July 2022 – June 2023 Retreat Minutes

AAUW Board Retreat
July 16, 2022, 9 am to noon
Manhattan Public Library

In attendance: Usha Reddi, Kathleen Jones, Claudia Jones, Marlene VerBrugge, Jan Carlson, Tresa Landis, Mary Stamey, Chris Herald, Susanne Siepl-Coates, Lynn Ewanow, Barb DeSanto (via internet), Dede Brokesh

Usha discussed the AAUW Five-Star National Recognition Program which aligns with AAUW strategic plan and provides a starting point for our branch to be more intentional in our programs, initiatives, goals, and priorities. The five categories: Advancement; Governance & Sustainability; Programs; Communications & External Relations. After much dialogue it was decided to try to achieve the following goals in the chart.

Category Criteria AAUW MHK Branch plan Completed
Advancement Retain at least 90% of branch membership Sustain membership  
  Increase contributions to the Greatest Needs Fund by 25% from the last fiscal year. Give online; no designation; check our contribution from last year  
  Make a branch affiliate contribution to the Greatest needs Fund in honor of AAUW’s 140th Anniversary Decide how much to donate  
Public Policy & Research Appoint a branch policy chair that collaborates with the state public policy chair. Barb DeSanto policy chair  
  Conduct an annual meeting with a member of the Congress, Governor, or a member of their staff around a strategic plan focus. Branches in the same state can work in coalition to achieve this goal. Plan to organize one to have in January  
  Host at least one event where there is an opportunity to sign up for the Action Network. Have Chris/Mary can help with Action Network  
Governance & Sustainability Branch board institutes a succession plan to ensure new ideas and perspectives are included in future leadership Need to work on succession plan  
  Branch board develops and uses a strategic plan that aligns with AAUW national strategic plan. Need to develop a strategic plan  
  Appoint a Diversity Officer to lead diversity and inclusion planning on behalf of the branch with the support of the board (Diversity Officer done not need to be a board member and does not require a change in bylaws). Need to appoint a diversity officer  
Programs Host at least 4 mission-based programs that align with the AAUW National strategic plan (At least 2 programs must have a DEI focus and at least 1 must be in collaboration with 1 or more branches in the state) Programs committee-At four programs will align with AAUW National strategic plan; at 2 will have DEI focus; at 1 will be in collaboration with other branches in KS  
Communications & External Relations All existing website and social media accounts have at least 3-5 postings with DEI focus Work with Barbara  

Rest to the meeting minutes:

  1. Meeting venue: Decided on hybrid format. Usha will contact venues
  2. Goals: Look at GMCF for grant for International Women’s Day to promote diversity in community, Keeting Foundation for educational grants and more scholarships, National recognition program
  3. Membership: 52 members including 1 graduate student. My affiliations > three dots > export names or renew and donations.  Only Chris and President have access.
  • Cathy Hedge is now a member.  Online renewal neighbor listed twice.  Keep track of when people become members.  1 lifetime member pays State and local = Debbie Nuss.  Honorary life members do not pay = State & local, not National.  Marilyn Bunyan is honorary.  Carolyn Dickson is honorary member = 50 years so done paying dues.  Deb Nuss is paid just not National.  Three have renewed.  Look for Chris Herald’s email 2 weeks ago to renew membership.
  • Reach out to women at K-State who are not active anymore.  Started by Noel and Linton pulled our KSU membership affiliation.  Contact Randi Dale re: membership.  Have a fair at first of school year at KSU re: organizations.  Women in Science and Engineering Dean’s level position – Charly Baird.  Women in Design.  Figure out how to have more presence on campus.  Present at one of their clubs.  Also Flint Hills Job Corps or MATC.  Women’s organizations like KAWS.  Student affiliate chapter is dissolved.  K-State pays National for membership.  We can’t get student chapter started.  There is a women & girls focus in Rotary and KSU student Rotary club.  Small cards to hand out at meetings with talking points.  Like on a business card.  A tea for e-affiliates.  Goal is 50 members.  Add a calendar feature to website.  Put on Facebook an event page.  Have an anonymous exit survey.  Happy Dollars re: something to celebrate: Donate because “my daughter is getting married” type of idea.  Goal is 55 members = 10% increase.  We are at 52 now.
  1. Programs: K-State Women’s Studies, True Colors – LGBTQ, Be Able – homeless, Breadbasket – food insecurity, state speaker with state level; Doug Barrett MHK Chamber Black Business Owners of the Flint Hills.  We meet 2nd Monday of September and any month at 6 pm, program at 6:45 pm.  Regina Platt – YMCA “See Me Too” inspirational speaker at State Conference. Copy Usha.  Combine True Colors and Be Able.  October 12 Indigenous People’s Day.  Focus on Native Americans as AAUW State theme.  Middle of August get programs.  Celebrate in May.  January legislators.  No donations as a group for holiday party.
  2. Public Policy:  Presentation program from K-State Women’s Studies program.  Connect with Women in Media and Communications.  We reached out to these legislators and these are their responses. Partner with LWV to be an informed voter.  Men not being held accountable at all with this constitutional amendment.  Look at what legislators are doing.  Keep track of AAUW priorities.  Track voting records and comments re: issues not political.  Research actions re: postcard writing campaign so people understand what it means.  Create public policy reading list – where are the documents and what are key people saying about it.  Sign up for Congressional newsletters and KS VA is underfunded.  See what other chapters are doing. Research actions.  Kansas Action Network to alert us even in when issues are in committees to hold people accountable.  Where do we stand on policy?   Pose as questions.  Where do you stand on this?  Ask a question.
  3. STEM: 2 scholarships. One lady could not get transportation to attend.  April applications – at end of April they are due.  Only for 383 students and MHK Catholic schools.  Student to speak to group or promo video to class.  Neshell Hatley is National STEM coordinator.  Goal 10 applications for summer camp.  July 30 Iris sale at KSU Gardens.  Recruit to reply.  B&G Club or church. PTOs.  6th & &6h STEM varies.  $120 max. varies on need.
  4. Yearbook: Have members pay for printing with a pre-order.  Usha will ask FedEx about printing. Claudia will ask about storage of records at the Museum.
  5. We host April 22, 2022 Saturday AAUW State Conference. Cost for branch?  There is a registration fee.  State has funds.  Branch can donate for hospitality.  Register from February to end of March. 
  6. Idea – grant committee and grant chair
  7. Idea – DEI coordinator