a financial review. We will try to find an accounting student from K State to do this.
Usha will moderate the meeting, Monday for Mary Stamey who will be gone.
For the December program the program committee needs to contact our speakers, Erin Bishop, Coordinator of the Cat’s Cupboard/Kansas State Food Pantry and Tracy Emery, Coordinator of the USD383 Fit Closet & Clothing Exchange and ask for their wish list for members to donate items. Dessert will be brought by all members for the December Branch meeting.
The next all member Branch meeting is Monday November 12, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Little Apple Brewery with the Program and Business Meeting at 6:45 pm. Cost is $13.00. The program will feature Dr. Marty Vanier, Director of Operations, Kansas State University National Agricultural Biosecurity Center giving us an update on the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility.
Our next Board meeting will be December 3, 2018 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
October 1, 2018
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Barbara Gatewood, Karen Tinkler, Connie Noble, Mary Ng’an’g, Usha Reddi, Joan Strickler, Nancy Bolsen, Karen McCulloh, and Jean Lee.
Maurine reports that on September 19, 2018 Mary Stamey through email, requested a motion concerning AAUW becoming a partner with League of Women Voters for a candidate forum to be held at 2:00 pm Sunday, October 14 at the Manhattan Public Library. Mary reported that there would be no financial investment needed and we would act as hostesses and be ambassadors of citizenship by promoting the event by word of mouth or in any other way. On September 19, 2018, Connie Noble moved, by email, that our AAUW branch partner with League of Women Voters for a candidate forum to be held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday October 14 at Manhattan Public Library. Rebecca Hackmann-Bahlmann seconded the motion. Through email members of AAUW board voted yes on the motion. On September 20, 2018 motion carried.
Jean Lee reported that Cathy Hedge of the League of Women Voters said that 1 timer and 2 question collectors are needed for the Candidate Forum Sunday October 14, 2018 at the Manhattan Public Library from 2 – 5 pm.
President Mary Stamey’s remarks-
1. Candidate Forum: Partnering with League of Women Voters Oct 14, 2018, from 2 – 5 pm Manhattan Public Library. See note above.
2. AAUW’s pilot initiative with Kansas & Missouri AAUW branches. This is a five-year program with a foundation in the Kansas City region. This will be expanded to Springfield, St. Louis, Wichita, Manhattan, etc. and rural areas based on input from community members. They will need host sites and facilitators to teach the Work Smart program as well as funding and marketing with partners. The Work Smart program teaches women to negotiate better salaries and benefits to help solve the pay gap in our work world. Mary Stamey was a participant in a conference call with Kim Churches, our Chief Executive Officer of National AAUW. We were picked because we are rural and metropolitan. We need to pick 10 people who will act as facilitators from our city or region to be trained in Work Smart. The facilitators would have to commit to teaching 2 workshops over the year. The supplies will be given to you. Mary will email dates of the workshops in the Kansas City area. The person who takes the training will pay nothing. The training will be online and free soon. We turned into Mary, ideas of places and organizations who would use the Work Smart training for employees. This is a great initiative to be involved in as the pay gap still exists between female and male employees everywhere.
3. 19th amendment celebration in 2019 – coordinating with Kansas League of Women Voters.
They want us to contact a Landon Lecturer. Linda Cook is the one to contact for this. The cost for some Landon Lecturers is $2500. Mary Stamey will find out what the cost will be. We need a person to contact other people about the Landon Lecture event.
Past President: Karen Tinkler no report
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Usha Reddi, Mary N’gang’a, and Julee Thomas. Usha reported the next program of 2018-2019 is Rich Vargo, County Clerk, Riley County, Kansas speaking about the Election Process. Dinner will be at Little Apple Brewery, Monday, October 8, 2018 at 6:00 pm with the Program and Business Meeting at 6:45 pm. Cost is $13.00. Usha will not be there. The election process will be discussed, as well as dates that advance voting begins, and the last date to register, etc. There will be time for questions. It was asked if Rich Vargo could also explain the minutes of their meeting being so brief. Usha will get that request to Rich Vargo.
