June 23, 2018
KSU Research Center, 10 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Retreat was opened by Mary Stamey, president.  Sixteen members were present, new members to the board were recognized.

We first participated in an activity that lead us to realize the following:  We first RESIST ideas or directions with something holding us back, then someone from inside or outside the membership INSISTS we accomplish the directions, then we PERSIST and set a goal. We must communicate this goal or the goals we have created. We must remember that our resources include all of our members. Then we don’t just think as a board and just talk as a board but we ACT. We have to decide who we want to be as an organization by June of 2019. How will be promote AAUW in the future. Can we do things like celebrate the 46th Birthday of Title IX?

DEADLINES were discussed next.  The Yearbook should be finished and out before September. A letter will be sent by Shantia to all members concerning payment of dues. The new address is: AAUW, 1310 Westloop Place, Suite A, Box 256, Manhattan, KS 66502

The list of Programs need to be sent into Connie by August for placing in the yearbook.  TBA can be used for some of the times.  New members do use the yearbooks quite often for programs and to learn about other members.  AAUW Manhattan Branch should inform members and others when people are coming into town to speak to our membership. We can do that using Facebook.

Dinner reservations – is there more efficient way to get members signed up for our dinners. “Sign-up Jeanie” was suggested, and Pay Pal was noted as costing for use. It was decided that we do need something like Pay Pal for paying for dinners. No decision was made.

Emailing entire membership was discussed. It was decided that we need Connie to monitor what we send to the entire membership. Connie does have the password at this time.

ACT portion.
Can someone get sponsors for the yearbook? There was much discussion concerning this topic.   A $50 sponsor could be asked for. 501C4 companies can write it off as a marketing expense. We could use a one sheet print out explaining what AAUW does. We could modify the flier we already have. Corporate sponsors could have their Logo put in the yearbook and would a sponsor such as Vista want to put in a coupon. We could also note the sponsors on our Website and Facebook entries. Their money would be used for Program Support, Empowering Women, Scholarships and Operating Expenses.

It was also discussed that we need to look outside of K State for membership such as promoting membership from Ft. Riley. We need to look at New Boston Creative Group that is run by a woman, DeFloral, Radina’s, etc.

We need a sponsorship committee to continue with this activity. Mary will seek members for this committee. Sponsorships would be needed by August 1, 2018 to be included in this yearbook.

Promote AAUW via social media and websites (ours and national AAUW) – this is done through Facebook and our Website. Instagram and Twitter will be used and Usha will set this up. Pictures done by Barbara and sent to the Mercury are excellent. Our Website and Facebook is up and running and monitored by Barbara. Barbara needs notices sent to her on email. Get photos also sent to Barbara.

A non – member cannot be on the national board.
A person cannot become a member without a college or an associate degree.
The portion of the convention that did pass is that National board members will be elected on a staggered basis.

As of last night 22 members are paid. Shauntia will send a letter out to members who need to pay. The new address is: AAUW, 1310 Westloop Place, Suite A, Box 256, Manhattan, KS   66502

Promoting AAUW through Fliers – Banks, the City Library and Chamber of Commerce might let you advertise with fliers. The flier is being worked on by Julee Thomas.
Promoting AAUW through community events beyond The Community Fair.

Events such as activities with RSVP’s and Group Chats was discussed. With Group Chats you give your telephone number and share events with other members. New young members will look at these entries. Other events discussed were those with Women’s Business Organization, Women for K State, Manhattan Art Center, and Fort Riley Event Days. We will not put up anything at the Riley County Fair due to the look of AAUW promoting various candidates for political offices. New members can be invited to a coffee where we discuss various aspects of AAUW with them. We can promote new members as we reach out to them one-on-one at meetings and events. We also need to bring a new member to our meetings.

Meet Up is a computer application where a new or present member can be posted. Others members will converse with the new or present member on Meet Up.

The edited application for AAUW membership that prospective members can fill out is on the website at this time.

Budget – We do need a budget created and presented to members each year.

The due date for AAUW donation funds to National is Dec. 15th each year. We can designate this to go to various funds.

Local Scholarships – Claudia Jones is in charge of the Local Scholarships. Four $1,000 scholarships was given last year. The Greater Manhattan Community Foundation will match one half of our donations. These are given to non-traditional students. Two were given to Masters candidates, one to a Bachelors candidate, and one to a PhD candidate.

National Fellowships and Grants – Rebecca Bahlmann manages the National fellowships and grants.   3.7 million is given out each year by National AAUW. Up to $30,000 is given to International women to come to the U.S. to study, to underrepresented women, and to women changing carriers. Our AAUW Manhattan branch can apply for a grant for our International Women’s Day events.

Dillon’s Community Rewards – Dillon’s does participate in a program that customers who hold a Dillon’s Plus Shopper’s Card can enroll online for the branch to earn money as the designated nonprofit organization to receive a percentage, based on store purchases. Our AAUW Manhattan branch does have to sign up each year for this.

Fundraisers – Sponsorship Committee will be formed. Can we ask businesses to donate $360? Will they give that much? We can have sponsor dinners. Local people will give very well, but don’t limit yourself to just Manhattan businesses. Ask businesses such as Running Company, Chipotle, Chili’s, Multicultural Organizations, etc. Some will be able to give smaller amounts. The Long term needs must be looked at by members. We need to let the businesses know that we are Advancing Women through Local scholarships, STEM scholarships and the International Women’s Day events. Can we use some of the money for Branch Programs?

Could we consider Soup and Salad at our dinners? Would the church charge less?  Possibly more people would show up at the meetings if the cost was less.

Shauntia has found someone to audit the books. The fee is unknown at this time.

Mary N’gang’s reported that a brochure was placed on the tables at the last meeting for program suggestions and was sent to others members. From those the following ideas were given: Millennials understanding, Update on NBAF and Military understanding. It was also expressed that we need to expand our dinner locations.

The program committee Mary, Usha and Julee have worked on the programs and will continue working on the programs for 2018-2019 until finalized.

Programs Draft – for 2018-2019
September – Annelise Nguyen – give us information about her research and study in Washington D.C.
October – Rich Vargo from the Riley County Elections Office
November – Local Pharmacists vs. Pharmacy Benefit Manager
December – Kat Cupboard and Fit Closet? Entertainment? Location unknown – Little Apple Brewery no room charge and we order from the menu or we can go to First Presbyterian Church.
January – The role of Military Spouses and entertainment. Will we go to Trinity Presbyterian $50 rental, they serve a meal or Little Apple Brewery, no charge for room and we order from the menu?
February – Kristen Brighton of New Boston Creative Group – Millennial Workforce – Many Do things for themselves but not for the community.
March – International Women’s Day Events on International Women’s Day???? It is a Friday this year. Difficult to get a good turn out on Fridays.
April – Cyber Bulling
May – Marty Vineer – NBAF on site tour or speaker at Community Room at Meadowlark

Follow up suggestions – Career Closet on K-State Campus. We usually do a small gift exchange in December. International Women’s Day Event needs two more speakers for a panel discussion.

