July 2020 – June 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting

May 3, 2021, 5:30-6:30 p.m.


Marlene VerBrugge, Dede Brokesh, Connie Noble, Chris Herald, Usha Reddi, Mandy Gaulke, Mary Stamey, Marianne Korten, Karen McCulloh, later Susanne Spiel-Coates, Rebecca Bahlmann

President’s Remarks:  Marlene asked for volunteer to take minutes.  Connie agreed.

Officer Reports:

Treasurer:  Mandy Gaulke reported branch bank balance on May 1, 2021 is currently $5,328.97.  A check from the quarterly Dillons Community Rewards Program was received for $66.25 and will be deposited into our branch account when new signatures are completed at the bank. Amanda Gaulke’s signature will be removed; Mary Stamey’s will remain; Marianne Korten’s will be added. Mandy paid the invoice of $145 for the summer STEM scholarships.

Reminder to use the email from National to pay annual dues online.  Or, can send check to Amanda Gaulke. Online payments are preferred.

Claudia Jones sent a report that the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation received and matched donations for the AAUW scholarship fund that totaled $1,319.30. Sixteen gifts were received.

Programs:  Usha Reddi discussed an email from our May 10 guest speaker, Mary Jo Myers, regarding the format of her presentation.  She will give a presentation in the first portion, then Karen McCulloh will conduct an interview with Mrs. Myers in the second portion, followed by Q&A from members and guests.  Discussed sending her flowers as a thank you since this program is the highlight of the year celebrating the 19th Amendment and our branch 100th anniversary. A book will also be donated to the library in her name.  Invite past and present members to join us for the meeting.  Dede to set up Zoom meeting for Monday, May 10, 6 pm start zoom,  6:30 pm start meeting.  Myers speaks for 45 minutes then installation of officers. Marlene will get flowers for the offices being installed and award recipients. Awards will be presented—President’s Award Recipient and Outstanding Branch Member.

Membership: Chris Herald – No new memberships to report this month.

Mary and Chris are sending an invitation to attendees of International Women’s Day to our May meeting.  Cathlene Jones will be a guest of Mary’s at the May meeting.  Marjean Harris from Newton is a member of our branch as well as Newton.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen sent a reminder that National voting is continuing online through May 17 and closes at 5:00 PM ESDT. Results will be announced online on May 19.

STEM:  Chris Herald submitted an update. See report at end of minutes

Scholarships:  Claudia Jones sent a report that 8 applicants will be interviewed on May 16 for our four scholarships.

Serendipity Group will have the first in-person meeting this year at Meadowlark’s Manhattan Room in the Prairie Star Restaurant on May 25 at 11:30 AM.  Call  Nancy Bolsen, 785-565-8720, if you are interested in attending.

Great Decisions Group will continue to meet via Zoom until further notice.

New Business:  Next board meeting will be the annual retreat.  Dates were discussed for Zoom or in-person meeting.  Marlene will poll the board for dates that work best in June/July/August. Marlene will check with Tresa about the use of the board room in her building and any COVID-19 policies.

Mary Stamey expressed a special thank you to Marlene VerBrugge for her excellent leadership this year. We look forward to her continued role as President next year.  A small handmade token of a “Women’s Vote” ornament was presented also and provided a moment of levity.

Susanne and Rebecca joined the meeting. Rebecca will continue to notify K-State of the National Grants and Fellowships. The applications are due in November and December.

Submitted by Connie Noble

STEM UPDATE: Chris Herald

  1. It’s April:Citizen Science Month! There are hundreds of online events and ways to engage, including many opportunities from libraries around the world. Looking to do some projects inside and around your home? Check out the projects, (SciStarter link below). Then, discover additional events and opportunities on CitizenScienceMonth.org.  SciStarter link is here
  2. NASA webinars for all https://www.txstate-epdc.net/event-post/
  3. Visit    https://www.amightygirl.com/  for ideas for the mighty women in your life books & newsletter about and for girls/women book list here

Ten Words Every Girl Should Learn. When girls and women find their voices being ignored or discounted, they need to know how to stand up for themselves and ensure that their contributions are being heard. Writer Soraya Chemaly says these three powerful phrases can help.

Each May the United States celebrates the history and culture of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. during Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month. The month of May was selected to commemorate the diverse and important roles of Asian-Pacific Americans for two reasons. First, early Japanese immigrants arrived in the United States on May 7, 1843, and second, the transcontinental railroad — built predominantly by Chinese immigrants — was completed on May 10, 1869. https://www.amightygirl.com/blog?p=3607

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting

April  5, 2021, 5:30-6:30 p.m.






Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting

March 1, 2021, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Usha Reddi, Marlene VerBrugge, Nancy Bolsen, Dede Brokesh, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Amanda Gaulke, Barbara Gatewood, Chris Herald, Connie Noble, Mary Stamey

PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge – Welcomed everyone


 (out of order, by-laws reported first)
By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen updated the board on a few by-law changes. Every two years AAUW Board makes recommendations. This year they proposed removing the degree requirement. The rational being that the mission of AAUW is to promote gender equity and the current membership requirement of a university degree does not promote gender equity. Voting will take place in April. It will take two-thirds of all voting members to pass. If passed changes will go into effect 2022-2023. This proposal has been recurring for the past 10 years and the rational has not changed. AAUW members should know their ID number. Amanda and Marlene know member ID numbers. Susanne suggested the word “university” should be removed from AAUW. Tresa stated that AAUW will not be removing the word but will rebrand to just to go with the letters “AAUW”. Barbara asked if they discussed changing it to Associate Degree or completing two years of their university degree. Tresa said there was no discussion on that but college students would be regular members. Barbara asked if there would be a student member fee. Tresa was not aware of fee changes for student members. Marlene said she would highlight the by-law changes mentioned in the minutes. Nancy said membership dues may be waived for students be considered.

