Manhattan (KS) AAUW
Board of Directors Meeting,
May 4, 2020 ** 5:30 PM ** Zoom Meeting
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge and Mary Stamey – Welcome to everyone on Zoom!!!! Due to the COVID 19 Virus that has swept the nation and due to the Stay at Home practices demanded by the governor to prevent greater spread of the COVID 19 Virus we canceled the April Board and Branch meetings and are rescheduling the May Branch meeting. We also had to cancel plans to be in the St. Patrick’s Day parade with our huge banner and ladies wearing suffragette type clothing. Children would have been on the 2 fire trucks wearing sashes with the 19th amendment message. The entire parade was canceled due to the COVID-19 virus outbreak. Some scholarships were also canceled.
Members present on Zoom: Marlene VerBuggee, Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Rebecca Bahlmann, Nancy Bolsen, Amanda Gaulke, Chris Herald, Tresa Landis, Claudia Jones, Barbara Gatewood, and Karen McCulloh.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi – absent and Julee Thomas has moved – A discussion on moving the 100th Anniversary Celebration from May 11th to a September 14th meeting was held. Mrs. Myers from K State is not available to speak on September 14th. Do we get another speaker? The decision was made to move the May Branch meeting to September 14th at the Manhattan Country Club with no speaker. The program will be the installation of officers and the 100th Anniversary Celebration. Marlene canceled the May meeting on Eventbrite. The Manhattan Country Club will transfer our deposit to September 14th. Nancy suggested that we use the many pictures of our AAUW Branch from the Historical Society and make a Power Point display with those. Barbara suggested we use pictures from the last 5 or 6 years of AAUW meetings that are available for the Power Point display also. Mary suggested that she and Karen Hummel wear their white outfits and sashes. They can demonstrate the dress of our leaders 100 years ago.
It was suggested by Marlene that we have Mrs. Myers come as our speaker to a different meeting for the 2020-2021 year.
Celebration of the passing of the 19th Amendment needs to be highlighted at possibly our November meeting of the 2020-2021 year.
Note the AAUW Board meeting will be on September 8th because of Labor Day being September 7th.
Vice-President of Membership: Amanda Gaulke spoke about membership renewals. Mary Stamey will work with Amanda on getting the remainder of the dues turned in by members. Tasks for the next few months will be concentrating on keeping members, obtaining new members, and getting membership packets ready for the fall.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt sent the minutes of the AAUW Board meeting to members through email. Maurine noticed one error. Tresa Landis name is not spelled Teresa. Motion to accept the March 2, 2020 minutes was made by Barbara Gatewood and seconded by Nancy Bolsen. I will correct the spelling of the name of Tresa. Motion passed.
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: Very few have renewed their membership. 9 people renewed online and 3 checks were written for renewals. National has fixed the program for renewing online. Members can use the latest email they received from national to renew their membership online. The dues are $80. The ending balance as of April 30, 2020 is $ 5229.12. Barbara sent in a bill for the banner but has not gotten money back. Amanda will check on this as she felt the bill was to be paid by her to the printing company. The League of Women Voters has paid half of the money to our AAUW Branch. The banner will be used by AAUW and LWV at the State Fair this September.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler: absent, no report.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen no report.
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel- absent: Marlene reported that the LWV has asked if anyone would be willing to help in the booth at the State Fair on September 14 (our meeting date). The building is the Sunflower South where there is lots of traffic. The adjacent vendors are Brown Shoe Fit and Adrian’s A-Z. The building is climate controlled with restrooms in the building. They will have a table and chairs. The building Volunteers are to sign up by May 30th. Volunteers are also needed for the times listed on the following days:
Non- Local League day coverage needed.
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 9 AM to 11 AM (1 person), 11 AM to 1:15 PM (1 person), 5 PM to 7:15 PM (2 people)
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 7 PM to 9:15 PM (2 people)
Thursday, Sept 17, 9 AM to 11:15 AM (2 people), 1 PM to 3: 15 PM (2 people), 7 PM to 9:15 PM (2 people)
The link about the State Fair is on the website
The League also has a PowerPoint that provides information for reasons to vote, especially for young voters, and details for how to register in Kansas. They will have a link on their website soon.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis: See note under Standing Committees.
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood – reported that everything has been posted on the website and on Facebook. 24 pictures were posted on Facebook Page from our International Women’s Day celebration. Give anything to Barbara that you want posted. LWV Power Point is on the website now. Mary Stamey, as one of the moderators of the website and Facebook, said that many, many people have gotten on the website and Facebook.
Yearbook: Connie Noble absent – Marlene asked, “When do we need to have our individual yearbook information to Connie?” It was stated that by Mid-August we should get our information to her. Anice Robel will be kept in the directory as she will pay.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins both absent.
Archives: Joan Strickler: absent – Marlene reported the following from Joan. “In 1933-1943 the WPA (Works Project Administration) provided funds for early education and childcare. The effort was intended to free up parents to be able to seek employment during the lean years of the depression and on into the war years. While public schools provided the building and education, the programs were required to have an independent local sponsor to receive and disburse any funds provided. In Manhattan, AAUW agreed to take on that responsibility. The nursery schools were located in Bluemont, Roosevelt, and Douglas education centers. WPA paid for the teacher and a cook. Mothers worked in WPA projects at first but transitioned into defense work later during WWII.” What a great piece of history, Joan and Marlene!!!!
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones reported on the Grow Green Day. 15 people donated to the AAUW scholarship fund on the Grow Green Day, April 22, 2020. $1,055.00 was collected and the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation will make a match. Claudia stated that the money stays with the Grow Green Foundation and is given to a person we recommend from the applicants for the scholarship. It was asked if we could use the money for our STEM scholarship? If we use it for STEM, the money would have to go directly to the school district. Chris Herald said as of now the answer is “No” because now the money from STEM goes to USD 383. Claudia reported the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation wanted changes in the Grow Green scholarship application. In the changed application AAUW was lost in the information. High School students not college students were stressed in many of the other applications. Because of that AAUW is not in favor of the change. The Greater Manhattan Community Foundation will reconsider the application. Can we let people who donate to AAUW on Grow Green Day know more about it being for an AAUW scholarship? The website for Grow Green does show information concerning donating to AAUW is donating to the AAUW scholarship. This year 8 applications were received, we have delayed the interviews because of the COVID 19 virus. We may do the interviews by Zoom. Applicants were notified that we are in the process of getting this portion finished.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann reported that the scholarships have been canceled due to the COD19 virus outbreak.