AAUW Manhattan Branch is the Liaison to K State AAUW organization. Two people are needed to be on the form that goes into National AAUW. Rachel Miles is already a sponsor and Annelise Nguyen will be asked to be the second person. The K State organization was not successful in working the club last year so they need input from us.

Men or Women can join AAUW.  A President Elect is needed for the AAUW Manhattan Branch

Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary

May 7, 2018
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Barbara Gatewood, Jean Lee, Karen Tinkler, Connie Noble, Mary Ng’an’g, Gail Chalman, Leena Chakrabarti, and Julie Thomas.


Past President: Karen Tinkler reported on membership drive ideas that have been successful to Gail Chalman, new Vice President for Membership.

Co-Vice Presidents of Program: Connie Noble present and Tresa Landis absent. Connie reported that our next all member meeting is May 14, 2018 at the Community Room at Meadowlark Hills Retirement Village, 2121 Meadowlark Road at 6:00 p.m. It is the Annual Wrap Up and Celebration. We will have a Silent Auction, installation of incoming Leadership, and Member Recognitions. Cost is $13.00. 19 members have signed up thus far. We need to call members and encourage them to bring Silent Auction items. Mary reported that Claudia will bring pencils and bid sheets. Members come and help us CELEBRATE A FANTASTIC 2017-2018 AAUW YEAR!!!

Membership Vice-President: none

Secretary: Maurine Pruitt-minutes of the April 2, 2018 board meeting was handed to those present. Corrections that are needed were noted. Connie made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Jean Lee seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee absent. No report given.
Ending Cash Balance not given

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan absent – no report

AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler absent, Mary reported $328 was collected. It was sent on time to the National AAUW.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen absent and Marilyn Bunyan absent. No report given.

Public Policy: Jean Lee – see notes given in accomplishments achieved by our branch this year.

League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee – present– The program is different than that noted in the April 2, 2018 board meeting minutes. The next Lunch with League is May 17th at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30am with lunch costing $9.00. The program is Local Pharmacists vs. Pharmacy Benefit Managers: The Impact on Kansas Health Care. A hot issue nationally is the role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers in the prescription drug industry. Because of issues of concern: transparency, corporate vs. local control, and equal access to health care, states are passing laws to control PBM operations. What is the local impact? Join local small business pharmacists as they share their experiences.  Reminder to all members-Vote in the Primaries!!!!!!!

State Board Liaison: Nancy Bolsen absent, no report.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood reported that she has not received a follow-up email from Cyrenna Cooper, Website Production Associate, AAUW about the branch website audit since our last meeting. She will check on it. Membership Payment Program (MPP) – Barbara reported that in response to her inquiry about MPP, Angela Cooper, Sr. Member Relations Manager, AAUW, shared the following information. MPP would allow us to send renewal notices that can be paid online or printed and sent to our branch. A link can be imbedded on our website. The branch joins MPP and provides banking information, then the branch and state receives their dues automatically. Over 400 branches use MPP. Barbara suggested setting up a conference call with our treasurer and other pertinent officers.  Dues are due June 1st, we should wait on payment of those until we decide if our branch is going to join MPP.

A person from Arizona inquired about getting her daughter who lives in Topeka an AAUW membership. Mary Stamey followed up and notes this would be very easy if we do join MPP.

New items from National are at the bottom of our Webpage.  Facebook page is much newer – send information you want publicized on our Website or Facebook to Barbara.  Please expand information about the Website and Facebook page in meeting notices. Barbara will prepare a statement with active links.    AAUWmanhattan is our branch’s main link.

Yearbook: Tersa Landis – absent, no report.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles – absent

Archives: Joan Strickler  more items are needed, be selective.

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones sent in a report. The Grow Green fund drive brought in $815 in donations matched by the foundation for $397.50 for a 2018 total of $1212.50 !!!. One donation was under the limit set by the foundation for matching thus the $397.50. Claudia’s scholarship committee has interviewed five candidates with one to follow. We are giving four scholarships worth $1000 – $1500 each. Claudia hopes the winners’ names can be shared next Monday.

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent -no report at this time

University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce – absent – no report

Interest Groups: Joan Strickler – Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00pm (note time change).


Nominations for officers. Thank you Pat Hudgins, Dee Dee Brokesh and Marlene verBrugge!!!!
Pesident: Mary Stamey 2017-2019President Elect: ????????? 2018-19 and then president 2019-2021
Vice-President for Programs: Julie Thomas, Mary Ng”ang’a and Ush Redi 2018-2020
Vice-President for Membership: Gail Chalman 2018-2020
Past President: Karen Tinkler 2017-2019
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt
Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee
Director-at-Large: Leena Chakrabarti 2018-2020
Director-at-Large: Karen McCulloh 2018-2020

Accomplishments for our branch this past year:
Programs have been excellent – International Women’s Day was great. At our international breakfast we should include the two women who are Student Body Officers at K-State.
Tracy Scott gave an excellent program about women’s safety as we partnered with the Women of K-State.
The Serendipity group has had great programs – In one handicapped people were interviewed on video.
Community Fair was great at the Mall.
Great Decisions has been reworked – Work was not done in a partisan manner.   Writers have been in foreign policy for many years. The group will study China this month.
Take Action – 2 Minute Activist- Letters are posted that you may click on and send them to your Representative or your Senator. The Representatives and Senators names are listed and by clicking you can send the letter to them. AAUW Washington update is great.
Tresa and Nancy went to the State Convention.
6 or 8 new members this year. An experienced member was matched up with new member for some of our meetings,

Great Decisions – 4:00 pm at Meadowlark   Second Thursday in the Manhattan Room. Everyone sends an opinion about Great Decisions in and results will be shown at end of year.
Note change in day – Our Next Board Meeting is the retreat Saturday, June 23, 2018 10:00 am – 2 pm. Location is to be determined later.
Our next all member meeting is May 14, 2018 at the Community Room at Meadowlark Hills Retirement Village, 2121 Meadowlark Road at 6:00 p.m. It is the Annual Wrap Up and Celebration. We will have a Silent Auction, installation of incoming Leadership, and Member Recognitions. Cost is $13.00.


Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch Secretary

April 2, 2018
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Tersa Landis, Joan Strickler, Barbara Gatewood, Nancy Bolsen, Karen Tinkler, Connie Noble, and future 2018-2020 board members Julee Thomas and Usha Reddi. Julee Thomas will talk to us about getting more people from Fort Riley to join the AAUW group.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Mary Stamey handed out an article about Internaitonal Women’s Day event in the Manhattan Mercury. Barbara Gatewood sent in the pictures. Good job Barbara!!!

