July 2021 – June 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
May 2, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

The May branch meeting will be held May 9, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at Meadowlark. There will be a silent auction, installation of officers, and an end of year celebration.  Jane Mullen will assist with the silent auction.

Chris will be reminding us of renewing our memberships. It can be done through the Community Hub.

The April board minutes were approved. Barbara reported that the branch minutes and Club News have been posted.

A memorial for $25 was sent to the state in memory of Jan Freeby.

Linda shared that dinner with the League will be July 7. Karen Hass, a local proponent of reproductive rights is the speaker. The League has election information about the August primary they can share with us. The League is planning to have a table at Juneteenth on June 18. They thanked AAUW for working together on several initiatives.

There were eight Manhattan Branch members that attended the virtual state conference. They had an excellent speaker. The state conference next year will be in Manhattan.

Chris reported that two scholarship recipients have been selected for the summer STEM camp. She sent information to the camp director and notified the parents. She will check when enrollment begins and will get a picture of the girls.

Claudia reported that she doesn’t have figures yet for Grow Green but the match will go to our scholarships.

The board enjoyed an end of year celebration with dinner at La Fiesta.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
April 4, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Attendance: Marlene VerBrugge, Barbara Gatewood, Usha Redding, Mary Stamey, Chris Herald, Karen McCulloh, Kathy Lanksbury, Claudia Jones, Linda Utoff, Suzanne Siepl-Coates, Marianne Korten

Programs: Usha reported that the next Meeting will be a hybrid at Meadowlark on April 11 with dinner at 6:00 and program/meeting at 7:00. Alex VanDyke will be the speaker on Mothers Demand Action. There will be a silent auction and installation of officers at the May meeting, no program.

International Women’s Day had good attendance and there were many positive comments. Barbara posted a write-up on facebook and in the Mercury.

Membership: Chris reported that membership remains at 47.

Minutes were approved as corrected. Stem fee is $120.00, not $150.00.

Barbara reported that she sent the branch minutes and photos of IWD to the Mercury. Several reported that there was a nice turnout for the St. Patrick’s Day parade which included the League of Women Voters and promoted voting. It was suggested that the branch participate in more parades.

Mary presented the budget. $300.00 of $375.00 in sponsorships for IWD has been received. There was a question as to whether the branch had contributed $250.00 to National for the Named Gift Honoree. Marlene will check past minutes to see if this is correct.

Linda Utoff thanked the branch for including LWV in the parade. She announced the following dates: League meeting, April 7, Meadowlark, with Be Able presenting the program; April 12-Voter Registration Day, and April 23-State Conference by zoom.

Claudia Jones presented information on Grow Green Match Day which is April 22. This is a 50% match and one may donate online, by mail, or in person. Forms were passed out for donations. There have been no applicants for our AAUW Scholarship. It was decided to extend the deadline by one month.

Marlene presented the slate of officers. They will be voted upon at the April branch meeting and installed at the May branch meeting.

The next board meeting will be in person on May 2 , 5:30 at La Fiesta; Marlene will treat the board to appetizers and drinks.

Respectfully submitted
Kathy Lanksbury, Board Secretary

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
February 28, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

 Attendance:  Marlene VerBrugge,  Karen McCulloh, Barb DeSantos, Usha Reddy, Mary Stamey, Chris Herald, Marianne Korten, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Barbara Gatewood, Dede Brokesh, Linda Uthoff, Kathy Lanksbury

Reports:  Usha announced that the International Womens Day Observation will be by zoom at 7:00 pm            on Monday, March 7. Five panelists will be presenting; they are from Nigeria, China, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, and the US.  Each panelist will be presented with flowers and a paperweight. On Tuesday, March 8, several members will meet when the city recognizes IWD with a proclamation, 7:00 pm, City Hall. On Wednesday, the Board of Education will issue a proclamation. Mary and Dede will speak on KMAN at 9:30 on Friday morning. Many thanks to the sponsors who are listed on the AAUW Facebook page and in K-State Today.

Marlene will speak to Meadowlark in regard to having the April and May meetings there.  The May meeting will include our annual silent auction.  Jane Mullen will be asked to coordinate this again and proceeds will be donated to the suffering in Ukraine.

Treasurer’s report: Balance on hand is $6,383.89. Mary has received the money for the books that were donated to the library in honor of our program presenters.

There are 47 paid members. The January and February minutes were approved.

Marianne suggested two programs for next year, the Director of MAC and A & H Farms.

Barbara Gatewood will send the Branch minutes to the Manhattan Mercury and will submit the date for IWD to the Mercury calendar. She is participating in a Ukranian Vigil in Aggieville.

Linda Uthoff reported that League of Women Voters will meet Thursday, March 3; the program will be Juvenile Justice. On April 2, LWV will sponsor a Mid-Term Legislative Forum at the Manhattan Library; The Chamber will co-host. Our branch will also co-sponsor. Marlene will relay this information to AAUW membership.

Barb DeSantos mentioned the importance of getting people registered to vote and informed about the Kansas Constitutional Amendment on Reproductive Rights which will come before the legislature on August 2.

Chris announced that March 14 is Pie Day for Habitat for Humanity. She will be sending out information on summer STEM scholarships for two girls, $115.00 per person.

NEW BUSINESS: AAUW will carry the AAUW banner in the St. Patrick’s Day parade on March 19 with LWV. Linda Uthoff is coordinating this; Mary Stamey has t-shirts for participants to wear in the parade.

The following slate of officers was presented:

President    –       Usha Reddi

Vice-President for Membership – Chris Herald

Co-secretaries-   Barbara Gatewood and Kathy Lanksbury

Treasurer –

Co-Vice-Presidents for Programs – Suzanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh, and
Lynn Ewanow

Director-at-Large – Mary Stamey (1 year term) and Pattie Thomas (2 year term)

Election will be in April, Installation in May.  Terms begin with the retreat in July.

Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
February 7, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Present:  Marlene VerBrugge, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Chris Herald, Linda Uthoff , Claudia Jones, Mary Stamey, Barbara Gatewood, Karen McCulloh, Dede Brokesh;  Marianne Korten

Co-vice-presidents of Programs: Usha Reddi, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Dede Brokesh – February 14 meeting is at 6:00 p.m. via zoom. The speaker is Susanne Glymour, Chair of the Committee for Diversity and Inclusion for USD 383.

Report from IWD committee. IWD is March 7 at 7:00 p.m.  IWD will be by Zoom.  Dede prepared poster for website and Facebook as well as sponsorship level flyer and sponsor request talking points for membership.  All documents were reviewed by IWD committee.  Usha is working on setting a February 16 meeting with the panelists and the IWD committee.  All four of the AAUW scholarship winners will be panelists as well as a woman from Afghanistan who used to live in Manhattan.  Mary and Dede will speak on KMAN on March 4 with Usha and Barbara Gatewood as backup.  Barbara has some suggestions for font size and type changes for Facebook and website poster.  Usha invited us to attend the IWD proclamation at the City Commission meeting on March 1 and USD 383 March 2.  Claudia will send the biographies of the scholarship winners to Barbara G.  Usha will ask for biographies and photos of the scholarship winners.  Dede will prepare the Zoom link for the Feb. 14 virtual monthly meeting.

We discussed the possibility for an in-person meeting in April. We will wait to see how the pandemic conditions are before deciding.  Consensus tended to lean toward a hybrid venue.

Vice-president of Membership: Chris Herald – Membership is now at 47, with 8 new members this year.   Marlene has asked Marlene Dick from NY, who is thinking about moving to Meadowlark, to our next meeting as well as Suzanne Bernritter from the KSU Foundation.  When a person joins AAUW in the spring, their membership lasts through the next fiscal year.

Secretary:  – Marlene thanked Dede for taking minutes. January and February board meeting minutes will be reviewed at Feb. 28 board meeting.  For the Feb. 14 meeting, the host will admit participants to the Zoom meeting.

Secretary: Barbara Gatewood – The notice in the Mercury will be modified to include “the monthly meeting” and something like “you are welcome to join us if you would like to hear the speaker, or if you would like to attend as a guest.”  Dede to admit people to Zoom; so, change Zoom settings to admit.  Barbara to request posting on City of MHK website too.

Treasurer: Marianne Korten – Marlene received the $375 refund payment from the Country Club for canceling our meeting during the pandemic. We need to send money to National and we still owe National for the website.  We owe Mary Stamey about $150 for library speaker books.  We received $77.08 from the Dillons Community Rewards program. Our donations from Dillons throughout the year are the equivalent to about 15 memberships.  IWD should hopefully be paid from fundraising.

League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Linda Uthoff – Linda sent an email update from the League.

State Board Liaison: Tresa Landis – State Conference is via zoom on April 23, 9 – 12. Tresa Landis sent a request on behalf of the State Board to ask us for a PowerPoint describing our history and our 100th anniversary.  Dede can help with PowerPoint but needs content from others.  Our yearbooks and agendas/minutes are archived at the Riley County Museum.  Marlene can ask Joan Strickler and Nancy Bolsen for guidance.  Mary can contact the Museum for more information. Barbara mentioned that our recent newsletters were on our website then they were moved to Facebook, however, they may not keep them there very long.

STEM: Chris Herald – Chris sent the board a STEM report.  She contacted the STEM coordinator.  We don’t know yet what the girls will be charged.  If cost is not within our $100 budget for STEM scholarships, we can ask for donations. Scholarship applications will be sent to schools in late April by Chris.  Two individuals during this meeting mentioned that they were willing to personally support scholarships.  Claudia said that the money in our Greater Manhattan Community Foundation funds have the stipulation in the donor’s will that the money is to be used for KSU scholarships only.  The STEM program is a USD 383 program.  Chris will prepare a form for the application.

She has a number of membership palm cards that she dropped off at the library and the Chamber of Commerce and has more that she can take to them and perhaps the Dusty Bookshelf and the League of Women Voters.  Also, we can hand them out at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Aggieville on March 19 at 1 pm.  Karen Hummel has the banner we can use at the parade.  Invite scholarship recipients to attend parade as well as e-affiliates.  Marlene will contact LWV about partnering for the parade.

NEW BUSINESS: Memorial for Judy Cattell.  Dede moved and Mary seconded a motion to send $25 to the Sunflower Garden through the State and then to National in memory of Judy.  Motion passed. Marlene will send instructions for sending check to the State to Marianne.

Nominating Committee – A slate will be presented at the March board meeting and emailed to members. We will vote in April and install officers in May.  Usha is President-elect.  Susanne and Dede will continue as co-chairs for programs.  Marianne will continue as Treasurer.  Barbara G. can take meeting minutes.  Marlene will ask Kathy if she will continue as secretary for board minutes.  Chris will continue as Membership chair and can reach out to another member to shadow her.  Susanne will ask Lynn if she would serve on the program committee as a co-chair.  For Director-at-Large, Mary has one more year.  Marlene will ask Karen McCulloh if she wants another term.  A Director-at-Large attends board meetings and can contribute as needed at the discretion of the President.

Next Board Meeting:   February 28, 5:30 p.m., via Zoom (A week earlier than usual because of IWD)

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
January 3, 2022, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

AAUW Board Meeting Notes
January 3, 2022, 5: 30 pm via Zoom virtual meeting

In attendance:  Usha Reddi (presiding), Marlene Verbrugge,  Linda Uthoff, Barb DeSanto, Chris Herald, Barbara Gatewood, Karen McCulloh, Dede Brokesh

Notes by: Dede Brokesh

For the January 10, 2022 meeting, we will meet via Zoom because of the rise of Covid cases in Manhattan.  Usha will email the speakers to let them know and send them an image of themselves to receive approval to post the image on the AAUW Manhattan Facebook page.  David and Sonya Baker will be the speakers about the Douglass Activity Center at the January 10, 2022 meeting at 6:30 pm via Zoom.  Dede will create the Zoom link and send it to Marlene for distribution.

Barbara G. will update the Facebook page and website with the Baker’s images and program information.

International Women’s Day:  Usha, Dede, and Barbara G. met regarding planning for IWD.  It is suggested to invite refugees resettling in Manhattan and discuss topics related to the AAUW National theme “Break the Bias.”  Possible questions could relate to the following:

Why did they pick the US?
What are the biases that are here and in their home countries?
What problems do they face acclimating to the US?
How can MHK citizens help them acclimate?
What differences do they face as women refugees versus men and children?
Breaking the bias transcends gender with regard to pay equity, religion, and one’s culture.

Usha to contact Catholic Charities, Aaron Eastabrook, and Susan Adamchak and Barbara G. to contact World Friendship in order to learn of potential panelists.

Dede to send sponsorship letter and sponsor benefits documents to Marlene, Usha, Barbara G., and Linda.  Linda to meet with League of Women Voters to inquire about joint sponsor outreach and joint hosting of IWD.

Membership:  We have 47 members, Kathleen Jones joined in December.  There are 24 student members from KSU.  Marlene to work on student list and potentially invite them to one of our upcoming meetings.   Dede can help as needed.

The minutes from the last board meeting will be reviewed in February.

Branch minutes have been posted on the website.  The Mercury article will be submitted with the date for next week’s meeting.

Reviewed treasurer’s report sent via email.  Current balance is $6,190.65.

Barbara G.  has volunteered to pay for last month’s speaker’s meal.

LWV:  January meeting is cancelled and February meeting will be virtual because of Covid uptick.  Kevin Bryant was awarded the Good Governance Award.  He donated his $500 earnings to the MLK committee.  Their main topic of outreach at this time is gerrymandering.  People need to have a voice in elections by fair districting.

Barb D. reported on public policy and attended an AAUW meeting that discussed building consensus in public policy and reaching out to KSU students.

Barbara G. reported that the website is up-to-date and trying to receive bill from AAUW National regarding web hosting.

Marlene printed the yearbook and has mailed the printed versions.  The long version needs to be updated.

Chris reported on STEM.  She sent notes to the board and it described book lists from Mighty Girl and Science Friday.  To belong to AAUW, a person needs an associate’s degree.

AAUW conference for 2023:  Marlene will as Tresa for guidance.  April, third week, is the typical time frame.

Marlene has a list of National members in Kansas that could be invited to our virtual meetings.  It will take some time to add them to our mailing list.

Marlene received correspondence from Caroline Pickens from McClean, Virginia, originally from Wichita, praising our branch on the 100 year accomplishment noted in a recent AAUW publication.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
December 6, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Attendance:  Marlene VerBrugge, Usha Reddi, Karen McCulloh, Marianne Korten, Mary Stamey,  Barbara Gatewood, Barb DeSanto, Chris Herald, Linda Uthoff, Dede Brokesh

Officer Reports:
President: The next Membership Matters from AAUW will have our 100th anniversary write-up from Marlene with Barbara’s photos.

Program: Usha will send the zoom link to Deb Kluttz and introduce her at the meeting. She will also check to see if she will be doing a PowerPoint presentation. Marlene paid for the speaker’s meal last month.  Barbara Gatewood will pay for December speaker’s meal. Dede will host the zoom option for the meeting. Mary has name tags & book and will give them to Marlene.  Thirteen have signed up for in-person with 12 for dinner so far. Five have indicated the zoom option to date. A reminder will be sent on Tuesday.

Membership: Chris reported that we have 46 members. She encouraged us to continue to contact members who haven’t renewed and potential members. We are close to our goal of 50 members. Dues are $83.  Members who haven’t renewed for two years are eligible for Shape-the-Future which is half-price dues.  Barbara G. will check on the amount for mid-year dues.

Secretary: Dede moved and Marianne seconded to approve the November board minutes.  Motion passed.

Treasurer: Marianne is waiting for reimbursement from Country Club.  Marlene has contacted them several times and was last told the check was in the mail. Barbara G. has asked for bill from National for website. Idea from Marianne would be a 100th anniversary shirt or other item. Donations to the National AAUW Fund should be sent to Marianne by Dec. 17. Marlene will find out how the funds are sent to National. The balance as of December 2 is $5,960.65.

LWV – Linda asked if anyone has heard more about redistricting?  Marlene suggested that Women for Kansas might have information. The KC Star had an article that Dede will send to Linda.

Check the League’s website for information about January’s Dinner with the League.

Public Policy: There will be an AAUW webinar on Dec. 15 at 2:00 p.m. CST titled — Exploring Tough Policy Issues through an AAUW Lens: Political and Non-Partisan. Marlene and Barb plan to attend. Barb noted other public policy issues to keep an eye on, one being the Supreme Court case on abortion from State of Mississippi.

Website: Barbara G. has made updates to website including adding the palm card.  The printed version of the Yearbook has been posted to the Members Only section.  Password is all lower case.  There are two listings for the Yearbook – the print version is complete and the web version is in progress.  Minutes have been posted and meeting announcements added.  The website is manhattan-ks.aauw.net.

STEM: Chris sent a STEM report via email. She attended November 8 National AAUW STEM webinar.  Women are not going into the STEM fields.

Usha will contact the Bakers regarding meeting at Douglass Center in January so we can tour the facilities.  If it’s possible to meet at Douglass Center, we’ll order sandwiches. If it doesn’t work out, we’ll go to Meadowlark.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next board meeting is January 3 at 5:30 p.m. via zoom.

After the meeting adjourned and some had left the zoom, Marianne shared that she will be receiving the Commerce Bank Presidential Faculty Award for Distinguished Services to Historically Underrepresented Students.  The announcement will be made public in January around MLK week.

Congratulations, Marianne!

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
November 1, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

President’s Remarks: Marlene VerBrugge shared that AAUW is celebrating their 140th anniversary. There will be a celebratory virtual event on November 17 at 3 p.m. They will also be sharing branch milestones at the event and in future Membership Matters newsletters. We will be sending information about our 100th anniversary.

Programs: Usha Reddi reported that the next branch meeting is November 8 at the Meadowlark event Center in the Bison Room at 6:00 p.m. and via zoom at 6:30 p.m. Dede Brokesh will set up the zoom. Shari Crittendon, K-State General Counsel, is the speaker. Usha will see about putting our meeting notices on the Mercury calendar. The December meeting will be at Meadowlark with Deb Klutz speaking about Homestead, a long-term facility for survivors of human trafficking. We will collect funds or items needed by the shelter for our “month of giving.”

Membership: Chris Herald reported that we have 43 members. She is still working on a few renewals.

Secretary: The minutes of the October 11 board meeting were approved. Barbara Gatewood submitted the October branch minutes to the Mercury Club News section.

Treasurer: Marianne Korten presented the budget report. There is a balance of $5,741.98 in the account. A discussion was held on fundraising with the possibility of teaming with the League of Women Voters on a fundraiser.

AAUW Funds: It’s time to collect for the National Fund. Checks can be given to Marianne Korten at the meeting or sent to her at 814 Osage, 66502.

League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Linda Uthoff shared information about public comments on redistricting in the state.

Public Policy: Barb DeSanto report on a virtual meeting she attended about redistricting.

Webmaster: Barbara Gatewood has posted information on the website and on our Facebook page.

Yearbook:  Marlene reported that the final draft of the printed version will be sent soon.

STEM: Chris Herald reported that National AAUW will have a webinar on November 8 at 3:00 p.m. CST on Women in STEM.

Next Board Meeting:   December 6, 5:30 p.m., via Zoom

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
October 4, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Marlene VerBrugge welcomed the board members to the October board meeting.

Program: Usha reported that the next branch meeting is a hybrid meeting on October 11 in the Bison Room at the Meadowlark Event Center at 6:00 p.m. The Zoom attendees are requested to sign on at 6:30 and the program will begin at approximately 6:45. The League of Women Voters will be joining us for this meeting. Rich Vargo, Riley County Clerk, will be the speaker. He will give voting updates and discuss changes to the voting rules, advance voting, mail-in ballots, and what to expect on the ballots.