 Co-vice presidents of programs: Usha Reddi, Dede Brokesh and Susanne Sieple-Coates
Usha gave an update. A proclamation will be presented at Manhattan-Ogden USD383 Board meeting on March 3rd at 6:30 PM. Flower arrangements will be ordered this week. Dede said she would drop off AAUW paperweight at Laura’s house. Barbara will drop item at Niloufar house. Marlene asked everyone to forward emails to her from guest responses that want to attend the event. Flowers to the panelists will be delivered on Monday possibly by Dillions. Usha will be moderating the event. Dede mentioned there are four sponsors for the event, LDB Landscape Architecture and Enginerring, Sunflower Proofreading Plus, Nancy Bolsen, and an anonymous giver and these are on posters. Mary said a book is ready from AAUW. Some members of the subcommittee will be on KMAN on March 5th at 9:35. Tresa said to put in a plug for AAUW scholarship which is due March 22. Barbara mentioned she put these on Facebook and the website.

C0-vice presidents for membership: Chris Herald said there are 46 members. Barbara Desanto paid dues. She has not heard back from Christy Rodriguez if she is interested in the joining AAUW. Dede asked Alana Parker if she was interested but has not heard back.

Minutes: Marlene asked for a motion on approving the minutes. Dede moved and Susanne seconded the motion. Minutes were passed.

Secretary: Marlene requested that a board member take the minutes. Usha Reddi volunteered to take minutes and Barbara Gatewood said she would do it for the branch meeting.

 Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke reported current balance is $5,558.45. There were two $100 sponsors and two $25 sponsors for the International Women’s Day event totalling $250. We received $292.50 from Beat the Virus campaign. Paperweights cost $140. $15 was transferred to a member that joined late. AAUW is doing a new type of membership only for National. A lifetime membership for $1,240 which is tax-deductible and can pay online, but you still need to pay state and local dues. National dues will increase from $59 to $62. Amanda brought up “Zilla” for online payments, but not sure if it’s compatible with our bank. It was suggested to ask our members for their preference. Marlene will ask membership at April meeting.

AAUW Funds: Jane Mullen and Marlene VerBrugge
By-Lawes: Nancy Bolsen reported at beginning of meeting.
League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel No report
State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis
Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood said she posted K-State today on Facebook and Website and it reached 4000 views.
Yearbook: Connie Noble
STEM: Chris Herald will check with schools about Summer School STEM program. She will send information to the board. She’s not received applications from middle school students. It’s $250 for two summer STEM Scholarships. Maybe we can do two more from Greater Manhattan Community Foundation.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Pat Hudgins and Janet Carlson
History/Archives: Joan Strickler
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlman

Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey
AAUW State Conference 2022: Tresa Landis reported that the AAUW state conference will be on April 17th. It will be virtual. Robin Lucas, AAUW Grassroots Advocacy Manager will be the keynote speaker. State board is seeking volunteers to fill positions. Request our members to think about serving.
100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh

NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Dede Brokesh provided the nominating committees selection for next year’s positions: – Slate of nominees for officers for 2021-2022
President: Marlene VerBrugge
President-Elect: Usha Reddi
Co-Vice-Presidents for programs: Usha Reddi, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh
Vice-President for membership: Chris Herald
Co-Secretaries: board meetings – Kathy Lanksbury; branch meetings & Mercury – Barbara Gatewood
Treasurer: Marianne Korten
Directors-at-large: one-year term – Karen McCulloh; two-year term – Mary Stamey

Voting will be at the April 12 branch meeting.

Marlene reported that 12 people were on the Microintervention Workshop Webinar discussion and one was from the state and one from Shawnee Mission. There are a lot of webinars, one on Thursday is on Black History Month.

Beat the Virus – Dede stated that the group is working on vaccine distribution messages. Marlene’s daughter is working on graphics for masks and distribution sites for vaccines. Dede will send out bulletins on social media platforms. Third round with new bulletins. Testing will go on till March 20th. A Spanish version is almost ready to go.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting

February 1, 2021, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge – Thank you, Connie, for taking minutes for the board meeting.

Co-vice-presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh – Next program is February 8 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Susanne will introduce speaker. Program is “The Experience and Vision of an Asian Entrepreneur in Manhattan, KS,” by Fanny Fang.

International Women’s Day: Committee reported on progress for March 8 event: It will be another four-panel format with local international women. To date, two panelists have confirmed that they will participate, and they are awaiting to hear from the other requested panelists. Gifts of paperweights with AAUW and IWD logos have been ordered and are ready to be picked up. Publicity for the event has been posted on AAUW MANHATTAN FaceBook page and posters are being prepared for distribution. Committee is working to schedule an appearance on KMAN, In Focus program to promote IWD awareness. Proclamations from City of Manhattan and USD 383 are also forthcoming. Dede Brokesh gave an update on the status of sponsors for IWD.

Co-vice-presidents of Membership: Mary Stamey and Chris Herald – Two confirmed new members are Lynn Ewanow and Olivia Collins. Barb DeSanto is a potential new member.

Secretary: Barbara Gatewood will continue to take branch program minutes and submit to Mercury News.

Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: The checking account balance as of January 31, 2021 is $5,250.95.