STEM – Chris Herald reported that the STEM camp on the K-State campus this summer is cancelled due to the COVID 19 Virus. It will be online. They will have hands-on projects. Chris has contacted, at both middle schools, two counselors and the science teachers. The notice was emailed but many parents did not see it among the many emails they are receiving at this time. May 8th is deadline for the application to be turned in. She has one application so far. It was asked if the scholarship is need-based. Yes, it is a sliding scale of need-based concepts, free lunch, etc. $100 would be given this year and the students must be in seventh grade at this time.
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey will report at the summer retreat.
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Mary Stamey – we may celebrate this at the November Branch meeting for the 2020-2021 year.
AAUW State Conference 2020: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge. Due to the COVID 19 virus the State AAUW has canceled the 2020 Annual Meeting. Tresa stated that the State Annual Meeting for 2021 will be April 17, 2021 at the Kansas City, Kansas Community College. A newsletter will go out soon to all Branch members. AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch will be recognized as a Star Branch. There is a National Star Branch program as well. Check the AAUW National website for application if needed. Our Manhattan (KS) Branch had volunteered to host the 2021 State meeting but it is now at KCKCC. Do we want to volunteer for 2022? That will be decided in July at the Retreat.
NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) scholarship – Tresa Landis and Nancy Bolsen – Tresa reported that they received 8 applications. Because of the COVID 19 Virus and restrictions placed on community gatherings the Conference for College Women Student Leaders did get canceled. It was to be in June of 2020. The scholarship did not get awarded this year. The students will have to reapply if they want the scholarship for next year.
100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh and committee: We moved the celebration to the September 14, 2020 Branch meeting with the installation of officers.
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote –
Slate of officers for 2020-2021
Co-Presidents: Marlene VerBrugge and ________________
Vice Presidents for Programs: Usha Reddi, Dede Brokesh, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Connie Noble
Secretary or Co-Secretaries: ________________ and _______________
Treasurer: Mandy Gaulke
Directors at Large: Karen McColluh (2020-2021) and ________________ (2021-2022)
Nancy moved that we approve the slate of officers as is. Karen McCulloh seconded. Motion carried.
We will continue to look for a secretary and director at large.
Summer Retreat for the board: Saturday July 11, 2020. The tests for COVID 19 virus will possibly be sent to the building where Tresa works. We will not meet at that building. Marlene will check the community room at the Beach Museum and the Library community room for the Retreat meeting. If we are unable to meet in-person we will meet on Zoom.
Summer Retreat is Saturday, July 11th2020. Location will be emailed to the members.
Next Board Meeting: Note change of day because of Labor Day being the September 7th. Our next board meeting will be September 8, 2020 – 5:30 p.m. at Vista.
Next Branch meeting September 14, 2020 at the Manhattan Country Club.
Meeting Adjourned,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
April 13, 2020
Report for Branch Members
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge and Mary Stamey
We are in unprecedented times these days. Our sincere hope is that you and your families are safe and healthy.
We are not having an April board or branch meeting, but I wanted to send notes to the branch members as a report. It’s unlikely that we’ll be able to meet in May, however, we will send a notice concerning that later.
Marlene and Mary have completed the Kansas Star Branch Report. Whew – we’ve been busy this year. I will send a copy to the branch members in a few days.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi and Julee Thomas – No report (Marlene’s note – Will probably need to cancel May meeting and if so, will need to contact Country Club and Mary Jo Meyers, the speaker for May). We’ll reschedule our 100th anniversary celebration for our September meeting.
Vice-President of Membership: No report
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt: Minutes of the March board meeting were distributed at the March branch meeting.
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: 1) The account balance as of April 1st was $5,094.12. 2) It’s time for dues. Mandy sent dues renewal information to each member. The email included a personal link for you to renew your membership on the national website. If you experience any difficulty or cannot renew in this manner, please contact Mandy. We encourage you to renew now. It’s saves much time and effort on the part of the treasurer if repeated notices are not necessary.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel
State Board Liaison: Teresa Landis – State conference has been canceled
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood – the website and Facebook have been updated
Yearbook: Connie Noble
STEM: Chris Herald – Chris shared some STEM resources with teachers on Facebook & Twitter. Since the school buildings are closed, I did not pick up the summer STEM scholarship forms on March 6th. One school did notify me that they did not have any forms turned in by the due date. For that reason, I extended the due date for the scholarship forms since the summer enrollment forms would be available on March 16th. But the Director of Teaching & Learning sent me an email saying the program is on pause. I’d imagine all their resources are focused on how to help students the next 6 weeks. I’ll keep you posted.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins
Archives: Joan Strickler
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV): Mary Stamey
AAUW State Conference 2021: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote – Slate of officers for 2020-2021 – We are still working on the slate of officers. We’re trying to find co-positions for each of the officers (except Treasurer) so duties can be shared. Here’s where we are to date. If anyone is willing to share their time and talents with the board, please contact Marlene or Mary. We need you!
Co-President: Marlene VerBrugge and ________________
Co-VP for Programs: Usha Reddi, ______________, __________________, and (Connie Noble for meeting logistics and reservations)
Co-VP for Membership: Mary Stamey and Chris Herald
Co-Secretary: ________________ and _________________
Treasurer: Mandy Gaulke
Director’s at Large: Karen McCulloh (2019-2021) and _____________________ (2020-2022)
Next Board Meeting: May 4, 2020 – possibly by zoom
Manhattan (KS) AAUW
Board of Directors Meeting,
March 2, 2020 ** 5:30 PM ** Vista Drive-In
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge and Mary Stamey
Members Present: Mary Stamey, Connie Noble, Claudia Jones, Barbara Gatewood, Nancy Bolsen, Maurine Pruitt, Karen Hummel, Amanda Gaulke, and Marlene VerBrugge.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi absent and Julee Thomas – has moved – Usha sent in the report from the committee on our next program. It is March 9, 2020 with a dinner and program for International Women’s Day Celebration. Connie said everything is in place and there are 30 reservations. One of the speakers, Marianne Korten has joined our branch. Two of the speakers are bringing their families. Name tags, flowers and gifts have been taken care of. For other information see the 19th Amendment notes on the second page.