Past President: Karen Tinkler no report

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs: Connie Noble present, Tersa Landis present. Super Job on International Women’s Day events to Connie and Tresa!!! Great turnout with many other events going on that evening. Next year we will have to consider amount of events going on in the community the day of our event.

Our next all member meeting is April 9, 2018 at First Congregational Church, 700 Poyntz Avenue at 6:00pm. The speaker will be Dr. Amanda Gaulke, Assistant Professor of Economics at Kansas State University. The topic she will discuss is The Dynamics of Student Loan Repayment.

Membership Vice-President:  none

Secretary: Maurine Pruitt-Minutes of the March 5, 2018 Board meeting was handed out and read by the members of the board. Motion was made to approve minutes as read by Nancy, seconded by Joan. Motion carried.

Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee absent. No report given. Ending Cash Balance not given.

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan absent – no report

AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler approximately $317 was collected.   We need to know if it was sent on time to the National AAUW.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen present and Marilyn Bunyan not present. No report given.

Public Policy: Jean Lee – absent – no report

League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee – absent – It is reported that there will be no Lunch with League on April 19th because of the annual meeting being the following Saturday. The next Lunch with League is May 17th at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30am with lunch costing $9.00. Speakers will be Linda Morse, Karen McCulloh, and Usha Reddi with the topic of Power Women. They will cover women in activism and the difference women can make.

State Board Liaison: Nancy Bolsen reported we now have five AAUW branches in the state of Kansas: Shawnee Mission, Newton, Manhattan, El Dorado, and Wichita. Nancy handed out applications for the State Conference, Saturday April 28, 2018 in Wichita, Kansas. Speakers will be Natasha Stephens Ph.D., Title IX Coordinator at WSU, Kristina Haahr, M.A., Mary Lincoln, advocate for women’s rights and mental illness patients, and 2017 NCCWSL Scholarship winner Carley Wright, President of the AAUW @ K State. The State Conference is in Wichita, Kansas at Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church at 655 South Lorraine Avenue. It will begin at 8:00 am with registration and sessions starting at 8:30 am. The cost is $35.00.

No one applied for NCCWSL scholarship application this year. Applications were sent to community colleges and four year colleges in Kansas.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood -Thanks to her for the updates and pictures about International Women’s Day events in the paper!!! Barbara does a great amount of work on the website. We need to use the website to advertise things. National updates are at bottom of page. Website audit will be done by Cyenna Cooper, Website Product Associate. $119 per year is the cost for assistance on the website.

Facebook page is much newer – 45 have followed us on this. We need to put a notice in Facebook that at K State two women are student body president Jordan Kiehl, senior in Industrial Engineering, from Fairway, Kansas and student body vice-president Lacy Pitts, junior in Agricultural Economics, Moundridge, Kansas. Applications for NCCWSL scholarships should be on Facebook. Ft. Riley information would be great to see on the AAUW Facebook. Our vision should be with the Logo on our Facebook page. We need to update our computer where each person can pay dues on the computer.

Yearbook: Tersa Landis – update of addresses and email addresses sheet will be sent around at April and May meeting.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles – absent Nancy talked to Rachel- student organization has not meet this year.

Archives: Joan Strickler  more items are needed, be selective

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones sent in a report. We have applications for the scholarships. Three persons for the $1000 scholarships will be chosen. Grow Green oversees this but we do the selection of winners. One $1500 scholarship will be given with Mavis Fletchers name on it.

Many members want to donate to the AAUW Branch operational funds not to Grow Green or give to both the Grow Green and the AAUW Branch.

Can Women of K State take money for operations? Linda Cook would be a good person to get on our AAUW Branch. Usha Reddi will check with her about the K State money for operations.

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – absent -no report at this time

University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce – absent – no report

Interest Groups: Joan Strickler

Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00pm (note time change).


Nominations for officers. Thank you Pat Hudgins, Dee Dee Brokesh and Marlene verBrugge!!!!
President: Mary Stamey 2017-2019
President Elect: ????????? 2018-19 and then president 2019-2021
Vice-President for Programs: Julie Thomas, Mary Ng”ang’a and Ush Redi 2018-2020
Vice-President for Membership: Gail Chalman 2018-2020
Past President: Karen Tinkler 2017-2019
Secretary: Maurine Pruitt
Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee
Director-at-Large: Leena Chakrabarti 2018-2020
Director-at-Large: Karen McCulloh 2018-2020

May meeting we will do a silent auction. Last year Jane Mullen helped and Helen James arranged for tables to be set up. Connie will work with the menu and Joan will work with the table set up.

Tresa Landis will be director for State AAUW funds. She will replace Chassy Nichols.

Summer Retreat- Tresa will check if she is available to unlock and lock the building where she works for Saturday, June 23rd from 10 o’clock to 3 o’clock.

Grow Green Day April 20, 2018.

Our next all member meeting is April 9, 2018 at First Congregational Church, 700 Poyntz Avenue at 6:00pm. The speaker will be Dr. Amanda Gaulke, Assistant Professor of Economics at Kansas State University. The topic she will discuss is The Dynamics of Student Loan Repayment.
Our Next Board Meeting is Monday, May 7, 2018 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.


Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt, secretary

March  5, 2018
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Joan Strickler, Tresa Landis, Karen Tinkler, Jean Lee, Nancy Bolsen and Connie Noble .

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: President – Mary Stamey

Past President: Karen Tinkler see notes about fundraisers and the Star Branch application.

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs: Connie Noble present and Tresa Landis present. Tresa Landis announced that our next branch meeting is Thursday, March 8, 2018 (Note change of day and place) at the Holiday Inn at the Campus, in the Landon Room at 1641 Anderson Avenue beginning at 6:00 pm with a dinner. We will have a Panel of Local International Speakers. This will be a dynamic program to connect with women locally and across the globe. There will be a breakfast at JP’s near the Jardine apartments. This breakfast is a great way to introduce the panel of speakers to each other. Tresa reported the evening panel will be Madai Rivera from Mexico, Mary NGanga from Kenya, Chi Ehie from Nigeria, Suzanne Gilmore from Germany and Rebecca Hackmann–Bahlmann who is from Germany and Great Britain.

Tresa was on the radio last week to tell our community about the AAUW International Event. There may be a reporter sent to our evening International meeting. Proclamations will be made about our International Day being on Thursday. The Commissioners will declare their proclamation this Tuesday at 7:00 pm and the School board will do the same this Wednesday at 6:30 pm.

Connie picked up a check for dinners Thursday, Tresa will need a check for gifts, and Mary will need one for Breakfast. They will contact Shauntia about this. Perhaps an Invoice could be sent to those working on each part of the meeting then they can give that to Shauntia and get payed sooner.

Membership Vice-President: no report given

Secretary: Maurine Pruitt  Minutes of our last board meeting were distributed. Adjoruned is changed to Adjourned. Nancy moved to accept minutes as corrected, Jean seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee absent, Claudia Jones absent. No report given

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan absent – no report given.

AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler present. An email was received with an incorrect amount shown that we gave to National. This needs to be corrected. It was suggested that our money may not have gotten to National on time and it will be reflected in this year’s amount. Mary will work on this with Shauntia and Claudia.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen present, Marilyn Bunyan absent, no report

Public Policy: Jean Lee – present- She stated that AAUW members need to use the Two Minute time to call your legislatures about the DACA issues. AAUW has twice as many women running for various office in the community this year.  League of Women Voters will have their speaker on Thursday March 15th at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30 am with lunch costing $9.00. The speakers will be Sara K. Kearns, Carol Sevins and Zain Iqbal who will be presenting their News Literacy project on Media Literacy – “Breaking Your News Bubble.” (A Focus on evaluating news sources on Social Media.) This Thursday the County Commission meeting at 10:00 am will be in the county commission room at the Riley County Annex on 4th street. (Any items supporting birth control have been voted down by some of the commissioners before). We hope many will come to hear their discussions and see their new vote. Voting will happen on the grant proposals. More young people are involved in decisions now and are clear on what they want by their actions in many states.

State Board Liaison: Nancy Bolsen reported The AAUW (KS) State Conference is in Wichita, Kansas. The Wichita Branch and the AAUW State Board are hosting the conference. The location is the Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church at 655 South Lorraine Avenue in Wichita. The date is April 28, 2018 with 8:00 am registration and session starting at 8:30 am and ending by 3:30 pm. There is no silent auction but there will be door prizes. $35 is the cost. We need to get some information about this on our website. Registration form is on the State Website. Tresa will put it on our website.

The speakers will be the following:
Natasha Stevens, Ph.D the Title IX Coordinator at Wichita State University.A Representative from AAUW National who is to be designated.
The Keynote Speaker, Kristina Haahr will speak about Mary Lincoln and her advocacy of women’s rights and the rights of patients declared mentally ill in the late 19th Expanding on her presentation from last year.
NCCWSL Scholarship Winner Carly Wright who is the President of the AAUW @ K State will also be a speaker.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood absent, no report

Yearbook: Tresa Landis – present, stated that she will not be able to do the yearbook next year. Connie will do the yearbook with help. Yearbook committee will be Connie, Jean, Mary and Tresa

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles – absent

Archives: Joan Strickler was present

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent– no report
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann –absent – no report at this time

University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce both absent

Interest Groups: Joan Strickler. Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00pm (note time change) to discuss a chapter from their book.

Star Branch Application:  Mary will be filling this out, including programs, scholarships including the NCCWSL scholarship.
Karen explained everything that she had entered on the application last year.
Tresa reported that AAUW Scholarships for our local branch, given to non-traditional students, have Applications due on April 2nd. Tresa also reported that the Grow Green event where money is collected for different organizations then one half of the money is matched, this year it is on April 20th.

Nominating Committee:  Mary reported that the Nomination committee is Dede Brokesh, Pat Hudgins and Marlene VerBrugge. Mary will work with the appointed positions and the committee will work with nominations for the elected positions. Officers to be elected are 2 Directors at large, Vice-President for Membership, Vice-President for Programs, and President Elect.
Budget Everything is done on the 2018-2019 budget for now. A final draft will be presented in September.

Fundraiser ideas:
Ben Segal – The Running Company
International fundraiser – products or food to sell
Connie asked, “Can we combine with other groups on a fundraiser program?” That idea was accepted very well.
Karen noted that the American Legion has a large room that we could use for a fundraiser.

Tresa Landis announced that our next branch meeting is Thursday, March 8, 2018 (Note change of day and place) at the Holiday Inn at the Campus, 1641 Anderson Avenue beginning at 6:00 pm with a dinner. We will have a Panel of Local International Speakers. This will be a dynamic program to connect with women locally and across the globe.

Our Next Board Meeting is Monday, April 2, 2018 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt
AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch secretary

February  5, 2018
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Joan Strickler, Shauntia Ripee, Tresa Landis, Karen Tinkler, Jean Lee, and Nancy Bolsen

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: President – Mary Stamey
Mary stated that our Focus today will be on nominations and fundraising.

Past President: Karen Tinkler see notes later on fundraiser ideas.

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs: Connie Noble absent, Tresa Landis present.
Our next all member Branch meeting will be on Monday, February 12, 2018 at First Congregational Church, 700 Poyntz Avenue, at 6:00 pm. The program will be To Your Health: Where Does Riley County Rank? The speaker is Jennifer Green, Director, Riley County Public Health Department.

Tresa discussed that for our International Day Celebration “immigration” is wanted for speakers to talk about. We are having a somewhat difficult time finding someone who openly wants to discuss their own immigration. Ideas were given to Tresa of people who could speak about their own immigration.

Membership Vice-President: none.

Secretary: Maurine Pruitt  Minutes of our last board meeting were distributed. One correction. Spelling of Tresa Landis’ name is Tresa not Tersa. Motion was made by Joan to accept minutes as corrected. Nancy seconded the motion, motion carried.

Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee present, Claudia Jones absent. Shauntia reported the following;

Ending Cash Balance        December 31, 2018        $ 2,410.75
New Balance                      January 31, 2018             $ 2,548.63

Balance can be seen anytime at   Money was sent to National for dues.

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan absent – no report given.

AAUW Funds: Joan Strickler see notes on Grow Green report.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen present, Marilyn Bunyan absent, no report

Public Policy: Jean Lee – present – no report

League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee reported that at the February meeting the League will make a decision on the updated Water Policy. That meeting is on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30 am with lunch costing $9.00.

State Board Liaison: Nancy Bolsen reported that the AAUW (KS) State Conference is in Wichita, Kansas. The Wichita Branch and the AAUW State Board are hosting the conference. The location is the Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church at 655 South Lorraine Avenue in Wichita. The date is April 28, 2018 with 8:00 am registration and session starting at 8:30 am and ending by 3:30 pm. There is no silent auction but there will be door prizes.

Speakers will be the following:

  • Natasha Stevens, Ph.D the Title IX Coordinator at Wichita State University.
  • A Representative from AAUW National who is to be designated.
  • The Keynote Speaker, Kristina Haahr will speak about Mary Lincoln and her advocacy of women’s rights and the rights of patients declared mentally ill in the late 19th Expanding on her presentation from last year.
  • NCCWSL Scholarship Winner Carly Wright who is the President of the AAUW @ K State will also be a speaker.

Nancy also reported that AAUW State Board Nominating Committee is searching for these candidates: President, Vice President of Membership, Secretary and AAUW Funds director are needed. We need to encourage branch members interested in these positions to contact Carol Kirchmer at

It was noted that there are only 5 AAUW branches in the state of Kansas now.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood absent, no report
Yearbook: Tresa Landis – present, no report

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles – absent
Archives: Joan Strickler present, no report
Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent– no report
National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann –absent – no report at this time
University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce both absent
Interest Groups: Joan Strickler
Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00pm (note time change) to discuss a chapter from their book. Mary Stamey brought 2 Great Decisions books that remained and those present could buy them.