Mary Ng’an”g reported that reservations are made three different ways either with the Meet Up program, with an email answer, or with the Event Bright program. Members will order when we get there and pay Little Apple Brewery directly. A sign in sheet is made that will be used for sending Shape the Future forms and other forms which explains to potential members that they have to attend one AAUW event to get a special membership fee for the first year and the other details for special first year membership dues. A special sheet will be given to those who come who want to join that evening. It shows they have attended one event and it will involve their application for membership with AAUW.
Membership Vice-President: Mary Stamey reported 2 new members joined. They are Alison Wheatly and Loretta Johnson. They each need to be joined up with a current member for our next Branch meeting. Members who have not paid for 2018-2019 number 11. Many of them are long time AAUW members. We need someone to call these people about their dues being overdue.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt- In error minutes of the September 10, 2018 Branch meeting was handed to those present. No corrections were needed. Barbara moved and Nancy seconded approval of the minutes for the last Branch meeting. Motion carried. Minutes of the September 6, 2018 Board meeting will be handed to board members at our next board meeting to be approved.
Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee not present but sent reports to Mary Stamey.
Budget for 2018-2019 was presented and discussed.
After discussion on Membership, Programs, Community Fair, State Convention, Office Supplies/PO Box, NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) Scholarship, STEM scholarships, and Yearbook, many were increased from the amount on the draft budget. One item of AAUW National Fund was dropped as we give individually to AAUW National and the branch does not need to give. This Budget will still remains $800 under our last budget. The final Budget will be presented and voted on by attending members at the October Branch meeting.
Ending Cash Balance for August 31, 2018 – $2,494.09
Ending Cash Balance for September 30, 2018 – $2,613.41
It was requested that we get a report on the Manhattan Community Foundation. This is money used for scholarships. Claudia Jones’ name is on the account. Mary will check to see if she (Mary) can get the report.
Director-at-Large: Karen McCulloh present – reported on several community events coming up.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler said that donations will be collected at the October branch meeting and the November branch meetings. Amount received will be given to Shauntia Rippee to be sent to the National AAUW fund. National uses the funds where needed.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – nothing reported at this time.
Public Policy: Jean Lee reported October 16th is the last day to register and October 17th is the beginning of the mail in ballots to the Election Clerk.
Reminder to all members-Vote in the General Election November 6, 2018!!!!!!!
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee reported– The next Lunch with League is October 18, 2018 at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30am with lunch costing $9.00. The speakers will be Superintendent Dr. Marvin Wade and one other person who will speak about the Bond Issue that everyone can vote for or against in November.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis not present-no report.
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood reported that the Website and Facebook have been updated. Hotlines of the next events and pictures of the speakers are on Facebook and the Website. Great job, Barbara, with the picture of Rich Vargo and his speaker event coming up at our next all member Branch meeting. Someone needs to take pictures on Monday to be sent to Barbara as she will be absent. Connie Noble will do this.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – no report at his time
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles not present, no report.
Archives: Joan Strickler – more items are needed.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones not present. No report.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent -no report at this time
University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce – absent – no report
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
Elected officer needs: President-elect and Membership chairman.
NEW BUSINESS: We brainstormed organizations where the Work Smart National initiative in Kansas and Missouri could give the Work Smart Trainings to employees.
The next all member Branch meeting is Monday October 8, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Little Apple Brewery with the Program and Business Meeting at 6:45 pm. Cost is $13.00. The program will feature Rich Vargo, County Clerk, Riley County, Kansas speaking about the Election Process.
Our next Board meeting will be November 5, 2018 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
September 6, 2018
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:45 PM
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Barbara Gatewood, Karen Tinkler, Connie Noble, Mary Ng’an’g, Leena Chakrabarti, Usha Reddi, Shauntia Rippee, Joan Strickler, and Nancy Bolsen.
MEETING CALLED TO ODER: Mary Stamey announced that KC(Missouri) has a new regional initiative. 1 million women in the work force or interviewing for jobs will learn how to negotiate salaries. Women can better know the market and strive for banning salary history when interviewing for a job. This initiative is like the Start Smart and Work Smart programs used earlier by AAUW members but they found the programs to be very expensive. Our members wondered if these groups of women got grants to work the initiative.