Vice-President of Membership: Mary Stamey is in process of contacting potential members who signed our list at the community fair.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt handed out minutes of our Board meeting on February 3, 2020 to those members present. No corrections were noted. Connie moved to approve the minutes and Barbara seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: The balance for March 1, 2020 is $5,416.61. We may use check or cash for payment of the meeting and dinner for International Women’s Day Celebration on March 9, 2020. The cost is $25.00. Amanda needs receipts from those members who have bought items for our International Celebration. A sound system has been borrowed.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler: absent
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – no report
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel reported that Lunch with League will be at Little Apple Brewery on March 19, 2020, costing $10.00. The speaker will be Dr. Brianne Heidbreder of K-State University. She will be addressing gerrymandering and the electoral college.
State Board Liaison: Teresa Landis – absent – Marlene reported that the State conference is April 25, 2020 at KCKCC (Kansas City Kansas Community College). Nancy, Tresa, Mary and possibly Connie will be going.
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood reported that the February Board minutes, Branch minutes, and the Mercury News Release have been posted to the website and on Facebook. The March 9, 2020 International Women’s Day Celebration publicity has been posted on the website, on Facebook and on the K-State Today website.
Yearbook: Connie Noble – no report
STEM: Chris Herald – absent
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins – both absent
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones reported that the Grow Green Community Event is on April 22, 2020. It is now at Harris Activity Center at 530 Poyntz Avenue. It should be noted that the Handicap entrance is at the back of the building. The Greater Manhattan Community Foundation will match, at 50%, gifts of between $25 and $1,000. AAUW money will be used as a Branch Scholarship managed through the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation. Applications are due March 26, 2020.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann absent
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey – no report
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Mary Stamey reported that much was completed at the committee meeting. Members Barbara Gatewood, Mary Stamey, Karen Hummel, and Alison Wheatley participated with the League of Women Voters members.
March 3, 2020 – The Douglas Center Celebration has 4 or 5 speakers. The time is 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We need helpers as we are also supporting this event.
March 3, 2020 – The city commission proclamation for International Women’s Day will be given at city hall by Mayor Usha Reddi on Tuesday at 7:00 pm.
March 4, 2020 – The school board proclamation will be given Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the Robinson Education Center.
Both proclamations will take about 5 minutes and are held at the beginning of the meetings, so waiting around is super minimal. Usually about 4 people go up front to receive the proclamation but is it always good to have others members in the audience.
March 5, 2020 – The interview about the International Women’s Day will be recorded by KMAN radio station at 10:30 am. Usha asked the panelists to join Mary Stamey for the interview. Mary will give the interview with Marlene VerBrugge and Fanny Fang from China assisting with the interview about AAUW and the International Women’s Day Celebration.
March 14, 2020 – We will participate in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade with 2 fire trucks with children on them who will be wearing sashes with the 19th amendment message. The ladies will wear suffragette type clothing. Dress in white if possible. They will have posters on sticks and our banner. We are doing this with the League of Women Voters. We will meet near the Pavilion at City Park at 12:00 pm for a 1:00 pm parade.
Barbara reported – The banner will be a six foot banner with the borrowed slogan “Hard Won Not Done” . We will have Thomas Outdoor Advertising make the poster.
Karen Hummel will check with Copies for Less for making the Posters.
Dr. Frank Tracz with the city band will celebrate the 100th year for the participation of the City Band at City Park. We will participate in this also. Date and time later.
Homecoming parade – we hope to march in this.
Veterans Day Parade – is after the election but we hope to march in this also.
Total cost for Posters and the Banner is approximately $100 for AAUW with the League of Women Voters sharing like cost.
AAUW State Conference 2021: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge – no report
100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh and committee will be meeting soon in preparation for the May meeting.
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote – Slate of officers for 2020-2021 is being built. The slate of officers will be presented at our April branch meeting then voted on at our April Branch meeting. The officers for 2020-2021 will be installed at our May meeting. The officer terms begin July 1st. The summer retreat is in July.
Mary announced that LWV (League of Women Voters) is wanting assistance with representation at the Kansas State Fair on Monday September 14, 2020 in Hutchinson, Kansas. They would like 2 members each to participate in 2 ¼ hour shifts from 9 am to 9 pm. You will be given a free tickets to the State Fair that day. You will be inside a cooled building and will help fairgoers celebrate 100 years of the right to vote for all citizens and you will share the suffrage history and encourage voter participation by sharing the importance of voting.
Next Board Meeting: April 6, 2020, 5:30PM, Vista Drive-In
Meeting Adjourned,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
Manhattan (KS) AAUW
Board of Directors Meeting,
February 3, 2020 ** 5:30 PM ** Vista Drive-In
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge absent. Mary Stamey led the board meeting.
January 31, 2020 voting started for AAUW Art Contest.
Members present: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Chris Herald, Usha Reddi, Barbara Gatewood, Tresa Landis, Connie Noble, Amanda Gaulke, and Rebecca Bahlmann.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi reported the next program for our Branch meeting on February 10th at Lit-tle Apple Brewery is Women’s Road to Suffrage in Kansas. Diane Eickoff and Aaron Barnhart are the Speaker/Author of Humanities in Kansas. The meeting starts at 6:00 pm and the cost is $13.00. Pay with check or cash if possible when you enter. Any cards you have for payment will be processed at the end of the meeting. We will invite LWV (League of Women Voters) to our February meeting.
Usha also reported that March 9, 2020 is the dinner and program for International Women’s Day. From the four speak-ers Africa, China, South Korea, and Argentina are represented. Connie and Chris will work with the ribbons and Marlene will take care of the gifts for the speakers. The committee does need two speakers on the radio for K-Man. Mary and Tresa will serve as our speakers on the radio. Elected officials will be invited. Follow-up with the Holiday Inn at the Campus over final arrangements will be handled by Usha Reddi.
Vice-President of Membership: no report.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt handed out minutes of our Board Meeting for January 6, 2020 to those present. No correc-tions were noted. Connie moved to approve the minutes and Tresa seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: The balance for February 1, 2020 is $5480.61. We discussed payment options for Interna-tional Women’s Day dinner. We may use check or cash and Amanda will check into the cost of our Branch buying a small square card reader. We do not have a card reader at this time. Amanda will also check into using Pay Pal for pay-ment of the dinner.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler absent.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen absent.
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel absent. Maurine reported that Lunch with League is at Little Apple Brewery February 20, 2020 beginning at 11:30 and the cost for lunch is $11.00. (Up $1.00). The speaker will be a Partnership Specialist from the Dallas Regional Center for the U.S. Census Bureau. Dorothy M. Karnowski will inform us of the vital importance of the Census for our community and nation. LWV Members will be attending League of Women Voters of Kansas, Day of Action at the Capitol in Topeka on Thursday, February 13, 2020 beginning at 8:30am.
