The Manhattan Branch offers scholarships through the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation to non-traditional women students attending Kansas State University. For the 2025-2026 academic year, the Branch is excited to be able to award up to four incentive grants. Each incentive grant will be for a minimum of $1,000. One incentive grant will be a $1,500 award due to a generous Trust donation given by former member Mavis Fletcher!
Candidates must be considered full-time according to K-State standards and have at least two complete semesters of credit remaining before graduation to qualify. Students taking courses solely through distance education are not eligible. Candidates must be returning to school after at least a three (3) year lapse in education, which does not have to be continuous. Applicants may have already returned to college after the time lapse.
Please click here to download the application: 2025-26 AAUW Scholarship Application
Applications should be submitted no later than April 18, 2025.