OLD BUSINESS: From our retreat we do need to develop a Mixer for Partnering our new members with an existing member.   We will need someone to organize this gathering.

Maurine reported that the Community Fair was a great success on February 3rd at the Shopping Mall from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. There were over 50 entries with tables and the people showed great interest mainly from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. We have 11 new ladies who are potential members at this time. We want to thank Jonalu Johnson, Barbara Gatewood, Darla Cobb and Maurine Pruitt for working the Community Fair.

The Nomination committee will be appointed by Mary Stamey. As President she will contact present officers to see if they will continue serving in their present office. The nominating committee will develop a slate of those who wish to repeat their office and those seeking a new office to be voted on in April. In May the elected officers will be installed to conduct the 2018-2019 meetings.

The Manhattan Greater Community Foundation relates to the KSU Scholarships that are endowed and used for students to help pay their tuition or costs of attending K-State. Joan Strickler explained that with the foundation we can recommend scholarship winners but the foundation controls the money. We interview and send in recommendations for the winners. The foundation makes the final decision (they have always taken our recommendation) for the winners of the scholarships.

The AAUW State NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) scholarship (not related to the KSU scholarships) for a student to attend their National meeting gives only 750 dollars now but they used to give 1400 dollars. We, the other Branches, or the student now makes up the difference. It was discussed whether we could ask the woman to give a certain amount and we match that amount. It was also discussed whether we can make up our own application for the NCCWSL scholarship for a K State student to apply? Do we want them to be a part of AAUW student organization? A committee will be formed to finalize these scholarship ideas.

See last page for fundraiser ideas. Nancy will share the ideas at Monday night’s meeting. We will be looking for volunteers to help with a fundraising activity.

Budget A budget plan for year 2018-2019 was presented by Mary Stamey. The finance committee will present a final budget to the board at the retreat in late July/early August. The final vote will be taken in September, first by the board and then by the membership.

Our next all member Branch meeting will be on Monday, February 12, 2018 at First Congregational Church, 700 Poyntz Avenue, at 6:00 pm. The program will be To Your Health: Where Does Riley County Rank? The speaker is Jennifer Green, Director, Riley County Public Health Department.

Our Next Board Meeting is Monday, March 5, 2018 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.


Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt, AAUW Manhattan (KS) Branch secretary

Fundraising –
We need something for International Day – Karen Tinkler discussed some ideas
Goal from a church organization– Mary Stamey presented these ideas
Increase sense of community
Respecting the dignity of others
Showing compassion to others
Self Defense Training for Women
Sell Programs in a Box – SAT, ACT …. Review
Give out flyers for eating at a restaurant – we would get some of the funds for scholarships and our organization’s work
Chili’s, Chilpolte… the above
Can we raise the amount of money we give for scholarships?
Mayor- a – thon in a rocking chair
Dinner and interactive play
Open house for the community
Sell Tee Shirts with catchy pictures and slogans that young people like
Combine something with MAC   for STEAM scholarships – you get a small canvas, paint it, then sell them for a fundraiser
Open house with members of AAUW @ K State
Move in week at K State – sell water, give away cookies

We need a cause with each fundraiser we do

January 4, 2018
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Marilyn Bunyan, Joan Strickler, Barbara Gatewood, Claudia Jones, Karen Tinkler, and Connie Noble.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER:  President – Mary Stamey.

Past President:  Karen Tinkler reported on a possible fundraiser with selling food in reference to the International Day in March. Anyone with fundraiser ideas please share them with the board members listed above.

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs:  Connie Noble present, Tersa Landis absent.  Our next all member Branch meeting will be on Monday, January 8, 2018 Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1110 College Avenue, at 6:00 pm. The program will be How Gun Violence Impact Public Health with speaker Elena Aronson, 2017-2018 AAUW Scholarship Recipient pursuing a Master’s in Public Health. 24 reservations have been made.

Membership Vice-President: none.

Secretary:  Maurine Pruitt  Minutes of our last board meeting were distributed. Barbara moved, Joan seconded approval of the December 4th minutes. They were approved with one correction by Connie Noble.

Treasurer:  Shauntia Ripee absent. Claudia Jones gave the report.  Barbara needs treasures report for October and December.  These were given to Barbara by Karen Tinkler.  The Ending Cash Balance as of November 31, 2018 is $ 2,657.75.

Director-at-Large:  Marilyn Bunyan no report given.

AAUW Funds:  Joan Strickler reported we have received $371.

By-Laws:  Nancy Bolsen absent, Marilyn Bunyan present reported that the By Laws will be considered when national meets.   Marilyn also reported that April 28th is the State meeting in Wichita, Kansas.

Public Policy:  Jean Lee – absent – sent notice to Mary that she had no report.

League of Women Voters Coordinator:  Jean Lee – absent It is reported that our next Lunch with League is January 18, 2018 at Little Apple Brewery at 11:30 am with the speaker being Mayor Linda Morse. Cost is $9.00 for lunch.

State Board Liaison:  Nancy Bolsen absent and no report.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood reported that the Board minutes and Manhattan Mercury notices have been posted for November and December.  The Branch minutes for November and December will be posted this evening.

Yearbook: Tersa Landis – absent and no report.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University: Rachel Miles – absent

Archives:  Joan Strickler Barbara will give branch minutes to Joan to put in the Archives.

Branch Scholarship Chair:  Claudia Jones reported that updates have been made to the applications. Amount or number of recipients will be increased. One will have Mavis Fletcher’s name on it.

National Fellowship and Grants:  Rebecca Bahlmann –absent – no report at this time

University Representatives:  Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce both absent

Interest Groups:  Joan Strickler reported that Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00pm (note time change) to discuss a chapter from their book.

From our retreat we do need to develop a Mixer for Partnering our new members with an existing member.   We will need someone to organize this gathering.

Community Fair:  $7.00 registration fee and $1.00 for each chair that is needed. We will need 3 chairs. Money is due Jan 12, 2018. The Community Fair is Saturday February 3, 2018 from 10 am to 3pm. We should hand out more information concerning unequal pay for women. We should request to be next to the Friends of Beach table and have them make a request to be next to our table at the Community Fair. Mary will register us for the Community Fair. Connie will make up a Signup sheet for working at the Community Fair on February 3, 2018. This sheet will be sent around at our meeting next Monday. Darla Cobb will be notified about helping us with this.

Budget: $2400 will show as end of year balance.   $0 amount for in and out items such as AAUW donations sent to National and STEM funds. $500 will be shown for NCCWSL funds.

Student winners of the NCCWSL will always be asked to give a presentation to our AAUW branch.