Balance includes the quarterly Dillon’s Rewards check of $62.91 and $25 cash donation in support of IWD. The need for a digital payment platform was discussed. Details regarding process will be reported at the next BOD meeting March 1, 2021.

AAUW Funds: Jane Mullen and Marlene VerBrugge

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen

League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel – updated current issues being studied by LWV that include: Reviewing mission statements on criminal justice reform report of November 2020; focusing on voter registration and legislature efforts to curtail voter rights; efforts to eliminate private prisons; and reproductive rights on state ballot in 2022.

State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis – attended the Midwest AAUW conference by zoom. Tresa announced the next State Town Hall virtual meeting is Saturday, Feb 6 at 9:00 AM.

An overview of the regional conference will be shared as well as the wish list of current administration public policy. A link to the town hall will be sent on Thursday, February 4. Mary and Tresa will represent our branch. All branch members are invited to attend.

Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood – AAUW website is current and latest yearbook version and IWD poster are posted. AAUW MANHATTAN FaceBook page continues to be frequently viewed. There were 97 views for the Teresa Parks BLM program posting. Recently posted one of STEM programs reported by Chris.

Yearbook: Connie Noble –

STEM: Chris Herald – Shared book recommendations for educators, librarians, parents and guardians of the best children’s books suggested by Outstanding Science Trade Books (OSTB): https://www.cbcbooks.org/cbc-book-lists/ostb-2021/

STEM books offer endless opportunities for engaged learning. https://static.nsta.org/pdfs/2020BestSTEMBooks.pdf

A Mighty Girl’s 2020 Books of the Year


Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Pat Hudgins and Janet Carlson –

History/Archives: Joan Strickler

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones – Inquired if AAUW Branch should set up a new account with GMCF that can be matched and would generate funds to be used for branch operations and STEM scholarships. After discussion, it was determined that we would ask a GMCF representative to speak to our BOD meeting regarding how such an account could be accomplished. Claudia will follow up on this agenda item for the April or May board meeting.

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann –

Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey

19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Mary Stamey and Karen Hummel

AAUW State Conference 2022: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge

100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh and committee – A virtual celebration is planned for the May 10, 2021 branch meeting with speaker, Mary Jo Myers, K-State’s First Lady, presenting, “Women in Leadership.” An in-person celebration at Manhattan Country Club is planned either December 2021 or May 2022.

Nominating Committee for 2021-2022 Officers: Dede Brokesh, Jean Lee, Jonalu Johnstone – The committee met and is seeking candidates for the officer positions of president, secretary, treasurer, and one-year and two-year terms for director-at-large. A slate of nominees will be presented at the March 1 board meeting; membership will vote at the April 12 branch meeting; nominees will be installed at the May 10 meeting.

The Microintervention Workshop webinar was the branch members’ choice for individually viewing the webinar on the AAUW website. A zoom discussion by members is scheduled on Monday, February 22 at 6:30 PM. Marlene will invite Teresa Rynai Parks to join us. The website URL for the webinar is https://www.aauw.org/resources/events/equity-network/events/

 Beat the Virus: Dede Brokesh – Branch will receive a check earned for our participation. She will check on status of payment distribution.

Mary Stamey participated in a National webinar discussion of AAUW Public Policy changes which include: eliminating the degree requirement for membership to become more inclusive and broaden to a more youthful group of members. Some ideas discussed included possible need for name change and different categories of membership such as affiliates and associates.

Special Interest Groups: Great Decisions met in January. Mary has one extra book if anyone wants to join the group.

Next Board Meeting: March 1, 2021, 5:30PM, via Zoom

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting

January 4, 2021, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

In attendance via Zoom video conferencing: Marlene VerBrugge, Nancy Bolsen, Usha Reddi, Connie Noble, Karen Hummel, Barbara Gatewood, Dede Brokesh, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Chris Herald, Mary Stamey, Karen McCulloh

 Note taker: Mary Stamey

 PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge – Thank you, Mary Stamey, for taking minutes.

Co-vice-presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh – The next program will be January 11 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Usha will introduce the speaker – Teresa Rynai Parks – Black Lives Matter Manhattan Organizer.

International Women’s Day: Report from committee. March 8 – Theme is Choose to Challenge – See International Women’s Day website for more information: www.internationalwomensday.com.

The committee met recently and reported the following:

  • 4 women have tentatively said they would be panelists. They come to us from Kenya Jamaica, Iran, Argentina and a fifth possibility from Thailand.
  • Sponsorships were discussed. Mary Stamey moved, and Nancy Bolsen seconded that we create a sponsorship document, inform the membership of our efforts at the January and February meetings, and seek sponsorships at 4 levels: $25/Bronze, $50/Silver, $50/Gold, and $100/Diamond. Motion car Dede will work on the sponsorship form.
  • Talking points for obtaining sponsors were discussed: AAUW Manhattan is seeking sponsorships to support our services to the community: scholarships and the International Women’s Day recognition as an established community celebration.
  • Gifts for the panelists were discussed: we’ve used Pfiefly’s in the past to create a glass paperweight. The committee will check out options.
  • Past practices for International Women’s Day: we’ll use the same flyer to distribute throughout the community and on our social media; we’ll invite community members to join in our zoom meeting; flowers will be sent to each panelist; and the program will be from 7-8:30 p.m.
  • Usha reminded everyone of school board and city commission elections this year, emphasizing the importance of gender, ethnic and racial diversity at the local level. It begins at the local level.

Co-vice-presidents of Membership: Mary Stamey and Chris Herald – No report

Secretary: The minutes of the December board meeting were approved.

Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: budget updates: Marlene gave the report for Mandy. Clarification on expenses for books – The total was $89.15 for books from the library for speakers. Mary and the library received separate checks to reimburse for their portion of the total amount. We are under the $100 book budget. Mary shared that all the past speakers have received their books and will return them to the library for distribution.
Current balance: $5,063.04
The paperwork and check for the named gift donation was sent to National. Tresa will send our branch donation to National once she has received donations from all the branches.

Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood reported that she is working on getting the 2020-2021 yearbook onto the website.

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones reported she has been in contact with GMCF. We can use our scholarship money for STEM scholarships as long as KSU is the recipient of the money.

AAUW State Conference 2022: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge
Marlene reported the state AAUW conference will be held virtually in April. The state AAUW board will hold a town hall meeting with a speaker from national on Saturday, February 6, at 9:00 a.m. All members are welcome to attend.
100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh and committee – Virtual celebration at May 2021 meeting. In-Person celebration at Country Club either December 2021 or May 2022.
Nominating Committee: Marlene is selecting committee members to create a new slate of officers. To date the elective offices open are president, secretary, and board member at large. (Addendum – A treasurer will be added to the list of open offices.) The nominating committee will seek officers from the current membership and present the list for approval at the March meeting. Voting will occur at the April meeting. The officers will be installed at the May meeting.


Suggestion for using AAUW webinars: Marlene will send out a survey to the membership about the opportunity to view AAUW webinars which will be followed by a discussion.

Manhattan Beats the Virus: Dede reported on the progress of the Beat the Virus campaign. AAUW joined 3 other community organizations (United Methodist Women, Little Apple Pilot Club, and Manhattan Rotary) to initiate a community effort to fight the Covid-19 virus. The group decided to apply for 2 grants. One was granted and one is being decided upon. Our local branch will receive $292.50 for our efforts to help spread information to the public about beating the virus. Plan 1 will distribute a page of information about the virus to all community meal distribution centers as well as meals delivered throughout the community. In addition, 5 face masks will be 5 in the Blessing Boxes in Manhattan. Plan 2 is a social media blitz coordinated with the KSU Leadership Center targeting the information for the 18-25-year-old age group.

The Great Decisions interest group will begin again January 21. If interested in joining the group as we begin a new year, contact Mary Stamey. 10 members currently participate in the monthly discussions.

Next Board Meeting: February 1, 2021, 5:30PM, via Zoom

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting

December 7, 2020, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

In attendance via Zoom video conferencing: Marlene VerBrugge, Nancy Bolsen, Usha Reddi, Connie Noble, Karen Hummel, Tresa Landis, Barbara Gatewood, Mandy Gaulke, Dede Brokesh, Susanne Siepl-Coates

 Note taker: Nancy Bolsen

 PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge – Ask for notetaker, Nancy Bolsen responded.


Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh –Next program is December 14 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Our speaker will be Jayme Minton from Meadowlark “Meeting the Needs in Long Term Care Facilities” is the topic.

Co-Vice-Presidents of Membership: Mary Stamey and Chris Herald.   There will be three potential members attending the December meeting. Kay Stith is new member.

Secretary: Vacant – A volunteer is needed for board meetings each month. Barbara is doing branch meeting minutes and Mercury news for the remainder of the year.

The minutes of the November board meeting were approved.

Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: The balance as of the first of November is $5,213.04.

The Shape the Future Campaign is a new member discount for persons attending an AAUW event or program and interested in joining. National AAUW has extended the online Shape the Future link indefinitely.

The Manhattan Public Library has selected the books for the rest of the year. Mary Stamey has purchased the books, the library will prepare the books for check-out and put a bookplate in the book in honor of the speakers. Mary Stamey was reimbursed for the books, $89.15.

A reminder to all our members will be made during the December branch meeting to donate to the    National AAUW fund. A check was sent to League of Women Voters for our part of the banners. AAUW Funds checks have been deposited. A branch check was mailed to Tresa to submit to National. One member joined through Shape the Future Campaign.


AAUW Funds: Jane Mullen and Marlene VerBrugge – will be asking for donations to National AAUW in December. Tresa Landis created an email with information on how to contribute this year. AAUW funds can be donated online. Put in your AAUW member number on the website at https://ww2.aauw.org/donate-gift-new/ or on National AAUW’s webpage “donate” button. The AAUW funds sent in before December 31 will be matched. Contact Connie or Marlene if you do not know your member number.

Named Gift Honoree: The Manhattan Branch honors a long-standing member every other year with a monetary contribution to National AAUW Funds. This year it was Nancy Bolsen. A motion was made by Susanne Siepl-Coates to give $150 to AAUW National Funds every other year in honor of the Named Gift Honoree. Motion seconded by Tresa Landis. After discussion the motion was approved.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen: No changes that will affect our bylaws

League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel

Karen Hummel thanked the members for teaming with LWV. It was a worthwhile endeavor to partner with the League for the 19th Amendment and Get Out the Vote. Karen will share links for Kansas Leadership Center’s initiative “Kansas Beats the Virus” campaign.

State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis –The AAUW State Board Town Hall met, November 14 from 9-10 a.m. There were 26 AAUW members from all over Kansas that attended. The State Board members were pleased. The next Town Hall meeting will be January 30, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. All Manhattan Branch members are encouraged to attend.

Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood: The final revised 2020-2021 AAUW yearbook will soon be posted on the Manhattan Branch website. All other information on the website is up to date. Tresa Landis will send information to Barbara about the AAUW Scholarship winners for the last 3 years.   These students will be profiled on the website. Pictures of each of the banner display locations were posted on Facebook and were viewed by many. Barbara shared a picture of the AAUW/LVW banners that was published in the Mercury. There was a discussion of the AAUW Manhattan Branch Twitter account. Usha Reddi will work on getting the Twitter account viable again through an established password.

Yearbook: Connie Noble – The final version of the yearbook is completed. She has some corrections that will be put on the website.

STEM: Chris Herald – Board Members were encouraged to review all the information sent earlier to your email which included significant information related to STEM happenings. In addition, Chris shared information about a K-State Science STEM webinar in which she participated in November. The motivational speaker was outstanding, and she recommended that we might consider her for a presentation. Chris was part of an evaluation team of elementary school science students. They choose the top two students as winners. One of the students is exceptionally talented in coding and has been recognized by Time Magazine!


Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Pat Hudgins and Jan Carlson.

History/Archives: Joan Strickler

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann


Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey

19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Mary Stamey and Karen Hummel – See their report in the League of Women Voters liaison report.

AAUW State Conference 2022: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge – no report

100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh and committee – The committee for the 100th Anniversary Celebration will plan a virtual celebration for May 2021, and we’ll celebrate together when we can meet again in person. After further discussion, Marlene VerBrugee will talk again with the Manhattan Country Club about the date of the 100th Anniversary Celebration. The May 2021 date at the Country Club is canceled. New dates include December 2021, if COVID is under control, but if not, the event will be moved to May 2022.


A director-at-large and a secretary are needed for the board. Any member who is interested, please contact Marlene.

International Women’s Day: Usha Reddi stated the current Program Committee will move ahead on plans. There will be four panelists who will answer questions and respond to Q & A. The panelists will receive flowers and a gift for their participation. Members are encouraged to help with this ZOOM event. Contact Marlene VerBrugge, if you are interested. Tresa Landis will invite the AAUW State Board and all AAUW Kansas to this event. Dede Brokesh suggested inviting local businesses, too and recognize them with logos at the ZOOM meeting.


Community Fair is virtual this year. Marlene VerBrugge submitted the application form, AAUW logo and pictures to be included in the virtual fair. The Manhattan Mall, the sponsors of the event will feature AAUW’s photos and logo on their website/media site throughout the year. There is no cost to participate this year.


The Great Decisions group is meeting December 17. If you want to join and participate in discussions about the USA in a global/international context with materials provided by the US State Department, please contact Mary Stamey.

The Serendipity group is not meeting at this time due to COVID.

Kansas Leadership Center’s (KLC) initiative “Kansas Beats the VIRUS”, Karen Hummel, Dede Brokesh, Marlene VerBrugge. KLC is a leadership organization that pursues leadership for the common good. An opportunity is being presented by KLC to groups that meet on a regular basis. KLC is asking groups (8-15 participants/group) to form and convene to have a KLC facilitated meeting about ideas on how to stop the Covid virus in Kansas. These meetings will not only talk about ideas for actions, but also try to raise consciousness about the significant COVID virus as a concern to our State. The group must meet by December 31, 2020. Perhaps people can share ideas at the December, Manhattan Branch meeting. There will be a $500 stipend for each group that meets. The money could be shared if two groups meet together. There seem to be two pots of money available when convening a group. Some is available from the Climate and Energy Project and some from the state’s CARES money from the National Government. There was discussion about ideas: ideas about getting COVID facts out to Kansans, solutions for keeping people at home, etc. Dede Brokesh will form a group.

Please donate to the AAUW National Fund

Next Board Meeting: January 4, 2021, 5:30PM, via Zoom

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting

November 9, 2020, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

In attendance via Zoom video conferencing: Marlene VerBrugge, Nancy Bolsen, Usha Reddi, Connie Noble, Karen Hummel, Tresa Landis, Karen McCulloh, Barbara Gatewood, Mary Stamey, Mandy Gaulke, Dede Brokesh, Susanne Siepl-Coates,
Note taker: Mary Stamey

 PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge – Thank you, Mary, for taking minutes for this meeting.

Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh – Next program is November 9, at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Our speaker is Julie Gibbs of the Riley County Health Department. “Covid and Health in our Community” is the topic.

Co-Vice-Presidents of Membership: Mary Stamey and Chris Herald.   Mary reported one person has agreed to join, and information has been sent to her and she has been invited to our next meeting.      Another person is waiting to consider joining. Allana Parker would like to attend some meetings before deciding to join. To date we lost 3 members from 2020 with 1 member still needing to pay her dues.

Secretary: Vacant – A volunteer is needed for board meetings each month; Mary is doing the November board meeting minutes. Barbara is doing branch meeting minutes and Mercury news for the remainder of the year.  The minutes of the October board meeting were approved with additions and corrections.

Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: The balance as of the first of November is $5,401.70. The Shape the Future Campaign is a new member discount for persons attending an AAUW event or program and interested in joining. National AAUW has extended the online Shape the Future link indefinitely.  Mandy has paid the library for the book donation for our November speaker. The Manhattan Public Library will select the books, Mary Stamey will purchase the books, and the library will prepare the books for check-out and put a bookplate in the book in honor of the speakers.
A reminder to all our members will be made during the November branch meeting to donate to the national AAUW fund.
Details for the Dillons’ Community Rewards program have been worked out. Instructions for linking your Dillons card to Community Rewards is in the yearbook. We earned $50 during the last quarter so please consider signing up.

AAUW Funds: Jane Mullen and Marlene VerBrugge – will be asking for donations to National AAUW in October – December. Tresa created an email with information on how to contribute this year. AAUW funds can be donated online. Put in your AAUW member number on the website at https://ww2.aauw.org/donate-gift-new/ or on National AAUW’s webpage “donate” button. Contact Connie or Marlene if you do not know your member number.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen: No changes that will affect our bylaws

League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel – Update from LWV
The AAUW and LWV banners (Get out the Vote and Hard Won Not Done 19th Amendment celebration) were displayed in 10 different locations throughout Manhattan on various days and times from September to election eve, November 2. Karen, Barbara, Chris, and Mary thanked all the branch members who participated with the displays. It was a worthwhile endeavor to partner with the League.
Our branch also helped with LWVs candidate forum broadcast on KMAN radio and visible to the candidates via Zoom. Bus passes to the polls didn’t work so well. Basic needs are a priority for many right now. Karen suggested the branch think about partnering with Alpha Kappa Alpha in the future for helping others with their basic needs.

State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis – State conference is April 17, 2021 via Zoom. The state board will meet November 5 and get more information to Marlene regarding the increase in national dues.
We are welcome to attend the state board’s Town Hall meeting, Nov. 14 from 9-10 a.m. Topics include changes in national dues, education requirements for membership, potential virtual meetings, and finding out how branches are adapting during this time.

Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood: Connie will send an updated yearbook to Barbara, the last update for the year. Pictures of each of the banner display locations were posted on Facebook and were viewed by many. Barbara has sent pictures of the displays to the Mercury. One picture was published from the first display.

Yearbook: Connie Noble – The final version of the yearbook is being prepared and will be sent to members and posted on our website.

STEM: Chris Herald – no update

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Pat Hudgins and Jan Carlson.
History/Archives: Joan Strickler
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann –Rebecca and Barbara have posted notices and links to the application for national AAUW scholarships on our website and in K-State Today. Scholarships applications are due between November 1 and December 15 depending on the fellowship/grant.

Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Mary Stamey and Karen Hummel – See their report in the League of Women Voters liaison report.
AAUW State Conference 2022: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge – no report

100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh and committee – postponed to May 2021’s meeting.

After discussion it was determined to continue zoom meetings for the year. The committee for the 100th Anniversary Celebration will plan a virtual celebration for May 2021, and we’ll celebrate together when we can meet again in person.

The Tea for Three fundraiser Zoom performance was discussed. Marlene had a phone visit with Elaine Bromka who indicated the performance can be streamed with a link or it can be downloaded, which is probably the safer option. There are many technology questions to answer, as well as marketing and overall costs to explore. It was decided to take the idea to branch members and see what expertise and interest could be garnered. Other fundraising options were mentioned.

A director-at-large and a secretary are needed for the board. Any member who is interested, please contact Marlene.

By consensus, the board agreed to continue with Zoom meetings through May 2021.
Discussion of how to hold our International Women’s Day event will continue next month.
“Choose to Challenge” is the theme.

A part of our regular member dues – $56 – is tax deductible

The Great Decisions group now has 10 members.
The Serendipity group is not meeting. They meet at Meadowlark and it is not available due to Covid-19.
Please donate to the AAUW National Fund.

Next Board Meeting: December 7, 2020, 5:30PM, via Zoom


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Zoom meeting

October 5, 2020, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
AGENDA (meeting notes in italics)

In attendance via Zoom video conferencing: Marlene VerBrugge, Nancy Bolsen, Usha Reddi, Connie   Noble, Karen Hummel, Tresa Landis, Chris Herald, Karen McCulloh, Barbara Gatewood, Mary Stamey, Mandy Gaulke, Dede Brokesh
Note taker: Dede Brokesh

 PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge – Thank you, Dede, for taking minutes.

Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh – Next program is   October 12 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom. Dede confirmed Christy Rodriguez as the speaker. Usha sent a thank you note to Rich Vargo for being our speaker last month.

 Co-Vice-Presidents of Membership: Mary Stamey and Chris Herald.   Mary reported that six members from last year do not want to renew. We have a membership total of 41. Darla wants to be a member.

Secretary: Vacant – Need a volunteer for board and branch meeting each month; Dede is doing October board meeting minutes. Barbara is doing branch meeting minutes and Mercury news for September and November. Need a volunteer for October branch meeting. Connie will take meeting minutes for the October 12 meeting. Minutes can be sent to Marlene and she will do the Mercury submission for October. Sign-up sheet will be sent around at meeting.

 Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke: budget updates, amount for Named Gift Honoree. As of the first of October, there are $5,332.61 in funds. A donation will be sent to the Sunflower Fund in memory of Helen Janes. National can submit our tax form.   The Shape the Future program is a member discount. National AAUW will extend the deadline to be October 31 for renewing members because of COVID pandemic. The Shape the Future award amount is offered if one comes to the meeting. Dede has invited guests to the October meeting. Dede is to send their contact information to Mary.

 Discussion about the practice in the past of $2 of everyone’s dues going toward the Named Gift Honoree. Nancy is the Named Gift Honoree for this year. Claudia is researching the topic. The money is sent to National. Barbara will check past minutes to find more information. Joan Strickler and Tresa Landis were awarded these in the past. Marlene will ask Joan about the policy for Named Gift Honoree.

AAUW Funds: Jane Mullen and Marlene VerBrugge – will be asking for donations to National AAUW in October – December. Tresa and Mandy – create an email that can be sent to members in October with information on how to contribute this year. AAUW funds can be donated online. Put in your AAUW # on the website at https://ww2.aauw.org/donate-gift-new/ or on National AAUW page donate button.

 By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen: No changes that will affect our bylaws

League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel – Update from LWV – We are displaying our banners and have approval for all locations. Signs are being printed with register to vote information. On October 14, they will be replaced with vote signs. They will be placed at strategic points when bannering. Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority is partnering. Ann Smith of ATA is a partner to drive people to the polls or drop off advance ballots. Literature was distributed in Dillon’s grocery bags and other food markets. There are still funds for flyers. Send Karen a text or email if you have suggestions for other places to leave them.

Marlene received a voter video from Cathy Hedge. It explains the mail-in voting. The video is produced by David Hammett at “Loud Light.” It is okay with the board to post it on our Facebook page.

Shall we be a sponsor for the candidate forum? The board approved.
Marlene will tell Cathy about sponsorship and video on Facebook.

Karen has virtual backgrounds for candidates for candidate forum that state the office for which they are running.

State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis – State conference is April 17, 2021 at KCKCC. We will host in 2022.
Tresa: The State Board meets on Saturday morning to discuss the new year.

Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood: Our yearbook is now online with member list in the member only section. She posted the scholarship recipients. Claudia was asked to prepare a write-up of the recipients. Barbara sent an article to the Mercury about last month’s meeting. She will wait to post the article on the website until the text is printed in the Mercury since it varies from what was submitted.

Barbara sent a thank you note to Cheryl Bond-Nelms with AAUW Site Resources. She has been helping Barbara a lot with the website. Usha suggested asking the Mercury about their policy on word limits for the articles so that each organization has equal opportunities for space for club news.

Marianne Korton does not receive updates and links. She is a member. Marlene will check into this.

Yearbook: Connie Noble – Yearbook has been sent as a PDF to print at home. Full yearbook and printed version are on the website. Contact Marlene if don’t have printer capabilities and she will make sure a copy is received. Marlene to announce at the October meeting to have any updates to Connie by October 31, 2020. Mandy said that the National database with member information also needs to be updated. Members can do this themselves online.

 STEM: Chris Herald – When Barbara posts on Facebook, Chris tweets it. National received a contribution bequest from Nancy Grace Roman. Chris participated in a webinar on high school classes. On October 31, AJ’s Pizza will allow us to stand there so please consider having lunch there.

Marlene’s internet went down momentarily. Mary continued the meeting. Mary’s internet went down. Dede continued through the agenda until Mary returned. Soon afterward, Marlene returned to the meeting.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @Kansas State University: Pat Hudgins and Jan Carlson.
History/Archives: Joan Strickler
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann –Does Rebecca plan to host a meeting regarding scholarships? If not, Barbara can do it. Scholarships applications are due between November 1 and December 15 depending on the fellowship/grant. Barbara will send out scholarship links.

Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey
19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV) Mary Stamey and Karen Hummel – We have six more events. They are listed in our website minutes.   Let Mandy know who needs to be paid for the banners. She is to send the check to Thomas Signs. Karen will verify.

 AAUW State Conference 2022: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge no report

100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh and committee – postponed to May 2021 meeting.   Karen sent Marlene the Riley County Preservation Alliance newsletter with an article about women trying to get the vote. Major names in the women’s rights movement before the 1920 amendment came to Riley County. Barbara will be sent a link to post it online. (This is actually what our speaker will be talking about in April.)

OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote –
Awards were presented at the September meeting (usually done in May) for the President’s Award, Named Gift Honoree, and Outstanding Branch Member. Marlene delivered pots of mums to the recipients.

Webinars from National AAUW – Chris signed up for a webinar in October about Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Zoom. About 400 people attended. They talked about her rulings and learned about the Constitution. Kimberly Churches, AAUW’s Chief Executive Officer, moderated it. Kate Neilson spoke about Ginsburg.   There are resources on the AAUW website to encourage legislators to not support the current nominee to fill Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court. On the National website, fill in your name and it will send letters to your legislators automatically.

Manhattan Branch of AAUW cannot take a position on the nominee. Individuals can take their own position and state National’s position on the nominee. National’s tax position is different than the local branch’s tax position.   It is alright for our local branch to post on its website to say that National supports a certain position, but not say that the local branch takes a position.
The National AAUW statement can be a press statement on Amy Coney Barrett.

A part of our regular member dues – $56 – is tax deductible.

 Tea for Three: Lady Bird, Pat and Betty – A zoom performance as possible fundraiser. Mary, Chris, and Marlene received information from Elaine Bromka about a one woman show “Tea for Three: Lady Bird, Pat, and Betty.” It is a streaming video and she would answer questions afterwards. It has been used by other AAUW branches as a fundraiser.

 The group talked about the idea of having a live performer at City Park as a fundraiser. Would need to go through the Riley County Health Department for approval. MAC had a live show there. Usha can check on the idea of having the video at City Park. Dede mentioned the past local performance of “Reviving the Dead Ladies.” Tresa recalled the program name and that it was a number of years ago when it was presented at a local meeting.

Next Board Meeting: November 2, 2020, 5:30PM, via Zoom

 And Now…your very serious board members!


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom

September 8, 2020, 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Attendees: Marlene VerBrugge, Nancy Bolsen, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Connie Noble, Chris Herald, Mandy Gaulke, Karen Hummel, Barbara Gatewood, Tresa Landis, Karen McCulloh, Mary Stamey, Dede Brokesh

PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Marlene VerBrugge welcomed board members to a new year. Meetings will be held by Zoom for board and branch meetings through December.

Co-Vice-Presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh – An update on 2020-2021 programs was presented by committee members. Discussion was held on zoom protocol and agenda for the first program. A practice zoom will be held September 10. Contact speakers as needed to ask if they will provide slides for fall 2020 meetings. Connie to send meeting links to members and guests on the day of the meeting.

Co-Vice-Presidents of Membership: Mary Stamey and Chris Herald – Mary gave update on member numbers and outreach for new members. Barbara gave report on updates for the website including membership form, member benefits, and members-only information. Mandy will review. National prefers renewal online. Chris working on adding new members. Tresa will contact a potential new member regarding receipt of dues that were damaged in the mail.   Please send guest email addresses to Chris, Mary, and Mandy.

Need to call Anise and Darla to remind them of meetings because they do not have email.
Marlene is going to invite e-members and student members to attend our branch meetings. A separate email will be sent to them. 

Minutes: Amended to include STEM program date of June 2021. Mary moved and Dede seconded approval of minutes as amended. Motion passed.

Secretary: Vacant – Need a volunteer for board and branch meeting each month. Dede will prepare board minutes for September and October. Barbara will prepare branch meeting minutes and Mercury article for September, November, and December.

Treasurer: Amanda Gaulke – Balance is $5,300.61 as of September 1, 2020. Hoping to get STEM scholarships funded through GMCF match fund. Claudia has contacted GMCF and is waiting for a response. Deposit of $375 has been paid and another $375 is due to the Country Club in May for the anniversary celebration. Marlene will contact the Country Club about the contract.

Tresa moved and Nancy seconded to approve budget as presented. Motion passed.

AAUW Funds: Jane Mullen and Marlene VerBrugge – Donations for AAUW National Funds to be submitted by mid-December so that the potential for Star Branch award could be requested for spring recognition. Donate online or by check to Mandy. Tresa sends forms to National. Tresa and Mandy to work on email request to members in October/November.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen – no update

League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Karen Hummel – Twelve register to vote signs are being made and 12 vote signs are being made jointly between LWV and AAUW. AAUW contributes up to $125 for this expense. A joint committee has been meeting about the topic, placing yard signs, and preparing a presentation. Signs will be placed on ATA buses too.  Cathy Hedge from LWV was contacted by ACLU about a program they offer, “Know Your Voting Rights”. She shared the information with AAUW. Mary indicated there are 3 ways to participate, watch a presentation, attend a presentation, or participate in a train-the-trainer program.

State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis – State conference is April 17, 2021 at KCKCC. We will host in 2022. There is a standing committee for planning.

Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood is making updates to the website. Please review to see if all of it is correct. Branch board and meeting minutes are posted. Retreats and scholarship recipients to be posted. Facebook is updated to reflect National’s topics.

Yearbook: Connie Noble – Yearbook will be sent as PDF to print at home. Some sections will only be on website. Yearbook is almost complete. Tresa and Marlene are reviewing it. It will not be sent to members until after our first meeting date.

STEM: Chris Herald – Shadow day at KSU is either October 19-23 or November 9-13 for a virtual/live event. There can be 25 students for each session. Cost is $10.

Faculty Advisors for AAUW @Kansas State University: Pat Hudgins and Janet Carlson – We are current with our KSU-AAUW partnership. Advisor names have been updated on National’s records.

History/Archives: Joan Strickler – Would like to see this report continued for this year. Manhattan AAUW archives are available at Riley County Museum but may not be accessible for a while. (Follow-up with Joan – she has 5 reports she can share during the year.)

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones – Claudia has contacted Greater Manhattan Community Foundation regarding use of matching funds for STEM program.

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – She will promote these fellowships that are due between November 1 and December 1. All fellowships and grants are listed on the National AAUW website.

Work Smart Initiative: Mary Stamey

19th Amendment Committee (AAUW & LWV): Mary Stamey and Karen Hummel – Discussed earlier regarding joint initiatives between AAUW and League of Women Voters
AAUW State Conference 2022: Tresa Landis, Nancy Bolsen, Marlene VerBrugge. Manhattan hosts in 2022.

100th Anniversary Celebration: Karen McCulloh and committee – postponed to May 2021 meeting

OLD BUSINESS: Items that have been tabled for further discussion or need a vote –
*Marlene will announce awards at the September meeting (usually done in May) for the President’s Award, Named Gift Honoree, and Outstanding Branch Member.
*Reminder of Shape the Future Campaign for new members; e-student affiliate memberships for undergraduate and graduate students; and Give a Grad a Gift for women who have graduated from college (any degree level) within the last two years can receive free national memberships. Membership forms are online.

*Dede moved and Nancy seconded a motion to send $25 to the AAUW Kansas Sunflower Fund in the amount of $25 in memory of Helen Janes who passed away recently. Helen was an active and regular member of Manhattan AAUW and will be missed. Motion passed.
*Potential dues increase would be either 1.) July 2021, between $3 and $10 or 2.) July of each of the next three fiscal years between $3 and $10. There will be a vote at the October National Board meeting. It affects life member dues too. Our dues cover 15-20 percent of National expenses. They help cover member services and technology and infrastructure. Comments need to be received by September 25 at connect@aauw.org.

*AAUW and LWV will display get-out-the vote banners at different locations around town and at different times. Looking for volunteers to sign up for 1-hour gatherings.

Next Board Meeting: October 5, 2020, 5:30PM, via Zoom

Respectfully submitted,
Dede Brokesh
Acting Secretary