State Board Liaison: Teresa Landis reported the Kansas State Conference is April 25, 2020, at KCKCC (Kansas City Kansas Community College). Fifteen members from KCKCC have registered to assist with the State Conference and eight have filled out applications for the NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) scholarship. The deadline for applications on this scholarship was January 31, 2020. “AAUW Hear Us Roar” is the chosen theme for the conference. The Regional meeting this year is in Moline, Illinois on June 18 and 19. The cost of flying from Manhattan, Kansas to Moline, Illinois is $300 round trip. We are hoping for many to attend the Regional AAUW meeting.
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood reported that all the information to be posted on the website and on Facebook has been processed.
Yearbook: Connie Noble reported that she needs extended information of new members to put in the yearbook.
STEM: Chris Herald reported that Back to the Future Workshop for middle school students (grades 6-8) is on February 22, 2020. Chris also reported on the Spring 2020 Excite Shadow Days at K-State for high school students. Shadow days are February 12, February 26, March 25, and April 1. She reported on Scholarships for middle schools students in the area for a Summer Stem project at K-State for the month of June. The cost is $125 for each person. Scholarship appli-cations for this project were delivered by Chris to the middle schools’ counselors and science teachers at Eisenhower Middle School and Susan B. Anthony Middle School. The counselors and science teachers will distribute notices con-cerning the scholarships to the parents. Chris used Sir Speedy to make copies. She was very pleased with the company.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins, both absent.
Archives: Joan Strickler absent.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann reported on the National scholarship applications. She posted in-formation about all of them in the Newsletter at K State. Information is also posted on K State Today and on Facebook. Deadlines are all in the fall.
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey reported that we have not had contact with the leader. Mary will follow up on this.
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV): Mary Stamey, Bonnie Sherow and Marisa Larson are continuing with this. Advertise if you are doing something with the 19th Amendment. We will be checking on being in parades such as the following: Homecoming, St. Patrick’s, Veterans Day, etc. We will check into doing something in June to celebrate the 19th amendment passing.
The committee can check on the City Band 100th year. Check with Dr. Frank Trace who conducts a Concert in City Park.
Purple Power Play activity with K-State is one to check on. Contact Cathy Hedge and Karen Hummel.
AAUW State Conference 2021: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge. No report.
100th Anniversary Celebration: Dinner at the Manhattan Country Club in May. Marlene and Karen McCulloh will work with this activity.
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote –
The decision on Meetup for reservations for our Branch meetings came from the following information. The cost is $100 for 6 months. We had 4 or 5 people use this each month for reservations. We will cancel this at this time. Too few people use it.
Report on the Community Fair on February 1, 2020: The sign-up sheet was shared with us. Nine ladies did show interest in AAUW. One member for sure will be joining AAUW. Two others are going to be contacted by members. Others are available to be contacted by members. The Community Fair was a true success.
NEW BUSINESS: Discussion on officers for next year follows.
Marlene will not be co-president. Mary has been president twice. Maurine will not be secretary next year.
Marlene will do reservations and set up for collection of money as the members enter the room.
Mary will work with membership, Rebecca will work with Instagram, and Maurine will work as the greeter at each branch meeting. Connie will do Yearbook, Chris will work with STEM, Amanda will be Treasurer and Tresa will serve as State Board Liaison. Barbara will serve as Website and Facebook coordinator and Usha will work with the speaker con-tact duties but stated that we need a program committee.
Possible new contacts for membership:
Young women in business with Chamber of Commerce and KAWSE women in science and engineering. Ask the young women above to share information about AAUW. Younger people use Instagram not Facebook.
President and Financial Persons are only necessary officers according to our By-laws. Other duties can be handled by committees. See By-laws for duties, etc.
Nominating committee presents slate of officers at March meeting, the slate of officers is voted on at April meeting and officers are installed at May meeting. Officer terms begin July 1 (summer retreat is in July).
Next Board Meeting: March 2, 2020, 5:30 PM, Vista Drive-In
Meeting Adjourned,
Maurine Pruitt
Manhattan Branch AAUW
Board of Directors Meeting,
January 7, 2020 ** 5:30 PM ** Vista Drive-in
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge and Mary Stamey
Members Present: Marlene VerBrugge, Maurine Pruitt, Karen McCulloh, Connie Noble, Chris Herald, Claudia Jones, and Karen Hummel.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha absent. Marlene announced that the Next Branch Meeting is on January 13, 2020 at the Little Apple Brewery with the meeting starting at 6:00 pm with cost being $13.00. The program will be Happiness Curve of Aging with speaker Dr. Gayle Doll, Director, Kansas State University Center on Aging. Marlene is checking on us paying when we first sign in at Little Apple Brewery rather than at the end of the program.
Vice-President of Membership: It was pointed out that 2 or 3 potential members are joining.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt handed out minutes of our Board Meeting on December 2, 2019 to those present. Corrections were noted. The speaker at our Branch meeting was printed as Jamie Hardeman-Morris but it should be Jamie Morris-Hardeman. It was also noted that under Coordinator’s Report it should state that “These applications are for K-State students” not go to K State. Connie moved to approve the minutes as corrected and Karen McCulloh seconded the motion. Minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: Amanda is still in Denmark. Through email to Marlene she reported that we received funds for one more T-shirt. We received $702 in November and December for National AAUW.
Director’s At-Large: Leena Chakrabarti absent, Karen McCulloh present. Karen McCulloh notified us of a possible speaker for next year as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the suffragette movement. This speaker could give us details on the difficulties the women had among each other.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler: absent
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen absent
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel. It was announced that their next meeting will be January 16, 2020 at Little Apple Brewery. Lunch will be at 11:30 am and the program will start at 12:00 pm. Cost will be $11.00 (note the increase in the cost). The speaker will be Leslie Campbell, the current Clinic Supervisor of the Riley County Health Department. She will share the role of the Health Department in our community and current challenges and current projects. Karen Hummel reported that Corey Broughman, intern for League of Women Voters, developed a report about her internship. Karen will share that report with us at our next Board meeting.
State Board Liaison: Teresa Landis absent
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood, absent but emailed the board members that the minutes of the Board meeting on December 2, 2019, the Branch meeting on December 9, 2019 and the Mercury News release had been posted to the Website and Facebook.
Yearbook: Connie Noble present – no new report.
STEM: Chris Herald, STEM coordinator, reported from KAWSE (Kansas Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering) on a few accomplishments that women in STEM made in 2019.
- NASA astronauts Jessica Meir, Christina Koch and Stephanie Wilson made history while conducting the first all-woman space walk in October.
- For the first time, girls took home all the top prizes at the 2019 Broadcom MASTERS Competition, a science and engineering competition for middle school students.
- Esther Duflo became the second woman to win the Nobel Prize in economics, for her work addressing global poverty. And, Dr. Karen Uhlenbeck became the first woman to win the Abel Prize for her work in mathematics.
- In a demonstration of ally-ship(women supporting women), Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the National Institute for Health, publically refused to participate in any “manels”-panels featuring all-male speakers.
GROW 2020 (Girls Researching Our World 2020) also posted an invitation for girls to register for a Back to the Future Workshop for middle school students (grades 6-8). The Workshop is on February 22, 2020 for a hands-on STEM workshop on the K-State campus in Manhattan, KS.
Chris also announced the Spring 2020 Excite Shadow Days are at K-State for high school students (grades 9-12). K-State is offering Four shadow days in the Spring semester. They are February 12, February 26, March 25, and April 1. Registration deadline is 2 weeks before desired event date. They are open to all high school students with an interest in STEM majors. These are chances to experience the day-in-the-life of a K-State student by joining her as she goes about her normal day on campus.
Chris will work with the scholarships for middle school students in the Manhattan area for a summer STEM project at K-State. Chris will ask the middle schools to put announcements about the STEM project on each school website.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins
Archives: Joan Strickler reported to Marlene that at the January branch meeting she will share a bit of History of the Manhattan AAUW Branch. She will continue to do this at each of our AAUW Branch meetings this year to celebrate our 100th anniversary.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones reported that new applications were being worked on by Claudia and Tresa. The Greater Community Foundation reviewed the updated applications and wanted a more standard form. They want to take out some of the information about AAUW. We will use the old form this year and take this year to make a new application with approval by The Greater Community Foundation. Deadline for getting the completed application in is after spring break.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann absent.
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey absent
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV): Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey, Bonnie Sherow – no report.
AAUW State Conference 2021: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge no report.
00th Anniversary Celebration: Usha Reddi and Karen McCulloh will be meeting on this. Ideas will be incorporated within our May Branch meeting.
International Women’s Day Celebration- Connie reported that 3 panel members have already been chosen. Another panel member will be chosen soon.
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote.
Meet Up reservations for our Branch meetings have been very small. Three or four members make their reservations with Meet Up. Keeping the Meet Up computer application for Branch meeting reservations or canceling it will be voted on at the February 3, 2020 Board meeting. We will eliminate the charge for this application if we decide to cancel it.
Manhattan Town Center Community Fair – February 1, 2020, 10 am to 3 pm. The Manhattan Town Center is asking groups to bring their own door prizes and to hold a drawing at each booth. Some ideas were mentioned for door prizes. Decision on door prizes will be made later. AAUW should wear their new T-shirts!!!!
Annelise Nguyen’s appointment as Associate Director of the Johnson Cancer Research Center at K State was posted today.
Chris Herald got published in the National Science Teachers Association magazine. They published a project of hers in the Science magazine. This project is done in classrooms with little robots.
Great job, Annelise and Chris!!!!!!
Next Board Meeting: February 3, 2020, 5:30PM, Vista Drive-In
Meeting Adjourned,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
Manhattan Branch AAUW
Board of Directors Meeting,
December 2, 2019 ** 5:30 PM ** Vista Drive-in
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge and Mary Stamey
Board Members Present: 9 board members were present. They were Marlene VerBrugge, Mary Stamey, Amanda Gaulke, Barbara Gatewood, Connie Noble, Chris Herald, Usha Reddi, Karen Hummel and Maurine Pruitt.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi present and Julee Thomas absent – Usha reported that the next program will be December 9, 2019 at LaFiesta Restaurant, at 6:00 pm. Note new location. No set cost. People will pay individually according to what they order. Holiday Giving and Celebrations will be the theme with speaker Jamie Hardeman-Morris, Executive Director, Thrive, speaking on Poverty in Kansas and Efforts Like Thrive to Address It. No projector is needed. Holiday Carolers will be singing lead by Penny Seften. In the spirit of holiday giving, please consider bringing an item or items to support families through the Thrive program. Suggested items are toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, pillows, and pillowcases.
International Women’s Day Celebration – There will be no breakfast this year as we have done in past years. The committee was going to see if Manhattan High School wanted an assembly with the International Women Panelists as speakers but it was realized that it is during spring break so no assembly will be held at the High School. The celebration is on March 9, 2020. # Each For Equal is the theme for our International Women’s Day Celebration.
The committee will have plans finalized by the end of December.
It was noted that Strangers in Town is a local movie filmed in Garden City, Kansas showing how they accepted people of different ethnic backgrounds moving into their community. We do need to view this as part of our International Celebration.
Vice-President of Membership: A new member will be at our December 9, 2019 meeting. She is Lee Ann Smith Desper.
Maurine reported that she will bring a new prospective member, Pamela Crawford to the January meeting.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt passed around minutes from the November board meeting. Corrections were presented. Mary Stamey moved the minutes of the November 11, 2019 board meeting be approved as corrected, seconded by Connie. The Board minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: Amanda reported a balance as of November 26, 2019 was $5,465.61. We had deposited money from the T shirt sales. We collected $580 from our donation basket. This money is matched by National and all of this money is sent to National AAUW Fund for scholarships. Annelise Nguyen volunteered for the Fundraising Committee. We need more members to work on the Fundraising Committee.
Director’s At-Large: Leena Chakrabarti and Karen McCulloh both absent.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler: absent but she sent a message that the donation basket will be at the branch meeting December 9, 2019 for those that didn’t have an opportunity to donate at the last meeting. You can also donate online.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen absent
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel reported that you can get a pod cast of Davis Hammet’s report about Loud Lights and what they advocate for or against in the upcoming legislative sessions. Lunch with League on January 16, 2020 at 11:30 am at Little Apple Brewery. The program will feature a person from the Health Department speaking about the Community Survey. The cost is $10.00.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis absent.
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood reported that everything is up to date on the website. The Board minutes, Branch minutes and the Mercury News Releases are all posted on Facebook and the website. Barbara asked for someone to take pictures at the December 9, 2019 meeting as she will be absent from the meeting Monday. Connie, Marlene, and Usha will take pictures and send them to her.
Barbara pointed out that K-State is an official AAUW college/university partner. K-State has to pay a fund to National AAUW so undergraduate and now graduate students can be members of AAUW for free until they graduate. Maurine reported that Mary Stamey did find that K-State has sent the $175 to National AAUW. This is normally done in the summer time.
The dues payments should read as follows:
Free national memberships are available to women who have graduated from college or university (associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree) within the last two years. Through the Give a Grad a Gift Program complimentary Branch and State memberships are also provided. New members who have attended a Manhattan Branch meeting or event may pay a discounted dues of $55.50 for the first year. Individuals who have joined after January 1, pay half-year National dues of $27.75. Other members must pay $80 regular dues per year.
Yearbook: Connie Noble present but no new report.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins both absent.
Archives: Joan Strickler absent.
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones sent note that she and Tresa are making new Scholarships applications. They should be finished for late December or early January submissions. These applications go to K-State. The Manhattan Greater Community Foundation supports the funds for these scholarships.
National Fellowships and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann absent. She sent a notice to Mary Stamey that applications for the National Fellowships and Grants have been sent to the graduate school dean’s office at K-State.
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey reported that 2 groups have responded. They are college students who want more information. This information will be sent but the Work Smart Initiative is primarily for those who are in the work force already.
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey, Bonnie Sherow – Mary reported that the League of Women Voters has taken the initiative on this work. Mary is now working with the History Museum on a different display. She is working at the History Museum on the history of the 19th Amendment and its influence in Manhattan, Kansas. She is working on getting articles for the Mercury. Mary noted that beginning in 1861 women could run for school board in Kansas. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton visited Manhattan, Kansas. A hand written letter from 1881 from Susan B Anthony was found. At that time Ann Pillsbury was postmistress. The 19th Amendment display is no longer at the library but is now in Great Bend, Kansas.
AAUW State Conference 2021: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge no report.
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote
Maurine expressed a wish that we would pay when we come in and sign in at our Branch meetings. Those who order special drinks would pay as they come in then pay for their special drinks later. We could ask for a check or cash. Mary said that we should request a card reader also for those who do not have cash or a check. It has been successful with the League of Women Voters who have their meetings at the Little Apple Brewery as we do.
Karen Hummel announced that a Kitchen Restore has been set up and Fit Closet, Farm to Table, the Extension Service and Shepherd Crossing have been participating. The different groups are making kits for those who have moved from homelessness to a home and have no utensils to work with in the home. Maybe we can also participate. Karen will bring in a sample Kitchen Kit to our next meeting. Karen will also check on the November 30th deadline that was on a printout sheet about Kitchen Restore. Drop off places are First United Methodist Church, Riley County Extension Office and NE Area Extension Office if they are still receiving donations.
T-shirt update: Mary did find the last person who ordered a T-shirt that she didn’t have complete contact information about.
Next Board Meeting: January 6, 2020, 5:30PM, Vista Drive-In
Meeting Adjourned,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
Manhattan Branch AAUW
Board of Directors Meeting,
November 4, 2019 ** 5:30 PM ** Vista Drive-in
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge present and Mary Stamey absentMary brought T-shirts for Chris Howard to collect money from members who ordered them.
Board Members Present: 8 board members were present. They were Marlene VerBrugge, Maurine Pruitt, Amanda Gaulke, Nancy Bolsen, Barbara Gatewood, Connie Noble, Chris Herald, and Julee Thomas.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi and Julee Thomas. Usha was not present but Julee reported that the next program will be Jill Haukos, Education Coordinator, Konza Prairie. She will present the Konza Prairie Long Term Ecological Research Program. Julee Thomas also reported that she will be deployed by the military by possibly December.
Vice-President of Membership: Vacant
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt passed around minutes from the October board meeting. Corrections were presented. Connie Noble moved the minutes of the October 7, 2019 Board meeting be approved as corrected, seconded by Nancy Bolsen. The Board minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: reported the AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch tax form was accepted by the IRS. Dillon has changed their points program where money was given to the branch for points earned by members signed up for the program. It is uncertain how the points are gained at this time. In studying the budget it was decided that we must build our revenue. If we don’t add some fundraiser we will run out of money soon. With discussion, many ideas were given. A committee will be formed for promoting specific fundraisers. We will ask people for ideas as well as ask for volunteers for the committee at the branch meeting next Monday. The treasurer, Amanda, will be the chair of the committee. Balance on October 31, 2019 was $5,065.61. Maurine moved the treasurer’s report be accepted. Connie seconded it and the motion was approved.
Direct’s At-Large: Leena Chakrabarti and Karen McCulloh both absent, no report
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler: absent but sent notice that a message will go out with a reminder to all members that we will collect donations at the November branch meeting for the AAUW fund. Money will go totally to National AAUW.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen no report
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel was absent but it was reported that the next meeting will be at Little Apple Brewery, November 21, 2019, starting at 11:30. Cost will be $10.00. The speaker will be Davis Hammet founder of the Loud Lights organization. He will speak on the upcoming legislative session and the issues Loud Light will be advocating for or against.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis absent, no report
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood reported that the 2019-2020 Yearbook has been added to the website. It is in two parts. Under Members Only go to Branch Yearbook for the first part and then go to Membership List for member information. She has information about Jill Haukos on the website and on Facebook. The Public Policy section shows all local and state officials who are candidates for election.
Barbara also pointed out that K-State is an official AAUW college/university partner. K-State has to pay a fund to National AAUW so undergraduate students can be members of AAUW for free. We need to check if the person in charge at K-State has paid their $175 to AAUW this year. Free national memberships are available to women who have graduated from college or university (associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree) within the last two years. Complimentary Branch and State memberships are also provided. Otherwise Graduate students annual dues are @21.81 for the first year and $49.00 per year thereafter. New members who have attended a Manhattan Branch meeting or event may pay a discounted dues of $55.50 for the first year. Individuals who have joined after January 1, pay half-year dues of $27.75. Other members must pay $80 regular dues per year.
Yearbook: Connie Noble distributed these at the October branch meeting.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins – no report
Archives: Joan Strickler – no report
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones – no report
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – no report
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey sent a notice that emails have been sent by our intern to some organizations in the community concerning the Work Smart program.