Maurine made a motion that we accept the budget with corrections mentioned. Connie seconded the motion. Motion was approved with the corrections that were noted.

Can we bring an elected member of the community to work with the KSU Branch Elect Her program?  It was pointed out that the Elect Her is totally a KSU student program but we will work to get the women who have been elected to a community office to speak at our Branch meetings.

Mary read the names of four new members who do not have an existing member taking them to our next branch meeting.

It was announced that Jackie Hartman and April Mason will both be leaving K State University in the near future.

Our next all member Branch meeting is will be on Monday, January 8, 2018 Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1110 College Avenue, at 6:00 pm. The program will be How Gun Violence Impact Public Health with speaker Elena Aronson, 2017-2018 AAUW Scholarship Recipient pursuing a Master’s in Public Health.

Our Next Board Meeting is Monday, February 5, 2018 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.


Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt, secretary

Decwember 4, 2017
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Joan Strickle, Karen Tinkler, Jean Lee, Tresa Landis, and Claudia Jones.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER:  President – Mary Stamey.


Past President: Karen Tinkler reported on a possible fundraising activity. No action taken.

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs: Tresa Landis present, Connie Noble not present. Tresa reported the following:  Our next Branch meeting is December 11, 2017 with a Holiday Music Program – The Church Ladies.  Note change of location. It is at the First Presbyterian Church at 801 Leavenworth at 6:00 pm. There will be a small gift exchange The price for the performers has gone up to $120. Members will pay a small charge.

Membership Vice-President: no report.

Secretary: Maurine Pruitt – minutes were handed to everyone – Clarification was made on the new K State identification. We are an independent a student organization. We can have a faculty member advisor but they cannot have K State insurance coverage for activities with the organization. Rachel Miles will continue to be our advisor.

Treasurer:  Shauntia Ripee not present.  Claudia Jones reported on projected budget amounts of income for 2017-2018.  Ending Cash Balance     November 30, 2017 – none given.

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan absent, no report


AAUW Funds:  Joan Strickler – funds for National – we have more now, they do need to be sent to National by December 15th.

By-Laws:  Nancy Bolsen and Marilyn Bunyan absent, no report

Public Policy:  Jean Lee – handed out bulletins explaining our Public Policy for 2017 to 2019. We need to use the 2 minute activist where we say “I am a member of AAUW. This is what we think is important…..” People will listen when they find out you are a part of a National Organization. Mary also has contact for this information.

League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee reported – we are studying the water issue and will rewrite our policy. We are trying to get Mayor Linda Morse to speak for our January Lunch with League.

State Board Liaison: Nancy Bolsen absent, no report.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood not present – no report.

Yearbook: Tresa Landis – present – no update needed.


Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University:  Rachel Miles will remain the faculty advisor. Neither she nor the organization will be covered by K State insurance during the organization’s activities.

Archives:  Joan Strickler – she received more items for the archives

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones present – no report at this time.

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – not present but reported through Mary that notices have been sent out to the graduate students.  We will email the National Organization and find out how many K State graduate students have applied.

University Representatives: Tara Fronce absent, no report.

Interest Groups:  Joan Strickler reported that Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00pm (note time change) to discuss a chapter from their book.

OLD BUSINESS: From our retreat we do need to develop a Mixer for Partnering our new members with an existing member. Who will organize our New Mixer Part 2.   When will it be and where will it be? Members and matching new members were announced for coming to the December meeting.


The 2018 budget was discussed.  We need to show funds for scholarships as non-budget funds in- and funds out – to national.  Office Supplies will include other organizational expenses. Programs does include paying for speakers meals.  International Women’s Day expenses does take a good sum of the budget money.  Tresa turned in expenses for programs for the year 2017 to Claudia.  Focus will be – K State Branch Scholarships and STEM Scholarships. We will work through Girl Scouts   4-H etc.  We will put money in and ask others to support the STEM program.  NCCWSL – last year we paid for travel expenses. Food as well as registration and housing costs $465. In addition to that is the cost of the plane ticket to and from Maryland. The State AAUW will take the lead on these items. We will support the state on this. We may pay only the $250 for the registration.  A revised chart of the budget and outline of budget items will be made by Mary for our next board meeting.


Our next Branch meeting is December 11, 2017 with a Holiday Music Program – The Church Ladies. Note change of location. It is at the First Presbyterian Church at 801 Leavenworth at 6:00 pm.   There will be a small gift exchange.  Note change of day of meeting. Our Next Board Meeting is Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.


Respectfully submitted,                                                                                                                     Maurine Pruitt, Secretary

November 6, 2017
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Joan Strickler, Shauntia Rippee, Karen Tinkler, and Connie Noble

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER:  President – Mary Stamey


Past President: Karen Tinkler reported that if we use Little Apple Brewery for our New Member Mixer it would have to be after January 1, 2018 because they are booked up all of November and December at this time.

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs: Tresa Landis not present, Connie Noble present reported the following:  Our next Branch meeting is November 13, 2017 at the Kansas State University Student Union, in the Flint Hills Room at 7:00 pm. Traci Scott will present “Too Many of Us Can Say, #Me Too”. (Teaching other women how to protect themselves) This is also sponsored by the Women of K- State and the AAUW at K – State Student Organization. Refreshments and networking will happen after the program. Women of K State cannot provide cookies as they did last year. $125 is budgeted for refreshments. Hy Vee will be our Vendor for the refreshments. The final amount for this set of refreshments will be determined by actual reservations turned in by Connie or Marilyn.

Refugees were wanted to share on the panel March 8th at our branch meeting but we are unable to find ones who would speak to our group. Bill and Linda Richter were called for international contacts. We want to know about the Integration of children and adults.

Membership Vice-President: no report.

Secretary: Maurine Pruitt  minutes were handed to everyone – approved as corrected

Treasurer: Shauntia Ripee  reported an Ending Cash Balance on October 31, 2017 of $ 2,548.63. Connie made motion to accept the report, Maurine seconded, motion carried.  A Budget for 2017-2018 will be created and voted on next time.

Shauntia suggested that our Name Tags be changed to metal ones that would be more professional. Shauntia will look into the cost of changing the name tags.

Shauntia talked to the person in charge of meal planning at the First Congregational Church and she would like meals paid for before the meeting time.  After discussion we decided we would pay for 20 people ahead of the meeting and pay for the remaining reservations at time of the meeting.

The remaining yearbooks were sent out by Shauntia.

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan absent, no report


AAUW Funds:  Joan Strickler  $ 226.00 was raised at our last Branch meeting. The money is the Branch’s contribution to  National AAUW.

By-Laws:  Nancy Bolsen and Marilyn Bunyan absent, no report

Public Policy:  Jean Lee – absent, no report

League of Women Voters Coordinator:  Jean Lee –absent Maurine pointed out that the next Lunch with League will be Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 11:30 am. The program will cover the State Water Study: Water Rights Law and Wetlands Management.