Past President: Karen Tinkler no report
Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Usha Reddi, Mary N’gang’a, and Julee Thomas reported the first program of 2018-2019 is Annelise Nguyen presenting GJIC of Heterogenous 3D Tumor – Drug Discovery for Breast Cancer from her research and study in Washington DC. Dinner will be at Little Apple Brewery, Monday, September 10, 2018 at 6:00 pm with the Program and Business Meeting at 6:45 pm. Cost is $13.00.
Mary Ng’an”g reported 30 people are coming to the branch meeting. Reservations were made three different ways either with the Meet Up program, with an email answer, or with the Event Bright program. Members will order when we get there and pay Little Apple Brewery directly. Suggestion was made – (Can someone collect the $13.00 when we arrive – it is easier for the waiter or waitress as people may leave at various times). This will be considered if there becomes a problem later. An approximate number of registrations will be given to Little Apple Brewery. A sign in sheet can be made for when they come in that will be used for sending Shape the Future forms and other forms which explains to potential members that they have to attend one AAUW event to get a special membership fee for one year and the other details for special first year membership dues.
Usha handed out a great card to be handed to all members attending the meeting and potential members. It has all programs for our branch meetings listed on the card and AAUW contact information. Great job Usha Reddi!!!
One new member joined after the last dinner. Another new member has also signed up. Sponsorship of businesses was reviewed. Little Apple Brewery is our first business sponsor.
Membership Vice-President: Gail Chalman has exited from her office and will need to be replaced.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt-minutes of the May 7, 2018 board meeting and the minutes of the AAUW Retreat was handed to those present. No Corrections were needed. Usha moved and Karen seconded approval of the minutes for the last board meeting and the summer retreat. Motion carried.
Mary passed out the budget for 2018-2019. A suggested addition to the budget was Membership supplies and Tabling supplies with a line amount of $200? This will be considered by Mary Stamey and Shauntia Rippee and voting on the Budget by attending members will be at the October branch meeting.
Sept. 20th is the due date for sending to Mary the many brochures that are needed to be ordered for activities this year.
Paid members – 34 members have paid at this time. Possible 15 members are not paid as of present but said they will send in payment. We had 58 paid members last year.
Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee Budget for 2018-2019 was presented and discussed.
Ending Cash Balance for May 31, 2018 not reported.
Ending Cash Balance for August 31, 2018 not reported.
Director-at-Large: Karen McCulloh and Leena Chakrabarti no special report.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler said that the hat will be passed around at the October branch meeting and the November branch meetings. Amount received will be given to Shauntia Rippee to be sent to National AAUW.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen reported that the National Office does not require any additions to our revised By-Laws. Of the 542 possible Kansas voters for the National elections 69 voted. That is 12.73 % of the total National membership.
Public Policy: Jean Lee – not present, no report
League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee – absent– The next Lunch with League is September 20, 2018 at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30am with lunch costing $9.00. A review of new resources and strategies used this year to reach voters in the community, at High Schools and at K-State University about voter registration will be given. Reminder to all members-Vote in the General Election November 6, 2018!!!!!!!
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis not present-no report.
Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood reported that the Website and Facebook have been updated. Minutes are posted of the branch and board meetings as well as the news releases to the Manhattan Mercury. Event announcements will be posted. Mary Stamey asked “What can we do for getting our message to more potential members?” It was suggested that we do Facebook Live during our meetings. Permission from the speaker is needed. Many more potential members will be reached in this manner.
Yearbook: Connie Noble reported the 2018-2019 Yearbook is in progress.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles not present, no report.
Archives: Joan Strickler – more items are needed.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones not present. No report.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent -no report at this time
University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce – absent – no report
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 pm.
People are needed to chair the volunteers in these areas: transportation for rides to meetings, community fair, grocery funds which is a community reward program, and the historians.
Elected officer needs: President-elect and Membership chairman.
NEW BUSINESS: no items
The next all member Branch meeting is Monday September 10, 2018 at 6:00 pm at Little Apple Brewery with the Program and Business Meeting at 6:45 pm. Cost is $13.00. The first program of 2018-2019 is Annelise Nguyen presenting GJIC of Heterogenous 3D Tumor – Drug Discovery for Breast Cancer from her research and study in Washington DC.
Our next Board meeting will be October 1, 2018 at Vista Drive-In at 4:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary