club NEWS – AAUW
The Manhattan branch of the American Association of University Women held their May meeting in the Community Room at Meadowlark Hills. President Nancy Bolsen called the meeting to order following dinner. She thanked Helen Janes for making the meal arrangements.
President Bolsen noted AAUW National contributes $4.3 million dollars yearly to support women in their educational and professional development and added she takes pride also in the financial assistance provided by the local branch. The Manhattan AAUW offers three $1000 scholarships each year to help non-traditional women students at K-State complete their education. Thanks to a donor gift the branch is able to offer four such scholarships this year.
Tresa Landis reported on events at the AAUW State meeting held April 13 in Salina. Speakers included a director-at-large from the national organization and Dean Verna Fitzsimmons who heads the KSU Salina campus. Tresa noted every member of AAUW is given the opportunity to vote in the national organization’s elections and urged members to do so online. Manhattan was one of two branches receiving Star Branch Awards.
Manhattan also felt honored when the current branch president, Nancy Bolsen, was elected to the position of president-elect of AAUW Kansas. The local branch has agreed to host the State meeting next year in Manhattan.
The following incoming officers were installed: President-Elect, Barbara Gatewood; 2nd Vice President of Membership, Kathy Borck; Treasurer, Claudia Jones; and Director-at-Large, Patricia Floros. The positions of president, vice-president of programs, secretary and one additional director-at-large continue serving into the coming year.
Jan Freeby announced the branch legacy awards. Vadaline Strohm will join a distinguished list of Named Gift Honorees as the branch makes a contribution to the national organization for national and international fellowships in her honor. The second award, to the year’s Outstanding Branch Member, was made to Barbara Gatewood for her outstanding efforts in membership development.
A new award, the President’s Award, was given by the president to a member who has been an active, engaged leader and organizer who has played a vital and significant role in the branch’s overall success. President Bolsen presented the award and gift to Tresa Landis.
May birthday members were congratulated; Marylois Smith, Barbara Wilson and, especially, Glenna Burckel, who was celebrating hers that day.
The meeting adjourned following the closing of a silent auction, organized by Jan Freeby with Karen Tinkler, and held to raise dollars for the scholarship fund and other branch activities.
Persons interested in learning more about AAUW in Manhattan may go to, email manhattanksaauw, or contact Kathy Borck at 776-6297.