State Board Liaison: Nancy Bolsen absent, no report.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood through Mary Stamey reported the following: Both the website and Facebook page have updates from the October meeting as well as upcoming events. The short write-ups with photos about our branch/serendipity speakers have been getting a lot of attention.  For example, the write-up about Karen Hawes’ program reached 157 people in two days! Padmini Chilappagan, Senior Website Associate, AAUW has been helping Barbara give our website an updated look.  On the HOME page at the bottom, she has added Updates from National.  Barbara encourages members to take a look-it is a great way to keep up to date!Our Facebook page for upcoming programs, events and news is found athttpo://

The following links are for finding the October Board and Branch meetings, the September financial report, a synopsis of the October program and a write-up for the Manhattan Mercury.

Yearbook: Tresa Landis – absent/.  Shauntia sent out the remaining yearbooks by mail.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University – Rachel Miles (can she be the faculty advisor due to the new ruling at K-State regarding independent groups or associations). This will be discussed at next board meeting.

Archives:  Joan Strickler

Branch Scholarship Chair: Claudia Jones absent, Shauntia covered what she had found about the Scholarships on the Website.

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – reported via Mary Stamey.  Rebecca had met with Dr. Shanklin who will send the information out to her list. She updated all the links and dates. Jim Hohenberry whose job it is to get information to grads held a workshop with grads in September about the grants. Marilou Marino is including it in the next funding connections and Rebecca will be sending it out via K-state shortly.

University Representatives: Tara Fronce absent, no report.

Interest Groups: Joan Strickler.  Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00pm (note time change) to discuss a chapter from their book.

From our retreat we do need to develop a Mixer for Partnering our new members with an existing

Member.   We will need someone to organize this gathering. Karen reported the Old Apple Brewery is booked up through December. We could do it there after January 1, 2018.

Mary Stamey suggested that our board members each bring a new member to the December 11th branch meeting.  We agreed.  New members were assigned to Board members for our December Branch meeting.  Another social will be discussed at our next board meeting.

Our next Branch meeting is November 13, 2017 at the Kansas State University Student Union, in the Flint Hills Room, at 7:00 pm.   Traci Scott will present “Too Many of Us Can Say #Me Too”. (Teaching other women how to protect themselves) This is also sponsored by the Women of K- State and the AAUW at K – State Student Organization. Refreshments and networking will happen after the program.

Our Next Board Meeting is Monday, December 4, 2017 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.


Respectfully submitted,                                                                                                                     Maurine Pruitt, Secretary

October 2, 2017
Vista Drive In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Maurine Pruitt, Marilyn Bunyn, Tresa Landis, Connie Noble, Joan Strickler, Barbara Gatewood, Jean Lee, Karen Tinkler, and Shanutia Rippee

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: Past President – Karen Tinkler

Past President: Karen Tinkler – no report.

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs: Connie Noble and Tresa Landis Karen Hawes will be with us on October 9, 2017 covering Title X Family Planning Program: What You Need to Know. This will be at the First Congregational Church, 700 Poyntz Avenue at 6:00 pm with dinner.

Membership Vice-President: no report.

Secretary: Maurine Pruitt.  The minutes of last board meeting were approved as corrected

Treasurer: Shauntia Rippee presented the current Treasurer’s Report with an Ending Cash Balance on September 30, 2017 of $2,454.5.  Barbara had a bill for the Website Package from National for their website help for the year which is $ 119.88.  Connie moved and Jean seconded that we pay the bill.   Motion carried.

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan took member’s reservations; 17 members have made reservations for next Monday’s meeting.  A hard copy is sent to those who need this.  An announcement should be given at Monday’s meeting that you must respond to emails sent out for making reservations for the next Monday’s meeting.  Concern is about those who usually come but know they cannot – please let Marilyn know.  Marilyn will make up a list for reserva-tions to pass around on October 9. They will be signing up for the November 13 meeting.

Marilyn and Claudia looked up dates when people signed up for AAUW – they were looking up people for Honorary Life Member.  Two members were found and they will be on hold until they are accepted by National AAUW.

AUW Funds: Joan Strickler will give a notice to Connie Noble to be sent to all members that asks for funds for AAUW. A “hat” will be passed at the meeting October 9, 2017 for this fundraising project. These funds will be used in fellowships, and grants for our members. It can also be used in developing public policy and legal advocacy for affecting women’s lives.

By-Laws: Nancy Bolsen and Marilyn Bunyan – no changes needed at this time

Public Policy: Jean Lee – no report.

League of Women Voters Coordinator: Jean Lee – reported the League of Women Voters’ Candidate Forum with board of education and city commission candidates will be Sunday, October 8, 2017 from 2:00 to 5:00pm at the Fire Station Headquarters at Kimball Ave. and Denison. This will be advertised mainly on Facebook. It will be on Facebook Live.  The League of Women Voters are also sponsoring a Legislative Outlook Public Meeting at Meadowlark Community Room at 2121 Meadowlark Road. This is on Saturday, November 4, 2017 from 9:00-11:00am with coffee and donuts being available. Those invited to speak are Senator Tom Hawk, District 22, Representatives Ron Highland, District 57, Susie Swanson, District 64, Sydney Carlin, District 66, and Tom Phillips, District 67.

State Board Liaison: Nancy Bolsen not present.  Nancy sent National Information about Title IX to our emails.

Webmaster & Newsletter:  Barbara Gatewood announced that the website is updated on most sections. Barbara thanked the National for all their help with the Website. She will show the next program speaker whenever you start using the Facebook page. The Facebook page – is converted from public group to a Facebook Page.  Branch is off of the address. The new address is AAUW Manhattan after the window is open, click on “Like.”

We have four members on Administration Status and four members on the Editor Status for the Facebook Page. The four administrators are Barbara Gatewood, Mary Stamey, Tresa Landis and Katie Kingery-Page. The editors are Connie Noble, Nancy Bolsen, Rachel Miles, and Annelise Nguyen. You will have to contact one of these persons if you want changes or additions on the Facebook Page.

Yearbook: Tresa Landis – 15 Yearbooks still need to be given out.   Connie will email a notice to all members.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW at Kansas State University:   a faculty advisor is no longer possible for an Independent Student Organization at K State. Read the following.

Rachel Miles had agreed to be the Faculty Advisor to the Student AAUW organization but because of a ruling on the K State Campus that Independent Student Organizations will no longer be covered with University’s insurance. These organizations cannot have faculty advisors because they are not covered with their activities with the Independent Student Organizations. As of October 2, 2017 this rule is effective.

It is pointed out that we will need to appoint a new advisor to the Student AAUW organization.  Carly Wright will serve as president of the Student AAUW organization.

Archives: Joan Strickler – thanks to Barbara and Marilyn for many items for the archives.

Branch Scholarship:  Claudia Jones – not present. The scholarships will go into effect in the spring.

National Fellowship and Grants: Rebecca Bahlmann – Mary and Barbara Gatewood will set up a meeting with Rebecca

University Representatives: Rachel Miles and Tara Fronce

Interest Groups: Joan Strickler reported that Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. (note time change) to discuss a chapter from their book.

Meeting for our new members –Karen suggested that we check about Little Apple Brewery. New members would not have to pay. Our Branch will pay for them. 4-6 pm is a possibility.  Karen will check with Little Apple Brewery. It is better if we can get this done by 1st part of November.   We still need someone to take charge of this gathering.

Meeting for New Members
– person needs to volunteer to take charge of this meeting.We need to appoint a new advisor to the Student AAUW Organization.

Our next Branch meeting is November 13, 2017 at the Kansas State University Student Union, in the Flint Hills Room, 7:00 pm.   Traci Scott will present Take Off Your Hoop Earrings Before You Put On Your Gas Mask: A Civilian Chick’s Survival Guide to a War Zone. This is also sponsored by the Women of K- State and the AAUW at K – State Student Organization. Refreshments and networking will happen after the program.

Our Next Board Meeting is Monday, November 6, 2017 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt, Secretary

September 5, 2017
Vista Drive-In, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Mary Stamey, Maurine Pruitt, Marilyn Bunyn, Tersa Landis, Joan Strickler, Barbara Gatewood, Nancy Bolsen, Claudia Jones, and Karen Tinkler.

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: President – Mary Stamey.  Three corrections were made to the agenda for the meeting.

Past President:  Karen Tinkler – no report.

Co-Vice Presidents of Programs:  Connie Noble absent, Tersa Landis present. Tersa handed out the 2017- 2018 AAUW Manhattan (KS) Programs for the 2017-18 year.  Health is overall theme.  The November 13 program is co-sponsored by the AAUW at K-State student organization and with the Women of K-State.  This will be given at the K-State Student Union, Flint Hills Room, at 7:00 pm.  Refugees will be sought to speak at the International Women’s Day program.  This will be held on Thursday March 8, 2018 at the Holiday Inn at the Campus, 1641 Anderson Avenue with a dinner.

Membership Vice-President: Our branch membership is now approximately 65.

Secretary:  Maurine Pruitt distributed minutes from the Board Meeting in June and a Summary of the Survey used were handed out.  Both were accepted as printed.

Treasurer:  In Shauntia Ripee absence, Claudia Jones reported 2017 ending cash balances for May 31 ($ 2,877.78), June 30 ($ 3,105.78), July 31 ($ 2,953.01), and August 31($ 2,618.0).  More dues need to come in.  Eleven members have not paid.  One girl could not participate in the STEM program. The school district gave back the $125 to our branch.

We will put Shauntia Ripee and Mary Stamey on the AAUW Account at Landmark National Bank. The Dillions account is now on-going for donations to our AAUW Branch activities.

Director-at-Large: Marilyn Bunyan reported 20 members have made reservations for dinner and meeting on September 11, 2017 at the First Congregational Church at 6:00pm.  Two members made reservation for the meeting only.  Tersa sends emails for our meeting and dinner to the new members.

AAUW Funds:  Joan Strickler noted that AAUW Funds will be turned in by December 15, 2017.

By-Laws:  Nancy Bolsen and Marilyn Bunyan reported that there were no mandatory changes are needed at this time.

Public Policy:  Jean Lee – absent  –  no report

League of Women Voters Coordinator:  Jean Lee – absent.  It was reported that the League of Women Voters’ Candidate Forum will be Sunday October 8, 2017 from 2:00 – 5:00pm at the Fire Station Headquarters at Kimball Ave. and Denison.

State Board Liaison:  Nancy Bolsen announced the 2018 State AAUW Meeting is in April.  The exact day, time and location will be announced later.  2020 is time of National AAUW Meeting.  It is the 100th anniversary of women winning the right to vote.

Webmaster & Newsletter: Barbara Gatewood distributed a template of the AAUW Website  that contained an outline of the sections, items needed, and who was responsible for getting the information to her for updating each section.  A template for the Newsletter will also be considered by the subcommittee.

Yearbook:  Tersa Landis – these books will be ready by our meeting Monday, September 11.

Faculty Advisor for AAUW @ Kansas State University:  a faculty advisor is no longer possible.  The following was read:  Rachael Miles has agreed to be the Faculty Advisor to the student AAUW organization but because of a ruling on the K-State campus that Independent Student Organization (ISOs) will no longer be covered by University insurance and these organizations cannot have faculty advisors because they are not covered with their activities with the ISOs.  As of October 2, 2017, this rule is effective.  It was pointed out that we will need to appoint a new advisor to the student AAUW organization.  Carly Wright will serve as president of the student organization, AAUW at Kansas State University.

Archives:  Joan Strickler stated that more items are needed.

Branch Scholarship Chair:  Claudia Jones reported the following on STEM and AAUW Scholarships: We will post on K State Today for available scholarships.  This seems to have the most results. We need more support from the Non-Traditional Student Organization.  Chancy Nickel, Sara Prince, and Nancy Bolsen developed the scholarship application, application evaluation rubric, letters to campus student groups and Branches for the Kansas AAUW State Board National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) Scholarship.  These three will also select the winners of the NCCWSL Scholarship.  Tara Terwilliger, a K-State University Student was the first winner of the NCCWSL scholarship in 2016.  Carly Wright, a junior at K-State University was awarded the second NCCWSL scholarship in 2017.

National Fellowship and Grants:  Rebecca Bahlmann – no report.

University Representatives:  Glenda Leung and Tara Fronce.  Because Glenda Leung has moved Rachel Miles was placed on our University Representative list.

Interest Groups:  Joan Strickler reported that Great Decisions will meet the 2nd Thursday at 4:00 p.m. (note time change) to discuss a chapter from their book.

OLD BUSINESS:  From our retreat we do need to develop a Mixer for Partnering our new members with an existing member.   We will need someone to organize this gathering.

Marilyn Bunyan will be applying for an honorary membership for being a member for 50 years.
Marilyn will also fill out an application for Anice Robel for the honorary membership for being a member for 50 years.

Barbara Gatewood reminded us that our AAUW Branch is a 501C4 organization so we can endorse non-partisan candidates.

Panera Bread is expanding to a second location.  We may try to get their meeting room for our Mixer with the new members.

Mary will be gone on a trip next month at our board meeting time – Karen Tinkler will head up the next meeting.

Our next all member meeting is September 11, 2017 at First Congregational Church, 700 Poyntz Avenue, at 6:00pm.  The speaker is Dr. Ellyn R. Mulcahy, Director of the Master in Public Health Program. The topic is Educating the Next Generation of Public Health Providers.

Our Next Board Meeting is Monday, October 2, 2017 at 4:00 pm at Vista Drive In.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Maurine Pruitt, Secretary