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV): Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey, Bonnie Sherow – For celebration of the 19th amendment the League of Women’s Voters 8 panel exhibit about the 19th amendment will be on display at Bramlage Coliseum for a men’s game and a women’s game on November 4th and 5th. After our election day it will be on display in the atrium of Manhattan Public Library for the remainder of November. Barbara will look into further postings about the 19th Amendment Celebration on Facebook and the website.
AAUW State Conference 2021: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge no report
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote
Mary Stamey arranged for the purchase of all of the books from the library in honor of our speakers this year.
The International Women’s Committee will meet soon.
Mary, with Chris Howard’s help, distributed the T-shirts. Thank you for all the work, Mary and Chris.
Chris Herald reported that an application has been formed for participation in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) program. 7th graders will participate this year. It will cost $125 per student. 3 students will be chosen to attend the STEM program at K-State. Scholarships will be given for students to participate in this program. The application should be turned in by March 6, 2020. The applications will be evaluated and winners chosen by Chris and some board members.
Next Branch Meeting: November 11, 2019 at the Little Apple Brewery starting at 6:00 p.m. Cost will be $13.00. The speaker will be Jill Haukos, Education Coordinator, Konza Prairie. She will present the Konza Prairie Long Term Ecological Research Program.
Next Board Meeting: December 2, 2019, 5:30 PM, Vista Drive-In
Meeting Adjourned,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary
October 7, 2019
Vista Drive-In, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge and Mary Stamey
Marlene – AAUW co-sponsored the LWV Candidate Forum along with KMAN. Several members served as volunteers at the event on October 6. It was very successful. On the Gmail account Marlene gets the Women of Kansas newsletter. Marlene asked “Would we like her to forward it to branch members?” A definite “Yes” was answered as it is a very good newsletter. The newsletter will be sent to Active Branch members and National members.
See Mary Stamey’s comments on the T-shirt order at the bottom of the minutes.
Karen McCulloh remarked that she really appreciated Amanda’s talk last month concerning diabetes. Others commented like wise.
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: 9 board members were present. They included Marlene VerBrugge, Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Karen McCulloh, Nancy Bolsen, Rebecca Bahlmann, Chris Herald, Karen Hummel, and Julee Thomas.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi absent and Julee Thomas present. Marlene reported that Usha had a draft of the Palm Card sent to 3 board members to edit and send back to Usha. This Palm Card has a description of AAUW’s goals and social media addresses for the AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch on one side and the 2019-2020 Branch programs listed on the other side. They are a sharp way to promote our AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch. Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be October 14, 2019 and will be at the Little Apple Brewery. Cost will be $13.00. The program will feature Lisa Melander, Associate Professor of Sociology, Kansas State University. She will speak about Incarcerated Women. 6:00 pm Dinner 6:45 pm Program/Business Meeting
Vice-President of Membership: Vacant update from Mary Stamey – 2 new members (Patty McKenna and Adrian Walker), 6 not paid, 3 not renewing, 1 duplicate; if 6 renew, total is 54 – 2 less than last year. Mary asked members to contact those who have not paid dues.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt passed around minutes from September’s board meeting. One correction on Chris Herald’s meeting she attended was noted. Mary Stamy moved the minutes of September 3, 2019 Board meeting be approved as corrected, seconded by Karen McCllough. Minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke absent, Mary Stamey explained the 2019-2020 Budget Items. Nancy moved the 2019-2020 AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Budget be approved. Karen McCulloh seconded the motion. The Budget was approved.
See attached item for the AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch 2019-2020 Budget.
Director’s At-Large: Leena Chakrabarti absent Karen McCulloh present – no updates
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – no updates
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel noted that is no lunch and there is a change of location for this months’ meeting. She reported that League of Women Voters’ meeting will be October 17, 2019 starting at 11:30 am and ending at 1:00 pm at the Technology Lab in the Manhattan Public Library. It will feature Carrie Lancaster who is the chair of a new LWV Kansas board position, Advocacy. She will share the purpose of the Advocacy Committee at the state level and how to access materials of current interest. Karen also shared that The League of Women Voters can type on line and at the bottom of the first page go to “voters quiz”. It is great quiz on your voters’ knowledge near our election time.
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis absent but sent notice that the State Conference for 2020 will be at Kansas City Community College in Kansas City on April 25, 2020. The Manhattan Branch will host the AAUW State Conference in April 2021.
Nancy Bolsen reported that the Regional AAUW Conference is June 18-20, 2020 in Moline, Illinois at the Hyatt House, East Moline, Illinois.
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood absent- reported by email – The Manhattan Branch website and Facebook page have been updated substantially, and all September minutes and news releases have been added. She has received much assistance from Cyrenna Cooper, Website Production Assoc. at AAUW. Cyrenna will be sending a bill ($119.88) for our annual site resources fee to Amanda and to Barbara. It will cover fees for October 7, 2019 – October 7, 2020. Let Barbara know of any additions/corrections that are needed.
Yearbook: Connie Noble absent – the message was given that the Yearbook will be ready next Monday for the branch meeting.
Faculty Advisors for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins, both absent.
Archives: Joan Strickler Nancy Bolsen reported that she and Joan photocopied items from the Historical Society for facts that can be read at each branch meeting. Good job ladies!!!
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent. Works with local AAUW scholarships.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann present – She reported that she will send a list of National AAUW scholarships to the Graduate School Newsletter and K State Today. She will also send the list to The Dean of the Graduate School, Carol Shganklin. Rebecca will also let the Art Department know through Facebook.
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey met with intern, Cecilia Etheridge. They drafted a letter to send to organizations that might be interested in the 45 minute training for Work Smart. Mary Stramey noted that the National AAUW has congratulated AAUW Branches and League of Women Voters for their work together on the Work Smart program.
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey, Bonnie Sherow.They will work on getting items about the 19th Amendment in the Homecoming, St. Patrick’s, and Veterans’ Day parades. Proclamations will be made at meetings and on the radio declaring the 19th Amendment Celebration. It was stated by Marisa Larson that the exhibit for the passing of the 19th Amendment will be shown at the Manhattan Public Library and others stated that at various times the Exhibit will be shown at Bramlage at basketball games, the Flint Hills Discovery Center, Manhattan Town Center, K-State Union, Riley County Museum and at school libraries in Manhattan. The League of Women Voters stated that The Exhibit of the Centennial Celebration is “Learning from the Past, Imagining the Future.”
List of Committees
AAUW State Conference 2021: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge
19th Amendment: Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey, Karen Hummel, Barbara Gatewood, and Alison Wheatley.