Membership: Chris gave an update on memberships. Marlene requested information from new members for the yearbook.

Secretary: The minutes of the September board meeting were approved.

Treasurer: Marianne gave an update on the budget.

AAUW Funds: Marlene reported that the Branch will be accepting donations in October, November, and December for the Branch contribution to the AAUW National Fund. Bring a check to the meeting or send one to the treasurer, Marianne.

League of Women Voters/Public Policy Coordinator: Marlene announced that the new liaison from the LWV is Linda Uthoff. Welcome Linda!

Public Policy: Barb shared some of the topics being followed by AAUW. Check the website for information about pay equity, civil rights, and abortion rights.

Webmaster: Barbara reported that she is working on new sub-categories for the website.

Yearbook:  Marlene announced that a draft of the printed version of the yearbook will be available by the October branch meeting. All members will need to check their yearbook information and send corrections to Marlene.

STEM: Chris sent her STEM report viz email. Please share the information with others who may be interested in these STEM activities.

New Business: The state AAUW announced there will be a Town Hall meeting on October 9 at 9:30 a.m.

Announcements: The Great Decisions group will meet on October 21 at 3:30 p.m.

Next Board Meeting: November 1, 5:30 p.m., via Zoom

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Via Zoom
September 6, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

In attendance:  Marlene VerBrugge, Mary Stamey, Dede Brokesh, Barb DeSanto, Karen Hummel, Kathy Lanksbury, Karen McCulloh & Marianne Korten.

President’s Remarks:  Marlene welcomed everyone to a new AAUW year and noted that much was accomplished in the last two retreats.

Program:  Dede reported that she is waiting on confirmation from the speaker for the May 8 meeting. She is working on the brochure listing the programs for the coming year; she will await review and approval by the committee.

Karen Hummel reported that Rich Vargo cancelled the program he was to give to League of Women Voters September meeting. She, therefore, suggested that LWV be invited to the AAUW September meeting by zoom.  Rich Vargo will be asked to present by zoom and LWV will be invited to join our meeting. There was discussion about other groups who are meeting in person, by zoom, or by hybrid. It was decided that our September meeting will be a hybrid meeting.  The meeting will be held at Meadowlark for those who wish to attend in person; masks will be required when not eating.

Membership: Mary reported that there are 38 paid members, 14 not paid, and 3 who have chosen not to renew.

Dede moved to approve the minutes as amended by adding the word MINUTES to the heading, adding KANSAS to the Humanities grant, and last initials to the 2 Karens’ names.  Karen H. agreed to take the minutes at the September Branch meeting.

Budget: Marianne reported that she has not received the refund from the Country Club; Marlene will check on this. Marianne presented the proposed budget, noting that neither income nor expenses are firm. The projected income is $1,500.00 and the current bank balance is $5,720.57. It was decided to delete NCCWSL and AAUW Funds from expenses. After much discussion regarding securing sponsorships for our monthly programs, it was decided against having monthly sponsors at this time and targeting sponsors for International Women’s Day. Kathy moved and Marianne seconded to approve the amended budget, which will be presented at the September 13 Branch meeting.

Public Policy:  no report

Yearbook: Marlene reported that the updates are nearly finished and that the new yearbooks will be distributed at the October meeting.

The AAUW and LWV banners have been located!  Karen H. has them.

There was discussion on the possibility of collaborating with the local Girls on the Run, which is a non-profit organization which inspires girls 8-13 to be joyful, healthy, and confident through after-school programs and a run; further information is needed. Mary explained that she works with a local librarian to secure a book to present to each of our monthly speakers.

Interest Groups:  Nancy Bolsen will continue to lead Serendipity and Mary will send an email regarding Great Discussions.

The next Board meeting will be by zoom at 5:30 on Monday, October 4.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Lanksbury, Board Secretary