Manhattan Branch AAUW
Board of Directors Zoom Retreat Meeting
August 16, 2021
In attendance: Marlene VerBrugge, Usha Reddi, Karen Hummel, Karen McCulloh, Barbara
Gatewood, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Kathy Lanksbury and Dede Brokesh (by phone)
President’s Remarks: Marlene updated the group on members who were traveling and having
medical issues. Nancy Bolsen has requested to go off the board, but plans to attend branch
meetings. Marlene reported that there are 53 members; nineteen of these have not paid dues
and will be contacted regarding renewal.
Program: Usha and Susanna reported that the following programs have been confirmed:
October-Stacy Knoell;
November-Shari Crittendon, general counsel for KSU;
January-David & Sonya Baker
February-Suzanne Gilmore
They have not yet heard from Women for Kansas. Friends of the Kaw are to be contacted.
Karen and Barbara had further discussion of program possibilities, including Nell Donnelly and
other notable women in the garment industry.
Meetings: It was decided that the September meeting will be by zoom; Usha and others
expressed support for meeting by zoom. The decision to meet in person or by zoom will be
made each month, as dictated by local Covid numbers. The zoom component will also be
available when we do meet in person. Manhattan Country Club will give us a refund since we
will not be meeting there.
Yearbook: Marlene and Dede will be updating the yearbook and it will be distributed when
update is complete.
Website: Barbara needs more info before she can give us an update.
Other Information: The budget will be presented at the October meeting. Claudia is going to
work on a history of the AAUW Scholarship. Marlene asked us to consider ideas for a fundraiser
for the AAUW account. Karen Hummel reported that the League of Women Voters has a dinner
meeting on the 1st Thursdays. They met in August and learned how city entities work together.
Rich Vargo will present the program at Meadowlark on September 2, “Changes in Voting Laws”
& “Understanding the Issues.” Usha suggested that we ask Rich Vargo to present the program
for our September 13 meeting. Questions for Rich that evening should be sent to Usha in
advance. Dede reported that we have submitted the Humanities Grant for $108.25 for our
website and recruitment efforts.
The next Board meeting will be by zoom at 5:30 on September 7. The next branch meeting will
be by zoom at 6:30 on Sept. 13.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kathy Lanksbury, Board Secretary