100th Anniversary of the Manhattan Branch: Julee Thomas (logistics), Karen McCulloh, Leena Chakrabarti, Nancy Bolsen, Annelise Nguyen, and Dede Brokesh.
International Women’s Day Celebration: Usha Reddi, Chris Herald, Connie Noble, Rebecca Bahlmann, and Mary Stamey.
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote
- Fill positions of Membership VP and President-Elect
T-shirt update: The T-shirts have been ordered. Color changed to blue so all styles would match (v-neck/round neck-long/short sleeve). Walson Inc. will print the shirts. 26 shirts were ordered by members and 10 extra were ordered.
Next Branch and Board Meeting:
Our next AAUW Branch meeting will be October 14, 2019 and will be at the Little Apple Brewery. Cost will be $13.00. The program will feature Lisa Melander, Associate Professor of Sociology, Kansas State University. She will speak about Incarcerated Women. 6:00 pm Dinner 6:45 pm Program/Business Meeting
Our next AAUW Board Meeting is on November 4, 2019 at Vista Drive-In at 5:30 pm.
September 3, 2019
Vista Drive-In, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
CO-PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge and Mary Stamey
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: 11 board members were present. They included Marlene verBruggee, Amanda Gaulke, Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Karen McCulloh, Barbara Gatewood, Connie Noble, Nancy Bolsen, Julee Thomas, Tresa Landis and Chris Herald.
Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Julee Thomas present. It was reported that the September 9, 2019 meeting will be at the Little Apple Brewing Company, 1110 Westloop Place with Dinner at 6:00pm and the Program/Business meeting starting at 6:45pm. The cost will be $13.00. The speaker will be Amanda Gaulke, Assistant Professor of Economics at Kansas State University. The topic will be Research on U.S./Denmark Health & Type 1 Diabetes. It was noted that December meeting will be located at LaFiesta Restaurant.
*See attached for listing of the complete 2019-2020 AAUW Manhattan Branch Program Calendar. (100th Anniversary)
It was discussed that we should upgrade the gifts that we give to the speakers. Also it was noted that we should invite the League of Women Voters to the February meeting that involves Diane Eckoff, Kansas Humanities Council speaking about Women’s Road to Suffrage in Kansas.
Vice-President of Membership: Vacant Marlene has taken on many duties of the membership chair. Mary Stamey will take care of getting the person to welcome those who attend.
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt passed around minutes from May’s board meeting. Nancy Bolson moved the minutes of May’s board meeting be approved, seconded by Tresa Landis. Minutes were approved. The minutes from the AAUW Retreat were passed around and one correction was needed. The password for Manhattan Branch Website should not have a space. It should be manhattanbranch
Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke : Amanda reported that we need people to get 2019-2020 membership paid up by September 30, 2019. This can be done online if they want.
Director’s At-Large: Karen McCulloh present. Karen gave us information about Earth Day that would possibly fit into our April 13, 2020 meeting.
AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler: is not coming to the board meetings anymore due to husband’s illness. She will do the fund raiser that is sent to National AAUW at the end of our meeting year.
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen no report
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel absent. Maurine reported that the September 19, 2019 League of Women Voters’ meeting will be at the Little Apple Brewery in Westloop Plaza starting at 11:30 am and ending at 1:00pm. The program will begin at 12:00. Also reported was the National Voter Registration Day will be on September 24, 2019 from 8am-7pm at multiple sites around town.
State Board Liaison: Teresa Landis – The Manhattan Branch will host the AAUW State Meeting in April 2020. Two weeks ago the State Board members and Tresa met to discuss the various duties for the AAUW State Meeting. The State AAUW meeting was held in Wichita, Kansas. 200 people attended an informative and great meeting. The State Newsletter will be coming out soon. The National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) scholarship will be tried again this year. The Regional AAUW Conference in Moline, Illinois is being planned.
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood reported that all Branch meeting minutes and Board meetings minutes, the Mercury News Releases and the Annual Board Retreat minutes from last year have been posted to the website. A correction in the Board Retreat minutes was noted that our password for the Website does not have a space. It is manhattanbranch
Website and Facebook. Barbara will update the 2019-2020 programs and board members names on the Website and on Facebook.
Yearbook: Connie Noble reported that the yearbook is in various stages. Connie asked for help from Mary Stamey concerning updates that need to be made. The new yearbook will be distributed at the October Branch meeting. Various new emails were given out to our board members.
Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Annelise Nguyen and Pat Hudgins, both absent.
Archives: Joan Strickler is no longer a board member
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent.
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann absent.
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey reported that Julee sent out emails about the Work Smart program. We need someone from the University to help us. Kerri Day Keller Director of the Career Center may do this. The Work Smart program is added to the K State website. It was noted that we need to focus on people who are already in the work force to work the Work Smart program. In the program questions relate to the progress you have already made in the work force.
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey, Bonnie Sherow. They will work on getting items about the 19th Amendment in the Homecoming, St. Patrick’s, and Veterans’ Day parades. We would also like to make proclamations at meetings and on the radio declaring the 19th Amendment Celebration. The League of Women Voters has a complete calendar on the events for the 19th Amendment Celebration. They would like children to make sashes to be worn at the celebration, and would like flags on buildings around K State University that are named after progressive women.
*See attached for details on the 19th Amendment Centennial Celebration Activities.
At the AAUW Branch meeting there will be a worksheet to sign up for various new committees.
AAUW State Conference: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge
Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey, Julee Thomas
19th Amendment: Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey (in collaboration with the League of Women Voters)
100th Anniversary of the Manhattan Branch: Julee Thomas (logistics), Karen McCulloh and Leena Chakrabarti (co-
chairs?), Nancy Bolson, Dea Brokesh (potential), Joan Strickler (potential)
International Women’s Day Celebration: Usha Reddi
AAUW State Conference: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge
OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote
Possible ideas for bringing more income to our Branch.
Printing and selling AAUW T-shirts.
Charging members for the printed yearbook.
- Fill positions of Membership VP and President-Elect
Membership could be a 2 person chairmanship for the set of duties. Mary Stamey will work with greeters. Amanda our treasurer will keep track of money brought into the Branch meetings.
Chris Herald attended the Workshop at KU University Business Department. A NASA member was there, as was
the Kansas governor. Chris was with the K-12 group members participating.
Next Board Meeting: October 7, 2019, 5:30PM, Vista Drive-In